एईआरबी का लक्ष्य यह सुनिश्चित करना है कि भारत में आयनीकारक विकिरण तथा नाभिकीय ऊर्जा के कारण लोगों के स्वास्थ्य एवं पर्यावरण को किसी भी प्रकार का अवांछित जोखिम न हो ।


Inauguration of new building of SRRC, Chennai

On 29th day of November 2018, new building of Southern Regional Regulatory Centre (SRRC) of AERB at DAE Nodal Centre, Pallavaram, Chennai was inaugurated by Shri. S. A. Bhardwaj, Chairman, AERB in presence of Dr. Arun Kumar Bhaduri, Director, IGCAR, Professor V. Arvind, Director, IMSc and Shri. H.E. Harsha, CEO, Cantonment Board, Chennai. Chief Managing Director (CMD) of BHAVINI, Station Director of MAPS, Shri V.Balasubramaniyan, Director, NSARG, AERB along with other senior officials from AERB, IGCAR, BHAVINI, NPCIL were also present in this function. The ceremony began with unveiling of inaugural plaque followed by welcome address. Shri. K. Srivasista, Director, R&DD, AERB welcomed the gathering and briefed about history and journey of SRRC. Shri. Dinesh Kumar Shukla, Executive Director, AERB delivered keynote address, where he mentioned about importance and role of regional regulatory centers of AERB. In his inaugural speech, Director, IGCAR talked about history of DAE Nodal center at Chennai, where offices of various DAE Units would be established in future. Chairman, AERB in his presidential speech emphasized on public awareness on radiation safety and importance of decentralized regulation. The program ended with vote of thanks delivered by Dr. R. M. Nehru, Officer-in-Charge, SRRC, AERB. A tree plantation program was organized in the premises of the new building.

विजिटर काउण्ट: 4728059

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