Page 37 - AERB
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Multi Pin Chopper in FRFCF                           Laser based Pin Bow In FRFCF

        (ZFF) are being setup at Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC),  design basis for OESC at all sites except NAPS has been
        Kota. In first phase, two modules each of 250 TPA PFFF  reviewed and accepted. Following the accepted criteria,
        and 65 TPA ZFF will be set up and 100 TPA Zircaloy  OESC is being designed for an earthquake level of 1.2
        Fabrication  Facility will be added  in second phase  in  times the safe shutdown earthquake, and qualified for
        near future.                                          beyond design basis earthquake applicable for the site.

            NFC-Kota application for plant construction consent  1.3 OPERATING NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS
        was reviewed and AERB issued construction consent on       AND RESEARCH REACTORS
        February 05, 2018 with certain stipulations. Compliance
        to these stipulations  is being verified  through  RIs.  1.3.1 Operational Safety Review
        Currently civil and structural works for Plant and Non-
        Plant Buildings are being carried out in NFC-Kota.        AERB carries out safety review and surveillance of
                                                              operating  NPPs  & Research Reactors following multi-
        B.4 Away from Reactor Spent Fuel Storage Facility of  tier review process. Exhaustive  review takes place
            KKNPP-1&2                                         during review of application for renewal of licence for
                                                              operation  and resolution  of other safety issues that
            NPCIL has earlier submitted siting application  for  would emanate during plant operation. Currently there
        Away From Reactor (AFR) of KKNPP-1&2 along with  are 22 operating  NPPs in  the  country. The  details  of
        supporting documents. Review of Site Evaluation  these NPPs  indicating  their capacity,  commencement
        Report (SER) is completed. NPCIL submissions  of operation and validity of current operating licence is
        addressing clarifications sought on Post  Irradiation  given in Table 1.4.
        Examinations  (PIE) to be considered for AFR with
        regard to  Radiological Impact Assessment  (RIA) were   1.3.2  Consents  /  Clearances  / Permissions
        reviewed.                                                   Issued
        B.5 Construction of On-site Emergency Support
                                                                  AERB renews licences for operation  of NPPs
             Centre (OESC) at Operating NPP                   under the Atomic Energy Act, 1962 (and rules framed

            With regard to operating plants, AERB reviewed the  thereunder), the Factories Act, 1948 and authorization
        analysis and design reports for construction of On-site  for safe disposal / transfer of radioactive waste under
        Emergency Support Centre (OESC) at KAPP site. The  GSR-125 for next 5 years on satisfactory safety review.

                                                                                      AERB Annual Report 2019  9
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