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Civil construction and erection of equipment/         Design of GHAVP-1&2 is similar to KAPP-3&4 and
        components are under progress in RAPP-7&8. In RAPP-7,  RAPP-7&8, except for site specific changes. PSARs of
        IC Dome Concreting and Pre-stressing activities have been  GHAVP-1&2 as required for FPC, have been reviewed
        completed. Erection of feeders, steam generators(SG),  with a focus on  design/layout  differences in  GHAVP
        PDHRS tanks, and pressuriser has been completed.  w.r.t. KAPP-3&4 and site-specific features.
        Erection of safety and safety related piping and equipment
        is under progress. In RAPP-8 North & South SG vault   (iii)   KAIGA-5&6
        132M EL and IC wall construction including ring beam      AERB received an application  for Siting Consent
        has been completed.                                   for two units of 700MWe PHWRs at Kaiga (Kaiga Units
            AERB Site Observer Teams (SOT) were deputed at    - 5&6) from NPCIL along with Site Evaluation Report
        Kakrapar and Rajasthan Site for physical verification of   (SER) and reports  on other related topical studies in
        compliances and to witness various activities.        December 2018.  Detailed review of  submissions is
                                                              being carried out by Site Evaluation Committee (SEC).
                                                              Review of reports pertaining to impact of site on plant,
                                                              plant  on site, and  other identified  aspects are under
                                                              review. Site evaluation  committee for KAIGA–5&6
                                                              visited Kaiga site to obtain first-hand knowledge of site
                                                              characteristics. Subsequently, NPCIL has also submitted
                                                              the application for Excavation Consent for KAIGA-5&6
                                                              in October 2019.  The application and accompanying
                                                              reports were reviewed by AERB to ascertain its adequacy,
                                                              considering the requirements of AERB/NPP&RR/SG/G-
                                                              1 and observations on the same were communicated to
                      RAPP-7&8 Main Plant Area
        (ii) GHAVP-1&2                                        Highlights  of  Safety  Review  of  PHWRs  under
            Subsequent to grant of excavation consent by AERB,
        NPCIL commenced the excavation activities for main        Main aspects of KAPP-3&4 and RAPP-7&8 safety
        plant buildings of GHAVP–1&2. Ground improvement  review included  revised PSARs,  Commissioning
        by  replacing  soil  by  compacted  soil-cement  has  been  Procedures,  Commissioning  Reports,  Proposed
        undertaken to address the potential liquefaction concerns.  Technical Specifications for Operation, KAPP-3 Primary
        Excavation and ground improvement works at the site is  Containment (PC) Integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT) and
        nearing completion.                                   Structural Integrity Test (SIT) reports, IV&V of Computer
                                                              based systems  (CBS), Environmental  Qualification
            NPCIL application for FPC of GHAVP-1&2 is         Reports and  basis of acceptance of identified equipment
        under review at AERB. Preliminary analysis and design   etc.
        of safety related structures considering the inputs of
        geotechnical investigations have been reviewed by  (a) KAPP-3 Primary Containment Integrated
        AERB. Considering the characteristics of founding strata   Leak Rate Test (ILRT)
        viz-a-viz configuration and layout of structures, combined
        pile-raft type of foundation system is proposed for certain   As part of pre-commissioning  activities for
        safety related structures and raft foundation is proposed   KAPP-3, the full pressure structural integrity  test
        for others. Confirmatory geotechnical investigations and   and integrated leak rate test of the containment
        initial pile load tests are under progress. These tests were   was conducted.  AERB  officers witnessed the tests
        also witnessed by AERB. Finalization of analysis/design   as independent observers. Procedures of ILRT and
        considering  the  inputs  from  confirmatory  geotechnical   KAPP-3 PC ILRT report were reviewed. The results
        investigations and initial pile test results are under progress.  of structural integrity tests are under review.

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