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Safety reviews related to the consenting decisions  identified safety factors. The PSR facilitates a cumulative
           and safety monitoring during various stages are carried  assessment of plant  ageing,  modifications,  safety
           out through multi-tier safety committees. The committees  performance, advances in science and technology and
           include experts  in relevant fields including  process  feedback of  operating experience. The PSR  provides
           design, control and instrumentation, thermal hydraulics,  opportunities for identifying and implementing  safety
           structural analysis, reactor physics, seismology  etc.  upgrades/enhancements  in  the plants  as well as the
           relevant  to nuclear  and radiation  safety. The higher  regulatory programmes,  as necessary. This regulatory
           level committees include  experts  from academia,  approach ensures that the safety levels of the plants are
           national  R&D institutes and government bodies. The  maintained and enhanced to remain comparable with
           multi-tiered system of safety review follows the principle  the contemporary safety standards /practices throughout
           of  “management by  exception”,  following graded  the operating life of the plant.
           approach and is based on principles, requirements and
           criteria specified by AERB in its regulatory documents.  Review of Security Aspects

               In this approach, the issues of greater significance   AERB has also been entrusted with the responsibility
           are given consideration  at higher  level committees  of review and assessment of nuclear  security aspects
           for their satisfactory resolution.  Recommendations  (having impact on safety) for different types of nuclear
           of  these committees concerning various safety  issues  facilities in India. AERB has issued various regulatory
           and consents  are further considered by  AERB for  documents specifying nuclear security requirements in
           arriving at regulatory decisions. This arrangement  this regard.  Depending  on  the  project  stage, security
           ensures comprehensiveness of the reviews and effective  aspects are reviewed  against  relevant  regulatory
           compliance with the specified requirements. Additionally,  requirements. Multi-tier approach is adopted for review
           AERB carries out periodic  regulatory inspections  to  of security aspects also.
           check conformance  with regulatory requirements  and
           consenting conditions.                                   The safety status of the nuclear facilities, significant
                                                                 events and enforcement actions during the year 2019
               The licence for operation of the facilities is  are covered in the following sections.
           given  after ensuring  its satisfactory construction  and
           commissioning as per the approved design, complying  1.2  NUCLEAR            FACILITIES          UNDER
           with the quality requirements and the specified safety/   CONSTRUCTION
           regulatory requirements.  The  licence  for operation
           is  given with a specified validity period. Renewal of   AERB has established an elaborate system for in-
           licence for operation is considered based on separate  depth safety review of Nuclear Power Projects (NPP) and
           application along with a comprehensive safety review as  Fuel Cycle Facilities (FCF) that are under construction.
           per the laid down requirements and process.           For this purpose, different stages of ‘regulatory consent’
                                                                 have been identified as following:
               In the case of operating NPPs, there is requirement
           for carrying  out a comprehensive  periodic  safety      During  year 2019,  the status of various nuclear
           review (PSR) once in ten years, as per the laid down  power projects and fuel cycle facilities under  siting,
           requirements. The PSR involves a thorough assessment  construction and commissioning are being reviewed by
           of the safety of the plant in comparison with the current  AERB are presented in Table 1.1 and 1.2 respectively.
           safety requirements and practices, covering a number of

                    Siting                              Construction                           Commissioning

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