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of safety information  through its web-site by posting    Shri Nageswara Rao, during his address, emphasised
        video  films, radiation  safety awareness posters was  benefits accrued to patients from the advances in
        continued. One such video film on ‘Radiation Safety in  Radiotherapy, Nuclear  Medicine  and Diagnostic
        Fluoroscopy’ was developed and posted on the website.  Radiology. Each technique caters to a specific clinical
        Also, participated in Science and Technology fairs for  requirement, from simple diagnostic X-ray unit to
        displaying exhibits on the safety and regulatory aspects  life saving interventional  units. Chairman, AERB
        of nuclear and radiation  facilities. Apart  from above  further emphasized on the role of Medical Physicists
        mentioned activities, AERB provided timely response to  in delivering  the benefits of advanced  diagnostic and
        queries posted by the members of public.              treatment  modalities  to patients.  Chairman’s address
                                                              underlined the mission of AERB as a regulatory authority
                                                              in regulating huge number of facilities throughout the
                                                              country. At the same time, he called upon the utility to
                                                              bear primary responsibility of safety.

                                                                  The details of  AERB  initiatives for  engaging with
                                                              stakeholders and public accountability are presented in
                                                              Chapter- 8 and 9.

                                                              Human        Resource       Development        and


                                                                  AERB is in the process of augmenting its technical
                                                              manpower. This year AERB has inducted postgraduates
                                                              through AERB Graduate Fellowship Scheme (AGFS) in
            Association  of Medical  Physicists of India  (AMPI)  IIT Bombay and IIT Madras and through training schools
        organised its 40th Annual Conference ‘AMPICON-2019’  of BARC, IGCAR, NFC and transfer of experienced
        in Kolkata during November 7 to 9, 2019. The theme of  personnel  from  operating  plants and R&D institutes.
        the conference was “Medical Physics in Patient Care”.  As on December 31, 2019, the scientific and technical
        Shri G. Nageswara Rao, Chairman, AERB was  the  manpower in AERB was 342.
        Guest of Honour and he shared the dais with Hon’ble
        Governor of West Bengal, Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar, who       As a part  of competence development,  AERB
        was the Chief Guest.                                  continued  to train its  staff  by organising  training
                                                              programmes,  management  development  programmes
                                                              (MDP), workshops, on-job training at nuclear /radiation
                                                              facilities, refresher courses, technical  talks, colloquia,
                                                              participation in DAE’s Administrative Training Institute
                                                              (ATI) etc.

                                                                  The e-office has been implemented in AERB, and
                                                              upgradation to the latest version of e-Office was carried
                                                              out. As part of expansion of infrastructure, in addition
                                                              to  existing two  wings (Niyamak Bhavan-A&B) at  its
                                                              HQ, construction  of new building  (NB-C)  has started
                                                              in September 2019. Construction of ERRC building at
                                                              Kolkata is completed, while planning for construction of
                                                              NRRC at New Delhi is in progress.
          Inaugural Ceremony of AMPICON-2019 (Left to Right: Dr.
          Ashis Mukhopadhyay, Oncologist & Chairman, Organising   The details on human resources development and
            Committee; Mrs. Sudesh Dhankhar, First Lady of West
          Bengal; Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar, Hon’ble Governor of West   infrastructure and staff welfare activities are presented
             Bengal; Shri G. Nageswara Rao, Chairman, AERB)   in Chapter-11.

                                                                                      AERB Annual Report 2019 xxv
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