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Solvent  Synthesis Pilot Plant (VSSP). AERB  has also
           granted permission for resumption of mining activities     Under  the minimum  Government,  Maximum
           at Jaduguda and Bhatin mine, consequent to clearances   Governance, AERB simplified  the registration
           by State Government and Ministry of Environment &       process  of  dental X-ray equipment  in  e-LORA
           Forests (MoE&F) to these facilities.                    system. Also, validity of Registration of all types of
                                                                   dental X-ray equipment  has been extended from
              AERB reviewed the industrial and fire safety aspects   existing five years to ten years.
           of the facilities under its purview. Fatal accidents at NPP
           and FCF were investigated and reviewed. The lessons      Past regulatory experience feedback on radiography
           learnt from these accidents were disseminated  to all   practices had  necessitated  amendment  of the Safety
           DAE units.                                            Code on ‘Industrial Radiography’ with a view to infuse
                                                                 more trained  manpower  in  this practice.  Accordingly,
           R&D Facilities                                        amendment in this regard has been issued on August
                                                                 02, 2019.
               Based on review of submissions, consent for stage-1
           commissioning was granted to Medical Cyclotron and       AERB raised the concern to DAE over disposal
           its associated beamline  at VECC  on July 30,  2019.   of disused sealed  radioactive  sources (DSRS)  used
           RRCAT applications for trial run operation of TWINDUS   in various RFs and requested to establish a formal
           LINAC-2 and permission for installation,  testing and   mechanism for their proper management. Inputs w.r.t.
           commissioning of TWINDUS LINAC-3 were reviewed        establishing  the mechanism for the management  of
           and granted permissions. Also permission for testing of   DSRS was prepared by AERB in line with the National
           Superconducting RF  Cavities in horizontal test  stand   Policy on ‘Management  of  Radioactive Waste’  and
           (HTS) facility was granted on June 20, 2019.          forwarded to DAE.
               The details on Safety Surveillance of Nuclear Power   Owing to violations  of safety requirements by
           Projects, Operating Plants, Research Reactors and     radiography institution, AERB suspended the operation
           Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities and other related Industrial   of two Ionizing Radiation Exposure Devices (IRED) for
           Facilities are given in Chapter 1.                    three months and besides this issued show-cause notice
                                                                 to three nucleonic gauge institutions in view of lapses in
           Safety Surveillance  of Radiation  Facilities  compliance of requirement w.r.t. safety and security of
           (RF)                                                  radiation sources.

               AERB carried out safety review of various facilities   The details of safety surveillance of radiation facilities
           using  radiation  sources and  equipment  in  industry,   during this period are given in Chapter-2.
           medicine, agriculture and research. RFs are governed by
           AERB’s e-Licensing of Radiation Applications (e-LORA)  Regulatory Inspection (RI) of Nuclear and

           system. It is a user  friendly  interface with applicants   Radiation Facilities
           and licensees of various RFs located across the country.
           With e-LORA, AERB has strengthened its regulations of    AERB carried out total 128  RIs of Nuclear  and
           diagnostic X-ray equipment which resulted in significant   Industrial Facilities covering safety (nuclear, radiological
           increase in issue of licences of these equipment. Total   & industrial) and security aspects under the purview of
           77,346 X-ray equipment were licenced in e-LORA till   AERB. Apart  from this total 1,038  radiation  facilities
           December 2019.                                        were inspected by officers from Headquarter (HQ) and
                                                                 Regional Regulatory Centres.
               AERB  issued  about  20,520  licences  (licence,
           authorisation and registration) for operation of various    AERB conducted RIs during Biennial Shutdown
           RFs  following the graded approach,  granted 5,469      (BSD)  of  KGS- 1  &  2  and  NAPS-1  to  inspect
           permissions for procurement  of radioactive  sources    radiological safety aspects.
           (imported and indigenous)  and 10,458  permissions
           for procurement of diagnostic  X-ray equipment  and
           approved  3,631  Radiation  Safety Officers  (RSO) for   A special inspection of KKNPP-1&2 was carried out
           different practices.                                  to cover aspects related to incident reported in various

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