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and KAPS-1&2. AERB also renewed the licence for
        operation of KKNPP-1&2 under the Factories Act, 1948.

            Total 45 significant events were reported from the
        operating  NPPs. The  event  reports were reviewed  in
        AERB to see the adequacy of investigations, corrective
        actions, lessons learnt and the need for any regulatory
        actions. The events were rated on INES scale.

         The radioactivity releases from all the NPPs were
         below the AERB  specified limits. Effective  dose to
         member of public in the vicinity of NPP sites was far
         less than the annual dose limit of 1 mSv.

            During the long EMCCR outage, number of safety
        upgrades were implemented in KAPS-1&2. KAPS-1 was        Containment Filter Venting System (CFVS) at TAPS-1&2
        synchronized to grid on May 24, 2019 after completion
        of EMCCR activities.                                  at Tarapur  and Kakrapar  sites. Containment  inerting
                                                              system has been indigenously  refurbished  and the
            AERB permitted  the commencement of  28   system is put in operation at TAPS-1&2.
        irradiation campaign of FBTR for irradiation of sodium
        bonded metallic fuel pins, Tungsten Carbide capsule and  Safety Surveillance of Nuclear Fuel Cycle
        long term irradiation of structural materials and actinide   Facilities and Other related Industrial
        samples. Subsequently, permission for commencement
        of 29  irradiation campaign was also granted.         Facilities
            Implementation    of   identified   long   term       AERB continued to review the safety aspects of the
        enhancements based on Post Fukushima are in progress   Nuclear  Fuel  Cycle  facilities under  its purview. AERB
        at NPPs. As part of it, PCRDs have been installed in   renewed licences for operation of Mohuldih Mine, Beach
        few NPPs (MAPS-2,  KGS-1&2, NAPS-1, KAPS-1 &          Sand Minerals (BSM) Facilities at IREL, Manavalakurichi
        RAPS-5) and construction of the OESCs is in progress   (MK), Chavara &  OSCOM  and Kerala Minerals &
                                                              Metals Limited (KMML), Chavara. AERB also renewed
                                                              the licences for operation of HWP - Hazira and Thal as
                                                              well as authorization for operation of Sodium Facility for
                                                              Component Testing (SFCT), IGCAR.

                                                                AERB  is  responsible  for  administration  of  the
                                                                Factories Act, 1948  and the Atomic Energy
                                                                (Factories) Rules, 1996 in relation to the factories
                                                                owned by the Central Government and engaged in
                                                                carrying out the purposes of the Atomic Energy Act,

                                                                  The licence of Zirconium  Complex (ZC),
                                                              Pazhayakayal  was amended in  view of enhancement
                                                              in zirconium sponge production capacity from 250 to
                                                              300 MT per year. The licence for operation of HWP-
                                                              Tuticorin has been amended to include the operation
               Passive Catalytic Recombiner Devices (PCRD)    of HWP main plant in addition to operation of Versatile

                                                                                      AERB Annual Report 2019 xix
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