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KAPP-3&4 Main Plant Area

           Safety Surveillance of Nuclear Power Projects         was reviewed and accorded clearance for handling and
                                                                 storage of 42 numbers of fresh FSAs at Fuel Building
               AERB granted clearance for First Pour of Concrete  (FB) on June 28, 2019.
           (FPC) to KKNPP  Unit- 3&4  on June 23,  2017  with
           certain stipulations and subsequently reviewed revised   Pre-commissioning checks have been completed at
           Preliminary Safety Analysis  Report (PSAR) including   DFRP.  After safety review,  AERB issued clearance for
           reports on geological mapping and construction related   Acid-TBP run of DFRP in March 2019.
           documents. Based on satisfactory safety  review of       Two units of 700 MWe PHWRs are being set up at
           the respective stipulations, clearance  was  granted for   Kaiga (Units -5&6) by NPCIL. Review of Site Evaluation
           commencement of construction and same is in progress   Report  (SER) and reports  on other related topical
           at KKNPP-3&4.                                         studies are in  progress. Review  of submissions along

               AERB granted  clearance  for Excavation  to       with siting application for Away From Reactor (AFR) of
           KKNPP-5&6 on November 14,  2018  with certain         KKNPP-1&2, is in progress.
           stipulations, subsequent, review of FPC is in progress   Construction consent was granted to NFC-Kota in
           with major focus on design differences w.r.t. KKNPP-3&4.   February 2018 with certain stipulations, compliance to
           Similarly, PSAR have been reviewed for FPC with a     these stipulations is being verified through periodic RIs.
           focus on design/layout  differences in GHAVP w.r.t.   Currently civil and structural works for Plant and Non-
           KAPP-3&4 and site-specific features.                  Plant buildings are in progress.

               Civil  construction  and  erection  of equipment  /
           components are under progress at KAPP-4 and RAPP-     Safety Surveillance of Nuclear Power Plants
           7&8.                                                  and Research Reactors

               AERB  reviewed  the progressive submissions w.r.t.   AERB  continued its regulatory supervision  of 22
           authorization of Primary Heat Transport (PHT) System,  operating nuclear power plants in India.  The radiation
           Hot  Conditioning and Light Water Commissioning  exposure to occupational workers in these plants was
           (LWC) of KAPP-3. Based on satisfactory review  below the prescribed limit. The  station’s submissions
           clearance was granted on August 07, 2019. Subsequently  were extensively reviewed in multi-tier systems as per
           permission for draining of Light water from PHT system  the established mechanism in AERB.
           was granted on December 16, 2019.
                                                                    AERB renewed the licences for operation under the
               Commissioning activities are in progress at Prototype  Atomic Energy Act, 1962 (and rules framed there under),
           Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR). PFBR proposal for receipt,  the Factories Act, 1948 and authorization for radioactive
           handling and storage of fresh fuel sub-assemblies (FSA)  waste disposal/transfer under GSR-125 of RAPS-1&2

           xviii  AERB Annual Report 2019
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