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The  Status  of  Environmental Safety and             At SRI, Kalpakkam studies were carried out on (i)
           Occupational Exposures are given in Chapter 4.        Power and control cable fires with new set of experiments
                                                                 focusing on investigating  the effect of hydrocarbon  /
               The Status  of Emergency Preparedness  of the     oil spill fires on power and instrumentation  cables at
           Nuclear Facilities is given in Chapter 5.             Compartment Fire Test Facility (CFTF); (ii) the in-vessel

           Regulatory Safety Document Development                retention capability of calandria vessel in PHWRs at Core
                                                                 Melt Retention Facility (COMREF); (iii) Condensation

               During  the year, two new Safety Guides viz.      Induced Water Hammer (CIWH) in test pipe at Water
           ‘Remediation  of  Areas  Affected by  Radioactive     and Steam Interaction Facility (WASIF) and (iv) design
           Contamination’ and  ‘Monitoring  and  Assessment of   of lab scale experimental  setup to study the iodine
           Occupational Exposure due to Intake of Radionuclides’   interaction with paint and iodine adsorption properties
           were approved and uploaded on AERB website. About     on various adsorbents.
           16  regulatory safety documents (REGDOC) are at           AERB continued to contribute in development  of
           various  stages of development.  AERB  reviewed  and   ‘PRABHAVINI’, an integral safety analysis code of DAE,
           provided comments on 32 draft Safety Standards and    by  developing various models such as Accumulator,
           Documents Preparation Profiles (DPP) of IAEA.         fission Product-Decay Heat, PCRD and Containment
               The Status of Regulatory Safety Documents  are    spray models.  An in-house  computer code has also
           given in Chapter 6.                                   been developed for analysing flow and power transients
                                                                 in fast breeder reactors.
           Safety Analysis, Research and Development                 AERB  continued  to promote  and  fund  research

               Safety studies were continued in areas covering   projects on nuclear safety,  radiation  safety,  front and
           severe accident, thermal hydraulics safety, reactor   back end fuel cycle safety related problems and industrial
           physics, probabilistic safety, radiological assessment   safety at academic institutions under the Safety Research
           and environmental safety studies and experimental     Programme. Four new projects were approved and ten
           studies.                                              on-going projects were renewed.

                           Simulated 24 hours integrated ground level concentration of SF  for (a) Winter (b) Monsoon.

           xxii  AERB Annual Report 2019
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