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            The details of various activities of Safety Analysis  convention.  AERB  submitted  National  Report for 8
        and Research are presented in Chapter-7.              Review Meeting of CNS on August 15, 2019. The report
                                                              updates on how Government of India continues to fulfil
        International Cooperation                             its obligations under the Convention.

            AERB has programme for Multilateral and Bilateral
        co-operation with the regulatory bodies of other countries
        for sharing  of experience  in the field  of regulation  of
        nuclear activities for peaceful purposes and co-operation
        in nuclear and radiation safety matters. AERB joined the
        Atomic Energy Research (AER), Hungary as member
        organisation.  AER  is an  international  community  of
        researchers, engineers and  operators from countries
        running the VVER type nuclear reactors.

            Shri K.  N.  Vyas,  Secretary,  DAE and Chairman,
        AEC  led the Indian  delegation  to the 63rd Regular
        Session of IAEA General Conference during September      Shri K.N. Vyas, Chairman, AEC and Shri. G. Nageswara Rao,
        16 to 20, 2019 which included Chairman, AERB. Shri      Chairman AERB in IAEA General Conference at Vienna, Austria
        G. Nageswara Rao, Chairman, also attended the Senior      A bilateral meeting between AERB and STUK,
        Safety and Regulators’ Meeting held during the General   the nuclear  regulatory body of Finland  was held on
        Conference. The meeting  had sessions dedicated  to   November 18, 2019 at Mumbai. The regulators shared
        managing  regulatory competence  for nuclear  safety   their experiences  on regulatory review of VVER and
        and nuclear security and application of the concept of   EPR type of nuclear reactors, regulation and national
        graded approach in core regulatory functions.         practices in radioactive waste management.

           AERB  already has bilateral  arrangements with the     After successful completion  of first  Integrated
           regulatory  bodies of other countries namely, France,   Regulatory Review  Service (IRRS) Mission  in  2015
           Russia, Romania, Ukraine, the United States of America,   in India, IAEA has scheduled IRRS follow-up mission
           United  Kingdom, Finland,  Canada and  Bangladesh.
           Also, an agreement with IRSN,  an external Technical   around  November 2020.  The follow-up mission has
           Support Organisation in France is in place.        extended its scope to include ‘Radiation Source Facilities
                                                              and Activities’ as an additional area of review.
            India is a Contracting  Party to the Convention       AERB officer participated as team member of IAEA
        on Nuclear  Safety (CNS)  and  actively  participates  IRRS mission at the United Kingdom.
        in its activities towards fulfilling the obligations of the

                                                    Bilateral meeting of AERB and STUK

                                                                                      AERB Annual Report 2019 xxiii
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