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AERB provided assistance to Radiation Safety and     AERB and KKNPP jointly organized the workshop on
           Nuclear  Security Authority (RSNSA), the regulatory  “Transportation and Management of Trauma Victims”
           authority  of Mauritius,  in the review and  assessment  for Certifying Surgeons & Para-Medical staff of all DAE
           of layout design of radiotherapy and nuclear medicine  units with practical demonstration on rescue operation,
           facilities.                                           transport and management of trauma victims.

               AERB  participated  in  various  technical  meetings
           organised by IAEA on a range of topics for NPPs, fuel
           cycle facilities, radiation  facilities, transportation of
           radioactive materials and illicit trafficking of radioactive

               The details on AERB’s contribution  at various
           international fora are presented in Chapter-10.

           Stakeholders Engagement and Public Outreach

               AERB hosted 3  National Conference on Regulatory     Shri D. K. Shukla, Executive Director, AERB delivering
           Interface (NCRI)-2019 at Mumbai  for Licensees of                   inaugural address in the meet
           Accelerator Facilities and DAE units involved in activities   As a part of its continued  efforts to reach out to
           associated with transport of Radioactive Material with  the general public, AERB organized  an awareness
           an  objective  to foster an  environment  wherein  the  programme on ‘Radiation Safety in the use of Radiation
           Licensees could interact, discuss and provide valuable  Source for Societal Benefits’ at Madurai for Licensees
           feedback to AERB.                                     of RFs and faculty & students of academic institutions.
                                                                 AERB also participated in one of its kind workshop
              AERB  also keeps organizing  various  events for   organized by DAE for journalist and media personnel
           safety promotion for licensees of nuclear and radiation   at Rawatbhata site. The workshop provided a valuable
           facilities. During the year about 8 theme/discussion meets   platform to interact with the media  personnel  and
           were organized  for nuclear facilities  and  2 awareness   proved to be a useful awareness exercise.
           programmes  for radiation  facilities covering  medical
           diagnostic X-ray and well logging facilities. AERB and   AERB  provides  information  to its stakeholders
           NABL jointly organized a special meet for ‘Calibration  through other means also like annual report, quarterly
           and Testing Radiological Laboratories’ at Mumbai.     e-newsletter, press releases / briefings etc. Dissemination

                                         Chairman, AERB addressing the gathering during NCRI

           xxiv  AERB Annual Report 2019
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