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Table 1.1: Status of various Nuclear Power Projects

          Project Stage      Project     District/ State   Licensee/            Type             Review Status

         Site evaluation  Jaitapur       Ratnagiri/      NPCIL         1650  MWe EPR (light  Site Evaluation  is in
                          Nuclear Power  Maharashtra                   water reactor) each, of   progress
                          Project (JNPP)-                              French Design
                          1-6, Ratnagiri

                          Kaiga NPP-     Karwar /        NPCIL         700  MWe PHWRs each,  Site Evaluation  is in
                          5&6            Karnataka                     of indigenous design    progress

         Construction     Kudankulam     Tirunelveli/    NPCIL         1000  MWe VVER (light  Clearance  for FPC
                          Nuclear        Tamil Nadu                    water reactor) each, of  granted  in  June,
                          Power Project                                Russian Design          2017
                          KKNPP-5&6,     Tirunelveli/    NPCIL         1000  MWe VVER (light  Clearance  for site
                          Kudankulam     Tamil Nadu                    water reactor) each, of  excavation   (first
                                                                       Russian Design          stage of construction
                                                                                               consent)  was issued
                                                                                               in November, 2018
                          Gorakhpur      Fatehabad/      NPCIL         700  MWe PHWRs each,  Clearance  for site
                          Haryana        Haryana                       of indigenously design   excavation   (first
                          Anu Vidyut                                                           stage of construction
                          Pariyojana                                                           consent)  was issued
                          (GHAVP)-1&2,                                                         in January, 2018
                          Rajasthan      Chittorgarh /   NPCIL         700  MWe PHWRs each,  Clearance         for
                          Atomic         Rajasthan                     of indigenous design    major    Equipment
                          Power Project                                                        Erection (last stage of
                          (RAPP)-7&8,                                                          construction consent)
                          Rawatbhata                                                           was issued in  March

                          PFBR,          Kancheepuram/   Bhartiya      500 MWe prototype  Fast  Clearance for receipt,
                          Kalpakkam      Tamil Nadu      Vidyut Nigam  Breeder reactor each, of  handling and storage
                                                         (BHAVINI)     indigenous design       of 42 number of fresh
                                                                                               fuel  subassemblies
                                                                                               at fuel  building was
                                                                                               issued in June, 2019
                          KAPP-3&4,      Tapi, Gujarat   NPCIL         700  MWe PHWRs each,  Clearance  for hot
                          Kakrapar                                     of indigenous design    conditioning   and
                                                                                               associated    tests
                                                                                               granted  in  August,
                                                                                               2019    for  KAPP

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