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Table 1.2: Status of various Fuel Cycle Facilities (under Siting, Construction and Commissioning)

                Stage           Project           State      Applicant      Project Details           Remarks
            Siting         Away from        Tirunelveli/    NPCIL       Away from Reactor spent   Review of Siting
                           Reactor spent fuel   Tamil Nadu              fuel storage facility for   application is under
                           storage facility for                         storing spent nuclear fuel of   progress
                           KKNPP-1&2 (AFR)                              KKNPP-1&2 (AFR)

                           Fast Reactor Fuel   Kancheepuram/        IGCAR  Integrated facility for   Permission for
                           Reprocessing     Tamil Nadu                  recycling spent fuel from   resumption of
                           Facility (FRFCF),                            PFBR. The project includes   construction activities
                           Kalpakkam                                    fuel fabrication & assembly,   involving earthmoving
                                                                        reprocessing and waste   was given on November
            Construction                                                management facilities    8, 2018

                           PHWR Fuel        Chittorgarh/    Nuclear Fuel  Fabrication facility for PHWR  Construction consent
                           Fabrication Facility   Rajasthan  Complex,   fuel and Zircaloy components  granted in February,
                           and Zircaloy                     Kota                                 2018
                           Fabrication Facility,
            Construction &  Demonstration   Kancheepuram/   IGCAR       Reprocessing facility for spent  Clearance for Acid-TBP
            Commissioning  Fast Reactor Fuel   Tamil Nadu               fuel from Fast Breeder Test   run (Inactive run) for
                           Reprocessing Plant                           Reactor (FBTR).          PPF, DFRP issued on
                           (DFRP), Kalpakkam                                                     March 12, 2019 & cold
                                                                                                 commissioning is in
               The information on the meetings of the important   1.2.1 NPP UNDER CONSTRUCTION: REVIEW
           safety review committees for facilities undergoing          STATUS
           reviews  related  to siting/construction/commissioning  is
           given in Table 1.3.                                      Safety review activities related to the Nuclear Power

               Important outcome of the safety review and        Projects (refer Table 1.1) continued during the year.
           assessments related to nuclear power projects and fuel   A1. Light Water Reactor Based NPPs
           cycle facilities are given in subsequent paragraphs.
                                                                 (i)  Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project  - 3&4
           Table 1.3: Safety Review Committee Meetings of the
           Nuclear Power Projects & Fuel Cycle Facilities (under    (KKNPP- 3&4)
           Construction)                                            KKNPP Unit-3&4 plant design is a repeat design
                                                  Number of
                 Project Safety Committee                        of KKNPP Unit-1&2, which was extensively  reviewed
                                                   Meetings      in AERB. Review process for Unit-3&4 is optimized
            ACPSR-NPPs (for PHWR, PFBR & LWR)          1         to review of design  differences impacting  safety and
            ACPSR-FCF                                   -        compliance  to AERB safety code on ‘Design of Light
            PDSC-FBR                                    3        Water Reactors based Nuclear Power Plants’. AERB had
            PDSC-LWR                                    3        granted clearance for First Pour of Concrete (FPC) on
            PDSC-PHWR                                  12        June 23, 2017 with certain stipulations. Presently, civil
            PDSC (DFRP, FRFCF and DFMF)                 1        construction work is in progress at KKNPP-3&4.
            CESC                                        7           Review  of Revised  (Rev. 1) Preliminary Safety
            SEC                                         4        Analysis Report (PSAR) w.r.t. Reactor Coolant System,
            CRSA                                        3        Engineered Safety Features, Instrumentation & Control,
                Total                                  34        Electrical  Systems, Radioactive  Waste Management
                                                                 System and  Radiation  Protection  & salient  changes
           *Apart from these meeting,  many In-house Group  meetings
           organised for safety review                           w.r.t. PSAR (Rev-0) is in progress.

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