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(b) KAPP-3  PHT Hot Conditioning  and  Light  has completed safety review  and assessment  of the
              Water Commissioning                                application  for commencing acid-Tri-Butyl Phosphate
                                                                 (TBP)  run  (initial  inactive  commissioning)  along  with
                  AERB     teams   conducted    seven   special  requisite supporting submissions. Clearance was issued
              inspections w.r.t.  commissioning  of KAPP-3  for   for acid-TBP run in March 2019 and AERB is continuing
              verification of Construction completion certificates   the safety review of the facility.
              (CCCs)/  System transfer documents  (STDs), PHT
              Hot conditioning,  Commissioning  of shutdown         Civil construction activities in the Head End Facility
              cooling system, Passive decay heat removal system  of the plant, which houses the cells required for receiving
              (PDHRS) and Emergency core cooling system  and initial processing of spent fuel subassemblies are
              (ECCS) integrated test. Commissioning procedures  completed.  Hot Cells and decontamination  chamber
              and reports of KAPP-3 hot conditioning  and light  lining works and erection of complementary shielding
              water commissioning tests were reviewed.           is completed. Service piping fabrication and installation
                                                                 work is in progress.
           (c) Review     of   Ground      Improvement      in
              GHAVP-1&2                                          B.2 Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle Facility (FRFCF)

                  In GHAVP-1&2,  to eliminate  the potential  for   FRFCF is an  integrated  facility  being  set up  at
              soil liquefaction, scheme of  ground  improvement  Kalpakkam. The facility will be used for recycling the
              was being implemented. Pile-raft foundation will be  spent  fuel  from PFBR, including  fuel  fabrication  and
              adopted for GHAVP-1&2 nuclear buildings. Casting  assembly, reprocessing and waste management. AERB
              of test piles for validation studies and confirmatory  had  issued consent  for construction  of this facility  in
              geo-technical investigations are under progress.   the year 2013  and subsequently granted extension
                                                                 of Consent for Construction  during  December  2016.
           1.2.2  FCFs UNDER  CONSTRUCTION:  REVIEW              Subsequent to a fatal accident on August 29,  2018,
                 STATUS                                          AERB suspended  the construction activities involving
                                                                 earthmoving at FRFCF project site. Based on review and
               Safety review activities related to the fuel cycle   assessment, permission for resumption of construction
           facilities (refer Table 1.2) continued during the year.  activities involving earthmoving was given on November
                                                                 8, 2018. Presently, civil construction activities of Waste
           B.1  Demonstration Fast Reactor Fuel Reprocessing  Management  Plant (WMP), Core Subassembly Plant
               Plant (DFRP)                                      (CSP), Fuel Fabrication Plant (FFP) and Reprocessed
                                                                 Uranium Plant (RUP) are in progress. AERB is following
               DFRP is being set up at Kalpakkam for reprocessing  up the safety aspects related to construction.
           of spent fuel from Fast  Breeder Test  Reactor (FBTR)
           on regular basis  and demonstration  of reprocessing   B.3 Nuclear Fuel Complex, Kota (NFC-K)
           process of PFBR spent fuel. In the main process plant,   500 Tons Per Annum (TPA) PHWR Fuel Fabrication
           pre-commissioning  checks were completed.  AERB       Facility (PFFF) and 165 TPA Zircaloy Fabrication Facility

                            Delay Tanks in DFRP                            Process Control Laboratory of DFRP

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