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Venting  System (CFVS)  and  establishment  of On-site
                                                                 Emergency Support Centre (OESC) are expected to be
                                                                 completed by December 2020.
                                                                    RAPS-1 is  under shutdown since 2004.  Reactor
                                                                 core is in defueled state and mandatory surveillances
                                                                 are being  carried  out as per  approved  technical
                                                                 (ii) Kakrapar Atomic Power Station (KAPS)-1&2

                                                                    Licences for operation of KAPS-1&2 were valid till
                                                                 July 31, 2019. As per regulatory requirement, KAPS-
                                                                 1&2 submitted application for renewal of this licences/
                                                                 authorization,  which was reviewed  in AERB. Based
                                                                 on the assessment of the application,  AERB  renewed
              SARCOP Members’ Visit to RAPS-1&2 during review of   licences for operation of KAPS-1&2 under the Atomic
                                   PSR                           Energy Act, 1962 (and rules framed thereunder) & the

                                                                 Factories Act, 1948 and authorization for safe disposal/
           experience and had implemented a number of safety  transfer of radioactive waste under GSR-125 for next 5
           modifications.                                        years i.e. up to July 31, 2024.
              Station had implemented all short & medium term       KAPS-1&2 has undergone  En-masse Coolant
           safety upgrades identified based on review of Fukushima   Channel  Replacement  (EMCCR)  campaigns following
           NPP  accident.  Long term post Fukushima safety       the  events of pressure tube leak/break. During  the
           upgrades such as installation of Post-Accident Hydrogen   long EMCCR outage, number of safety upgrades were
           Management System (PAHMS) & Containment Filtered      implemented.  After completion  of EMCCR activities,

             Shri D.K. Shukla, ED, AERB and Chairman, SARCOP delivering a talk on ‘Human
             Organisational and Technical Factors for Safety’ to the RR Site Officers and Staff

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