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(vii)  Review of Fatal Accident at Narora Atomic  (b) strengthening hydrogen management provisions,
                Power Station (NAPS)
                                                                 (c) provision of containment filtered venting, and
              An incident had occurred at NAPS on July 11,
           2018, which resulted in fatality of one contract person.   (d) creation of on-site emergency support centre.
           During the event, victim fell from the bund wall of 1.2   These required research & development efforts,
           meter height and subsequently succumbed to death.     analysis, detailed engineering and testing/qualification.
           Review of this event indicated deficiencies in the safety   The severe accident management guidelines for different
           management during performance of this activity. In    NPP designs (PHWR, BWR & PWR) were developed
           the light of this event, AERB had issued directive that   based on technical bases reviewed & accepted by AERB
           all DAE units should prepare a list of routine and non-  and are now in place at all NPPs. The activities related to
           routine activities being carried out in their premises. Job   R&D, engineering, testing & qualification related to the
           specific Hazard Analysis should be performed for all   rest of the long term enhancements have been completed
           the identified activities. Steps should be taken to ensure   and their on-site implementation is now in progress. The
           adherence to safety requirements and ensuring safety   present status of long term safety upgrades/measures is
           supervision especially during non-routine works at site.  as below:

           (viii)  Permission for Irradiation Campaign of FBTR   (a) Strengthening      Hydrogen       Management
              The 27  irradiation campaign of Fast Breeder Test     Provisions
           Reactor  (FBTR)  was conducted during  September         The hydrogen management scheme in Indian
           29, 2018 to January 30, 2019. Subsequently, FBTR      PHWRs includes provision of suitable number of
           sought permission for 28  irradiation campaign. The   Passive Catalytic Recombiner Devices (PCRD)  along
           main objectives of 28  campaign were continuation     with provisions for homogenizing  the containment
           of  irradiation  of  sodium bonded  metallic  fuel  pins,   atmosphere and maintenance  of the inert steam
           irradiation of Tungsten Carbide capsule (grid plate   atmosphere.    Activities  related  to   indigenous
           potential material), continuation of long term irradiation   development,  testing and  qualification of  PCRDs
           of structural materials and irradiation of actinide samples.   addressing the post-accident hydrogen  management
           Based on review of application, AERB permitted the    needs for the Indian  PHWR containments  have been
           commencement of 28  irradiation campaign of FBTR.     completed.  Installation  of PCRDs along  with the
           The campaign was conducted during April 02 to         associated  instrumentation and  equipment  of Post-
           September 30, 2019. Subsequently, based on review,    Accident  Hydrogen  Management  System (PAHMS)  is
           permission for commencement of 29  irradiation        in progress in the operating NPPs. PCRDs have been
           campaign has also been granted.                       installed  in MAPS-2, KGS-1&2, NAPS-1, KAPS-1
           1.3.4 Safety Assessment of Operating NPPs in          and RAPS-5. For the PWR units of KKNPP-1&2,  the
                                                                 Passive Autocatalytic Recombiners (PARs) for hydrogen
                 the wake of Fukushima Accident                  management  are already  incorporated  as part of the
                                                                 design. In TAPS-1&2, containment inerting system has
              Safety assessments carried out post Fukushima      been indigenously refurbished and the system is put in
           NPP accident had indicated that Indian NPPs have      operation.
           inherent strength in dealing with external hazards.
           However, certain safety enhancements were identified  (b) Provision of Containment Filtered Venting
           for strengthening the defences against rare external     System (CFVS)
           events exceeding the design bases and enhancing severe
           accident mitigation capabilities. These actions were     Technology development of CFVS System has
           classified  as  short,  medium  and  long  term  measures/  been completed and detailed engineering of the system
           safety upgrades. Implementations of short and medium   has been finalized after analysis and testing. CFVS
           term safety measures/upgrades have been already       has been installed in TAPS-1&2 (BWR). Installation of
           completed.                                            CFVS is in progress in PHWR based NPPs, where the
                                                                 requirement has been envisaged. For the PWR units at
           The long term enhancements identified were;           KKNPP-1&2, the requirement of containment venting
           (a) enhancing severe accident management programme,   is not envisaged.

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