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Table 1.6: Licensing of Operating Staff

                                                          No. of persons licensed                Licensing Committee
                                            SCE      ASCE      ASCE (F)       CE      CE (F)          Meetings
            TAPS-1&2                         5         3           -           3         -               2
            TAPS-3&4                         1         7           -           3         -               1
            RAPS-1&2                         3         1           1           6         1               2
            RAPS-3&4                         3         5           3           7         4               2
            RAPS-5&6                         3         0           1           7         0               2
            MAPS-1&2                         3         2           4           8         1               2
            NAPS-1&2                          -        2           1           4         1               1
            KAPS-1&2                         2         0           1           2         0               1
            KGS-1&2                          6         4           2          10         2               3
            KGS-3&4                          4         7           1          13         3               3
            KKNPP-1&2                        0         7           -           6         -               1
            Total                            30        38          14         69        12               20

           Table 1.7: List of Facilities Authorised for Safe Disposal / Transfer of Radioactive Waste

             S.                                                                                              No. of
             No.                                  Name of DAE Organisation                                 Facilities
              1   Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL)                                                 11
              2   Indian Rare Earth Limited (IREL)                                                             1
              3   Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC)                                                                   6
              4   Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)                                          14
              5   IGCAR + SRI (AERB)                                                                           5
              6   Board of Radiation & Isotope Technology (BRIT)                                               4
              7   Technology Demonstration Plant (HWB)                                                         1
            Total Number of Authorisations                                                                    42
            *LBL, JONAKI, BRIT is exempted from waste authorisation

           1.3.6 Authorisation for Safe Disposal /               AERB are mines and ore processing plants of Uranium
                  Transfer of Radioactive Wastes                 Corporation of India Ltd. (UCIL), mineral separation
                                                                 plants and chemical processing plants of Indian Rare
               At present,  the renewal  of authorization  for Safe   Earths Limited (IREL), Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC),
           Disposal /  Transfer of  Radioactive Wastes  for DAE   Zirconium Complex (ZC), Heavy Water Plants (HWP),
           Facilities is integrated with the renewal of Licence for
           Operation under AERPR-2004. A list of DAE facilities   Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and
           authorised for safe disposal/transfer of radioactive waste   Research (AMD) and some of the facilities of Indira
           is indicated in Table 1.7.                            Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR). In
           1.4  NUCLEAR  FUEL  CYCLE  AND  OTHER                 addition to this, Beach Sand Minerals (BSM) and other
                RELATED INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES                    facilities handling Naturally Occurring Radioactive
                                                                 Materials (NORM) are also regulated by AERB with
           1.4.1 Operational Safety Review                       respect to radiological safety aspects. The status of
                                                                 Nuclear Fuel Cycle and other Industrial Facilities is
               The nuclear fuel cycle facilities and other related
           industrial facilities under the regulatory control of   presented in Table 1.8.

            16 AERB Annual Report 2019
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