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Nitrogen Inerting System at TAPS-1&2                Experimental Facility for CFVS at TAPS-3&4

        (c) Creation  of On-Site Emergency  Support  qualification  interviews. A candidate  after successfully
            Centre (OESC)                                     completing  the pre-requisites of licensing  procedure,
                                                              appears before the licensing committee constituted by
            AERB has framed requirements and guidelines       AERB for qualification  interview. This committee has
        for establishing  On-Site Emergency  Support Centres   member(s) from AERB. On satisfactory performance,
        (OESCs) at all NPPs,  which takes into account the    the candidate  is  licensed/re-licensed  for the given
        NPPs at the given site and the accident scenarios. After   position.
        regulatory approvals, construction of the OESCs at two
        sites (Tarapur and Kakrapar) is in progress.              During the year, 20 meetings were held for licensing/
                                                              re-licensing of operating personnel responsible for
        1.3.5 Licensing of Operating Staff                    control room operations at various operating NPPs. Total
                                                              of 163 candidates were licensed / relicensed. In addition
            Operating personnel of NPPs responsible for control   to above 17 personnel for FBTR operation (Senior Shift
        room operation namely Shift Charge Engineer (SCE),    Engineers (2), Junior Shift Engineers (2), Control Room
        Assistant Shift Charge  Engineer  (ASCE) and Control   Assistants  / Field Supervisors  (8), Operator (1),  Shift
        Engineer  (CE) are required to go through a rigorous   Chemist (2), Junior Reactor Physicists(2)) and one Shift
        licensing/relicensing  process. This includes clearing   In-charge for KAMINI operation were licensed. Details
        checklists, written exams, walkthrough  and finally   are given in Table 1.6.

                              Excavation in Progress for Construction of OESC at Kakrapar, Gujarat site

                                                                                      AERB Annual Report 2019  15
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