Page 41 - AERB
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KAPS-1&2 were synchronized to grid on May 24, 2019        End shield (north) leak rectification work was also
        & September 22, 2018 respectively. The performance  taken up. For this, two more pressure tubes i.e. L-12
        of units  with respect to nuclear, radiological  and  and P-09 were also cut & removed.  Leaks from end
        industrial  safety had been satisfactory before and  shield were rectified by installing special seal plugs on
        after the EMCCR campaign. The results of In-Service  Calandria Side Tube Sheet (CSTS) of north end shield.
        Inspections  (ISI) were found to be satisfactory and  Present  leak  rate from end  shield  is ~130 ml/hour.
        plant is capable for safe operation for next five years.  Fitness for service of end  shield  (north) and  coolant
        Radioactive  effluent  discharges  remained  well below  channels is being assessed.
        the limits  specified in technical specification. Effective
        dose to a member of public residing at exclusion zone   (v) Continuous  Operation  of Kaiga  Generating
        was  well within the limit prescribed by AERB (Refer      Station (KGS) Unit-1
        chapter 4 of this report). Station has a well-established   KGS-1 was synchronized to grid on May 13, 2016
        program  for utilization  of operating  experience  and   after completion of Biennial Shutdown (BSD) activities.
        had implemented  a  number of  safety  modifications   After completion of 962 days of continuous operation,
        based on this programme. Station had implemented all   the unit was shut down for BSD activities on December
        short & medium term safety upgrades identified based   31,  2018.  During shutdown, surveillances of  safety
        on review of Fukushima  NPP accident. Long term       and safety related Structure, System, and Components
        post Fukushima safety upgrades  such as installation   (SSC) were carried out in ‘as is condition’. The results
        of PAHMS & CFVS and establishment of OESC are         of these surveillances were found to be satisfactory. The
        expected to be completed by next Biennial Shutdowns   data obtained on performance  of plant  SSCs would
        (BSD) of units.                                       be useful w.r.t. long term operation of the NPPs. After
        (iii) Kudankulam       Nuclear     Power      Plant   completion of BSD activities, KGS-1 was synchronized
             (KKNPP)-1&2                                      to grid on February 21, 2019.

            AERB had earlier renewed the licence for operation
        for a  limited  period  i.e.  up  to March 10, 2019, due
        to pending completion of the review of fatal accident
        occurred in October 2018 at KKNPP site. Subsequently,
        station submitted significant event report and compliance
        to AERB recommendations made during review of the
        accident along with request for renewal of the licence.
        AERB  review  indicated  that  station  management  had
        taken necessary  steps  for  improvements  in safety
        management  and had committed to demonstrate the
        improvements through improved safety performance. In
        view of the above, licence for operation of KKNPP-1&2
        under the Factories Act, 1948 was renewed up to July                 Kaiga Generating Station
        31, 2020.

        (iv)  Madras Atomic Power Station (MAPS-1&2)          (vi) Periodic Safety Review (PSR) of KKNPP-1&2
                                                                  and RAPS-5&6
            MAPS-1 is shut down since January 30, 2018. The
        coolant channels O-09 & Q-09, which were observed to      The  licences  for operation  of KKNPP-1&2 and
        have developed leak, were cut & removed from reactor  RAPS-5&6 are valid  up  to July 31, 2020  and  March
        core and transported to BARC for Post Irradiation  31, 2020 respectively. As per  the  revised  draft AERB
        Examination (PIE). PIE of these pressure tubes has been  guide  on ‘PSR for NPPs’ (AERB/SG/NPP/O-12), the
        completed and the reports are under review in NPCIL.  utility is required to submit PSR basis document before
        Inspection of  large number  of  coolant channels was  embarking on PSR activity. The basis  documents
        undertaken to assess their  healthiness.  The review of   received from both stations were reviewed and accepted.
        findings is being carried out by NPCIL.

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