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sodium metal and Tri Butyl Phosphate (TBP) solvent.  of main plant. Based on satisfactory review in AERB, the
        Diversified projects namely, Versatile Solvent Production  licence was amended to include the operation of HWP
        Plant (VSPP) at HWP-Talcher and Versatile Solvent  main plant. It was stipulated that commissioning for
        Synthesis Plant (VSSP) at HWP-Tuticorin are operational.  restart (with Hazardous Chemicals-SynGas, NH , KNH
        Technology Demonstration Plant (TDP), Chembur is  etc.) and operation of the main plant shall be carried out
        under trial. During the year following licence applications  after obtaining necessary clearances from AERB.
        were reviewed:
                                                              (v) Authorization for Operation of Sodium Facility
        (a) Renewal of Licence for Operation of HWP-              for Component Testing (SFCT)
                                                                  Fast Reactor Technology Group (FRTG), IGCAR is
            The licence for operation issued under the Factories  involved in design, construction and operation of various
        Act, 1948 of HWP-Hazira to produce 110 MT/year of  sodium facilities for the purpose of testing of materials,
        reactor grade heavy water was valid up to July 31, 2018.  components, equipment for use in FBRs. In 2016, AERB
        In the year 2018, the licence was renewed for limited  had  granted  permission  for  commissioning  of  Sodium
        duration i.e. up to January 31, 2019 due to pending  Facility for Component Testing (SFCT) for sodium testing
        aspects such as mechanical testing of main cracker tubes,  of scaled down components of future FBRs and general
        completion of consequence analysis of the cracker tube  sodium technology experiments.
        failure, revision of ISI Code of Practice, retrofitting of
        control room etc. Subsequently, HWP-Hazira submitted      After completion of all the commissioning activities,
        revised application along with actions taken towards   FRTG had submitted application for authorization of
        resolution of pending issues. Based on satisfactory   operation of SFCT. Safety Review indicated that SFCT
        progress  made  by  HWP-Hazira  towards  resolution  of   had successfully completed the commissioning of the
        pending issues, AERB renewed the licence for operation   facility. All mandatory documents required for operation
        of HWP-Hazira under the Factories Act, 1948 up to July   of the facility were available with the facility. Based on
        31, 2023.                                             review AERB granted authorization for operation of SFCT.
                                                              (vi) Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration
        (b) Renewal of Licence for Operation of HWP-Thal
                                                                  and Research (AMD)
            Licence for operation issued under the Factories Act,
        1948 of HWP-Thal was valid till December 31, 2019. HWP-   Exploration work at various sites of AMD in northern,
        Thal submitted application for renewal. Safety review   southern, eastern, western, central and south-central
        indicated that the performance of plant was satisfactory   region was in progress.
        during licence period. ISI of the SSCs was carried out as   (vii) Beach Sand Minerals (BSM) & Naturally
        per the ISI code of practice and no major abnormality      Occurring  Radioactive  Materials  (NORM)
        was observed. HWP-Thal has implemented programme           Facilities
        for ageing management of important plant SSCs. The
        tubes of Main Cracker-A are planned to be replaced after   Periodic radiological reports submitted by the facilities
        completion of service life of 1.2 lakh hours. Based on the  were reviewed by AERB. No abnormality was observed
        review AERB renewed the licence for operation HWP-    during review.
        Thal, under the Factories Act, 1948 up to December 31,
        2024.                                                 1.4.4 Licensing of Plant Personnel in FCF

        (c) Amendment of Licence for Operation of HWP-            Operating personnel of  Fuel Cycle Facilities are
            Tuticorin                                         required to go through a rigorous Licensing process. This
                                                              includes clearing checklists, written exams, walkthrough
            In the year 2018, Versatile Solvent Synthesis  Pilot   and  finally  qualification  interviews. A candidate  after
        Plant (VSSP) at HWP- Tuticorin (HWP-T) was renewed    successfully  completing the pre-requisites of  licensing
        up to July 31, 2023. While granting this licence AERB   procedure, appears before the licensing committee for
        recommended HWP-T to seek licence for main plant also   qualification interview. This committee has member(s)
        which was under shutdown since May 2007. Subsequently,   from AERB. On satisfactory performance, the candidate
        HWP-T had submitted application for renewal of licence   is authorization/re-authorization for the given position.

                                                                                      AERB Annual Report 2019  21
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