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Table 1.10: Status of R&D and Other Facilities

                                                                                                    Validity of
         Type of Facility         Name            Functional Status     Scope of the Facility
                                                                                                 Current Licence
                                     Facilities operated by VECC, Kolkata, West Bengal
         Particle         Room Temperature        In operation       Heavy ion acceleration      August 31, 2022
         Accelerator      Cyclotron (K-130)
         Research Facility   Super Conducting     Commissioning      Heavy ion acceleration      No time limit
                          Cyclotron (K-500)
                          Medical Cyclotron Project  Stage-1         Cyclotron machine along with   July 30, 2020
                                                  Commissioning      3 beam lines for production of
                                                                     radio-pharmaceuticals and 2
                                                                     beamlines for research purpose
                                   Facilities operated by RRCAT, Indore, Madhya Pradesh
         LASER            150 TW Ti: Sapphire Laser  In operation    90 TW- for regular and 150   June 30, 2021
                          System                                     TW-trial (25 femto-second)
         PARF             TWINDUS                 In operation       Electron Acceleration,      January 25, 2021
                          LINAC-1                                    10 MeV, 5 kW Technology
                          Agricultural Radiation                     Demonstration for Food
                          Processing Facility (ARPF)                 Irradiation
                          TWINDUS                 Trial Run Operation  Electron Acceleration,    January 25, 2021
                          LINAC-2                                    10 MeV, 5 kW
                          TWINDUS                 Installation, Testing   Electron Acceleration   June 4, 2021
                          LINAC-3                 and Commissioning  10 MeV, 5 kW
                          INDUS-1                 In operation       450 MeV, 100 mA Electron    September 30,
                                                                     Storage Ring                2023
                          INDUS-2                 In operation       2.5 GeV, 200 mA Synchrotron   March 31, 2021
                                                                     Radiation Source (SRS)
         Accelerator      Electron LINAC          In operation       10 MeV, 10 kW               June 30, 2021

         LASER            1 PW Laser System       Construction       1 PW (femto second)         ----
         Superconducting   Horizontal Test Stand   Commissioning and  SCRF Cavity at 650 MHz     June 20, 2022
         RF Cavity        for Superconducting RF   Operation
                                   Facilities operated by IGCAR, Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu

         Accelerator      1.7 MV Tandetron        In operation       1.7 MV                      August 31, 2021
                          150 kV Accelerator      In operation       150 kV                      August 31, 2021

                                                Facilities operated by ECIL
         Electronic       ECIL, Hyderabad         In operation       Production of Instrumentation,   June 30, 2020
         Component                                                   Control & Communication
         Development                                                 systems and other electronic

                          ECIL, Tirupati          In operation       Production of Nuclear Industrial  October 31, 2021
                                                                     Instrumentation systems, EVM
                                                                     & VVPAT power packs etc.

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