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1.7.3 Occupational  Injury  Statistics  of DAE            Severity Rate (SR) of 193 as compared to 204.61 in

               Units                                              2018. Similarly, the year 2019 recorded an Injury
                                                                  Index of 0.0374 as compared to 0.023 in the year
            The compilation of Occupational Injury Statistics for   2018 and an Incidence Rate of 0.53 as compared to
        the year 2019 for DAE units (other than BARC facilities,   0.288  in 2018.
        AMD and mines of IREL & UCIL) provides the data on    •  There was no notifiable disease reported during the
        accidents and analysis of number of injuries and loss of   period from any of the operating units of DAE under
        man-days. Details are presented in Table 1.11.
                                                                  the purview of AERB.
        •  During  the calendar  year 2019,  there were 31
            reportable injuries including 5 fatalities with a loss   Distribution  of reportable injuries  in  DAE  units in
            of 30,994  man-days compared to 18 reportable     2019 are presented in terms of percentage in Figure 1.1.
            injuries including 5 fatalities with a loss of 32,122   Year-wise Frequency Rate (FR), Severity Rate (SR),
            man-days in 2018.
                                                              Injury Index (II), Incidence Rate (IR) and Fatal Injuries
        •  The year 2019 recorded a Frequency Rate (FR) of    (FI) in DAE Units are shown in Figure 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
            0.19 as compared to 0.11 in the year 2018 and a   and 1.6 respectively.
        Table 1.11: Unit-wise Comparison of Reportable Occupational Injuries in DAE Units (2019)

                         C1         C2      C3       C4         C5         C6          C7        C8        C9
                        No. of     No. of   No. of   No. of   Number of   Frequency   Severity   Injury   Incidence
                      Lost Time   Man-days  Fatal  Employees  Man-hours    Rate       Rate      Index      Rate
              Unit   (Reportable)  Lost    Injury             Worked
                                                                                    (C2x10 )
                                                                                                         (C1x10 )
                        Injury                                          __________ __________ _________ ________
                                                                         (C1x10 )
                                                                           C5          C5       1000       C4
         NPP              4        6194      1     12550     37413367      0.11       166      0.0177      0.32
         Construction     9       18316      3     24180     74172197      0.12       247      0.0300      0.37
         HWP              1         85       0      4573     11688144      0.09        7       0.0006      0.22
         IREL             1        6000      1      548       701062       1.43      8558      12.2078     1.82

         NFC & ZC         3        136       0      4555     11281051      0.27        12      0.0032      0.66

         UCIL Mills       1         7        0      2588     4922520       0.20        1       0.0003      0.39

         ECIL             2         0        0      2492     6016176       0.33        0       0.0000      0.80

         IGCAR            1         14       0      3465     7864168       0.13        2       0.0002      0.29
         BRIT             3        119       0      1011     1078472       2.78       110      0.3069      2.97

         VECC             0         0        0      1041     2056000       0.00        0       0.0000      0.00

         RRCAT            6        123       0      1526     3068744       1.96        40      0.0784      3.93

         Total           31       30994      5     58529   160261901      0.19        193      0.0374     0.53

        (Note: The FR and IR are rounded off to two number of decimal places. The II is rounded off to four number of decimal places.
        The SR is rounded off to nearest number.)

                                                                                      AERB Annual Report 2019  27
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60