Page 59 - AERB
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1.8 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS                                on INES. Events rated at levels 1, 2 and 3 are called
                                                              ‘Incidents’. The level 0 or below scale means events that
            AERB  requires NPPs to report certain  events  that  have no nuclear and radiological safety significance.
        occur in  the  plant  which have  or may  have  impact
        on  operational  safety. Under  the  reporting  system  1.8.1 Significant Events and INES rating of NPP
        established by AERB, the events reportable to AERB are
        divided into two categories, termed as,                   All the significant events reported were reviewed in
                                                              detail by AERB and measures to prevent recurrence of
        (a) Events                                            such events were recommended.

        (b) Significant Events                                (i)  Significant Events in NPPs under Construction
            This  categorization  of  events  is  done  based  on   During the year no significant event was reported in
        their safety significance and importance to operational  NPP under construction.
        safety experience feedback. Based on the established
        reporting criteria, Event Reports (ER) and Significant   (ii) Significant Events in Operating NPPs
        Event  Reports (SER) are  submitted to  AERB. The         During 2019, a total of 45  significant events
        SERs received from the operating NPPs are rated       were reported from operating NPPs. Out of these, 40
        on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event   significant events were rated at level 0 and one event (at
        Scale (INES) of International Atomic Energy Agency    RAPS-2) was rated at level 1 on INES. INES rating of
        (IAEA). The INES rates events at seven levels (1 to   one event at TAPS-3&4 is under review at AERB.
        7) depending on their safety significance as shown in
        figure 1.7 below.                                         Three significant events, one  each at RAPS-5&6,
                                                              KGS-1 and KKNPP-1&2 were not rated on INES as these
            Events rated at level 4 and above are termed as   were related to industrial safety and had no relevance
        ‘Accidents’. The accidents at Chernobyl NPP in former   to nuclear and radiological safety. The number of SERs
        USSR (now in Ukraine) in April 1986 and Fukushima     in each NPP and their ratings on INES are given in
        NPPs in Japan in March 2011 were rated at level 7     Table-1.12.

                                                                                   Major Accident
                                                           7                       Serious Accident
                                                   ACCIDENT  6                     Accident with wider

                                                              5  4                 consequences

                                                                                   Accident with local
                                                                                   Serious incidents
                                             INICIDENT              2  1           Incidents


                                                              Below Scale/ Level 0
                                                                No Safety Significance

                                                  Fig. 1.7: INES Scale

                                                                                      AERB Annual Report 2019  31
   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64