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(d) Gorakhpur Haryana Anu Vidyut Pariyojana  relieved from the duty by morning shift crane operator.
            (GHAVP-1&2)                                       Later, he was  found lying unconscious on the crane
                                                              access walkway platform and subsequently  declared
            Ground  improvement  work was in progress in      dead  on same day at KGS hospital.  The preliminary
        GHAVP-1&2 main  plant  area. On early morning  of     post-mortem report indicated  internal  injuries  which
        March 29, 2019, a dumper after unloading the mixed    could not be  attributed to  natural causes.  In  view of
        soil, was heading towards plant No. 1 for loading mixed   this, AERB recommended  that the event should be
        soil. En-route,  it hit the  victim  (Civil  Supervisor of   considered as an industrial accident till receipt of final
        Contractor) who was deputed at the spot for supervising   post-mortem report and its review in AERB. Based on
        the rolling operation. He was taken to the Hospital for   the investigation of the event, AERB has asked all DAE
        immediate  treatment. However, on April  02, 2019,    facilities to review the safety aspects of all the material
        victim succumbed to the injuries.                     handling equipment & operations and take necessary

            Review of investigation  report at AERB  revealed   corrective actions.
        deficiencies  in communication  mechanism  between    (f) Indian Rare Earths Limited (IREL) OSCOM
        contractor and site and lack of safety management of
        NPCIL at site.  Contributory causes were inadequate       A fatal accident occurred at IREL, OSCOM on
        procedural adherence, ineffective communication, lack  July 06, 2019. A tanker was deployed to load chlorine
        of questioning attitude and lack of awareness of unsafe  solution and transport it for further processing. During
        work conditions. AERB team carried out special RI on  loading  operation,  a contract worker fell from top of
        April 05, 2019. A warning letter was issued to site asking  tanker (3.3 m height) which resulted in serious injuries
        to implement measures to prevent recurrence of such  on his skull and face. The victim succumbed to his
        accident. NPCIL was  recommended  strict  adherence  injuries on July 07,  2019  while undergoing  medical
        to the safe working procedures, adequate rest rooms/  treatment at hospital.
        suitable shelters, training of line supervisors to enhance
        risk perception to prevent accidents, sufficient authority   AERB review indicated unstable surface of the tanker
        to the supervisor to stop the work in case of unsafe work   top, lack of arrangement for arresting a possible fall and
        conditions etc. It was also recommended that NPCIL-   inadequate JHA were the cause of the accident. AERB
        HQ shall review the actions initiated by GHAVP site.  recommended IREL to review the lapses in the safety
                                                              management  systems including  organisational  failures
            Compliance of recommendations are being checked  and to provide technical solutions to minimize the need
        during RI for verification of stated corrective actions.  of human intervention during tanker loading operation
                                                              and review the post-accident medical management.
        (e) Kaiga Generating Station (KGS-1&2)
                                                                  AERB  asked all  other  facilities  also to review
            A fatal accident occurred at KGS-1 on February    the safety  aspects  of tanker loading  and unloading
        04, 2019. The contract worker was working as a crane   operations  at plant/site and to take necessary actions
        operator for overhauling of Turbine Generator of KGS-1   to ensure provision of safe working conditions for these
        during biennial shutdown. On the day of event, he was   activities.

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