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(iii)   Diagnostic Radiology (X-ray)

            X-rays are used in medical facilities as an important diagnostic tool. Following practices use X-ray for various
        diagnostic examinations.

             Interventional Radiology           Computed Tomography (CT)           Radiography and Fluoroscopy
              equipment (Cath-Lab)
                                                 CT is a non-invasive medical        Radiography, Fluoroscopy, Dental
             These      equipment    are      examination that uses X-ray equipment   X-ray, Mammography, Bone Mineral
          used in operation theatres for      to produce cross-sectional images   Densitometer equipment are used for
          various interventional procedures and   of the body. CT equipment poses   diagnostic purpose.  These constitute
          poses moderate radiation hazard to   moderate radiation hazard potential to   around 70-80% of all X-ray equipment
          patients  and  medical  professionals   both worker and patient.       that are used, and are of low-to-very
          involved in operation of the equipment.                                low radiation hazard potential, to both
                                                 There are 4,824 CT  equipment   worker and patients.
             There  are  1,944  Cath  Lab.
          equipment                                                                  There are about 70,578 such
                                                                                 medical diagnostic X-ray equipment.

        Following table provides the details of consents issued for Medical Radiation Facilities during the
             Type of Consent                                      Radiotherapy       Medicine          X-ray
                                                                       503                            56,660

                             No. of Facilities (Equipment)       (735 Teletherapy       350          (77,346)
                                                               +316 Brachytherapy)

         Licence*                                                      206              170           19,747

         Permission for Import/Procurement of Equipment                152               64           10,458

         Permission for Procurement of Radioactive Sources             419              2314            ---

         Type Approval/Renewal (Equipment)                             19                ---           169

         Layout Approval                                               325              160             ---

        *Licence includes Licence / Authorisation / Registration for various radiation facilities

                                                                                      AERB Annual Report 2019  39
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