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2.2.4 Disposal of Disused Radioactive Sources            The committees also recommend  issuance of
                                                                 licence for operation  or issuance of Type Approval,
               The radiation  sources  are either procured from  based on their review. The committees consist of experts
           Indian  supplier  or imported from other  counties.  All  in the field from the industry, medicine and academic
           the radioactive sources must be safely disposed of once  institutions  apart from the experts from BARC, BRIT
           they reach the end of their useful life or not in use for  and AERB.
           intended  purpose.  As per the terms and condition  of
           the licence and policy, these disused sources need to be  2.2.6 Approval of Radiological Safety Officers
           send back to the original manufacturer/supplier for its
           safe management.                                         While the built-in safety of the equipment and
                                                                 institution’s operational preparedness towards safety are
               During the year about 348 approvals were issued  ensured by adhering to requirements specified by AERB in
           for export of radioactive sources and 63 approvals for  various safety documents, the implementation of radiation
           return the sources to Indian supplier/disposal  agency  safety is carried out by AERB approved Radiological
           for disposal of sources at authorised radioactive waste  Safety Officers (RSO). The RSOs are thus not only acting
           management sites in India.                            as extended arms of the regulatory body at every radiation
                                                                 facility, but they are also the pivotal interface between the
           2.2.5  Safety  Committees  for Radiation  radiation facility and the regulatory body.
                   Facilities                                       The number of RSO approvals/renewals issued for

               The safety committees review the radiation  safety   different practices during the year are as given in Table 2.2.
           aspects of medical, industrial and research institutions
           which use radioactive  sources/  radiation  generating   2.2.7 Other Regulatory Activities
           equipment. Number of meetings conducted by various    (i)  Approval of Classification  Designation of
           committees for safety review of radiation facilities and   106 Ru Eye Plaque
           transport of radioactive  material  during  the period  is
           given in Table 2.1.                                      BRIT has indigenously developed   Ru eye plaque
                                                                 for brachytherapy  treatment  of eye  cancers. BRIT

           Table 2.1: Meetings of Safety Review Committees of Radiation Facilities

                                          Name of Committee                                    Number of Meetings
            Safety Review Committee for Applications of Radiation      (SARCAR)                         3

            Safety Review Committee for Radiation Processing Plants (SRC-RPP)                           4
            Committee on Safe Transport of Radioactive Material  (COSTRAM)                              2
            Safety Committee for Hadron Therapy Facilities (SCHTF)                                      2
            Accelerator and Laser Safety Committee (ALSC)                                               6
            Committee  for Investigation  and  Review  of Exposure in  Nuclear  Fuel  Cycle  and  Radiation   4
            Facilities (CIRENURA)
                                                                                        Total           21

           Table 2.2: Approval of Radiological Safety Officers in Radiation Facilities
               Type of Practice       Number                        Type of Practice                      Number
            Radiotherapy                443     Radiation Processing Facilities                              65
            Nuclear Medicine            172     Industrial Radiography                                      449
            Diagnostic X-ray            1911    Nucleonic Gauges & Well Logging                             485

            Research Centres             75     Consumer Product Manufacturer & Scanner Facilities           31

            44 AERB Annual Report 2019
   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77