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the accident site and could not locate the radiography   2.4  INITIATIVES    TOWARDS         MAXIMUM
        device containing the source. The radiography agency
        lodged a police complaint  regarding  theft of the         GOVERNANCE, MINIMUM GOVERNMENT
        radioactive source from the accident site at the nearest   (i) Management    of     Disused       Sealed
        police station.                                           Radioactive Sources (DSRS)

            Later on, the radiography device was recovered on     The disused sealed radioactive sources (DSRS) are
        June 28, 2019 from a scrap dealer located about 10 km   those sealed radioactive sources that are not intended
        away from the accident site by the licensee institution.   to be used, for the practice for which an authorization
        Device and source were recovered in intact condition   was granted. The sources are obtained either through
        and no radiological safety concern was reported.      indigenously  or through  import. There are large

        (iv)   Theft of Nucleonic Gauge with Sources          number of disused radioactive  sources of varying
                                                              hazard potential (Category-1 to 5, high to low hazard)
            Three numbers of  Co source containers  used in  which are in possession of various institutions located
        mould level gauges were removed from the installed  all over the country.  As per the terms and condition
        location in one of  the steel company located at  of the licence and policy, these sources after its useful
        Bhandara, Maharashtra and these sources along with  life need to be returned back  to the original  supplier
        their shields were transferred to the source storage room  for its safe management. However, in certain cases, the
        under lock and key in March 2019. After a month, plant  Licensee is unable to return the DSRS to the supplier
        personnel notice that the lock of the source storage room  owing to various reasons which include non-existence
        was broken and two numbers of containers with  Co  of original  supplier  abroad,  non-availability  of proper
        sources (~20.72 MBq (0.56 mCi) each) are missing from  documentation for export, exorbitant cost quoted by the
        the room and third gauge with source in the container  original supplier and financial constraints etc.
        was found to be intact. Institute lodged police complaint
        about the theft. After a reach operation, one container   AERB oversees the safety and security of these DSRS
        with source was recovered from the plant premises,    possessed by various  Institutions.   Apart from review
        whereas second container  could  not  be recovered  till   of periodic safety status reports and pursuing them for
        date.                                                 disposal of DSRS, AERB inspects these facilities based
                                                              on the hazard potential.
        Enforcement Action:
                                                                  AERB followed up the matter pertaining to disposal
            AERB issued show-cause notice on regulatory  of DSRS with Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)
        violations committed by the institution.              which is the nodal agency as per the Atomic Energy Act,
                                                              1962  to provide  control  over radioactive  substances
        (v) Loss  of Nucleonic Gauges containing              or  radiation  generating  equipment,  to establish  an
            decayed Sources                                   appropriate  formal mechanism  to address the issue
                                                              of DSRS. Accordingly, DAE has constituted an expert
            Three numbers of nucleonic  gauges containing
        radioactive sources {2x Cs (~ 0.22 GBq (6 mCi) &      committee to review the request for safe management of
        ~ 2.3 GBq (62 mCi)} respectively and one  C (~ 333    DSRS. The Committee has taken on priority the issue of
        KBq (90µCi)) were reported missing from the storage   disposal of Category-1 DSRS used in (Teletherapy and
        room of  institution at Dahej,  Bharuch. The institute   gamma  irradiation  Chamber)  and initiated  discussion
        lodged a police complaint about the incident. Despite of   with institution and source supplier to facilitate them to
        search operations by the institution, the missing sources   initiate the actions for safe management of DSRS.
        could not be traced. Unsecured storage and inadequate   (ii) Amendment  of Safety  Code  on  Industrial
        surveillance to the disused sources at storage area led to   Radiography
        the above incident.
                                                                  Based on the lessons learnt from recent incidences
        Enforcement Action:                                   w.r.t.  handling  of  radiography  devices by  untrained
                                                              persons and feedback of stakeholders regarding scarcity
            AERB issued show-cause notice on regulatory
        violations committed by the institution.              of trained personnel in industrial radiography practice,
                                                              need was  felt to infuse more trained manpower to

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