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3.2 REGULATORY INSPECTION OF NUCLEAR                     In case of radiation  facilities,  the  inspection  plan

               AND RADIATION FACILITIES                          envisages prioritization  of inspection of the facilities
                                                                 having reported cases of excessive radiation exposures
               AERB carries  out regulatory  inspections of  the   and  the facilities from where periodic  safety status
           nuclear,  industrial and radiation facilities as  a safety   report  is  not received (particularly inactive nucleonic
           audit  measure to ensure compliance  with the AERB    gauge  institutions) as per the specified  requirements.
           safety requirements and stipulations.  In nuclear  and   As an innovative measure, awareness programmes on
           industrial  facilities, the emphasis is given  on aspects   radiological safety aspects were conducted along with
           related  to project management,  safety culture, civil   routine  inspection  activities to improve  compliance
           construction, quality assurance, equipment storage &   to regulatory requirements. While  AERB  has been
           preservation,  fabrication  and erection  of major safety   effectively regulating the high hazard nuclear facilities
           related  components, documentation,  commissioning    and other radiation applications, it is facing challenges
           & operation activities, industrial & fire safety, nuclear   in bringing the widely spread Diagnostic X-ray facilities
           security, radiological  monitoring  and  emergency    under its regulatory control. In this connection, AERB
           preparedness. AERB adopts  a graded approach  in      continues to conduct special unannounced inspections
           conducting  regulatory inspections. The  number  of   in major cities / towns in the country and seal the facility
           planned inspections of a nuclear facility depends on its   or issue warnings to the facilities which fail to meet the
           hazard potential and may vary from 1 to 8 inspections  regulatory and safety requirements.
           in a year. The scope and depth  of these inspections
           depend on the consenting stage of the facility and the      Though the X-ray equipment are of low hazard
           activities  at the site. In addition  to these, additional   potential, it is important that they are installed
           inspections  are conducted  to gather  information  after   and operated in accordance with radiation safety
           important events or to observe specific activities.     requirements specified by AERB.

               AERB      has
           posted     onsite        AERB     SOT    provides        The regulatory inspections are carried out by HQ
           observers known      continuous  surveillance  over   and  its regional centres viz. the Southern Regional
           as Site observers    19  Nuclear Facilities at Four   Regulatory Centre (SRRC), Chennai; Eastern Regional
           Team (SOT), at       NPP sites                        Regulatory  Centre (ERRC),  Kolkata and Northern
           four  NPP sites                                       Regional Regulatory Centre (NRRC), Delhi. In addition,
           [Rawatbhata, Kalpakkam, Kakrapar and Kudankulam].  Directorate of Radiation Safety (DRS) / Radiation Safety
           These SOT observe activities at the operating as well  Agency (RSA) in some of the States are also authorised
           as under construction plants at these sites and submit  to carry out regulatory inspections for ensuring radiation
           report to AERB  headquarter on  daily  basis. This has  safety of medical diagnostic radiology (X-ray) equipment
           led to establishment of continuous regulatory presence  installed in the respective States.
           at these sites, covering  twelve  operating,  two under
           commissioning  and  five  under  construction  NPPs.     AERB follows a graded  approach  in determining
           At other  NPP sites, AERB  conducts  unannounced      the safety significance of the deviations observed during
           inspections, apart from routine announced inspections   regulatory inspections of nuclear and radiation facilities.
           to observe the actual state of the facility and the way in   The reported deviations are categorised as White, Grey,
                                                                 Orange  and  Red findings,  in the increasing  order  of
           which it is being operated and maintained.
                                                                 safety significance and are as described below:

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