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Red finding is related to deviations of high safety
                                                                significance,  which  can  affect the  safety of plant,
                                      Red                       personnel  or the environment  and  needs  urgent
                                                                corrective action(s) by the facility.
              Safety Significance  Orange                       moderate safety significance, which can affect the

                                                                   Orange finding is related to deviations of

                                                                safety of plant, personnel or the environment in
                                                                future, if remains  uncorrected  or involve certain
                                                                unanalysed plant conditions which may affect safety.

                                                                   Grey finding is related to deviations of low safety
                                                                significance,  which may affect the safety of the
                                                                plant or personnel or the environment together with
                                                                certain other failure(s).

                                                                   White finding  is related to deviations  of very
                                    White                       low safety  significance, which may not affect
                                                                systems, structures or components related to plant or
                                                                personnel safety or the environment.

            AERB  follows-up  the implementation  of all  the  (ii)  RI during Biennial Shutdown of KGS-1 & 2 and
        actions for resolution of the reported deviations. Orange   NAPS-1 to cover radiological safety aspects.
        and Red findings are reviewed for appropriate follow-up   (iii)  RI of KGS-1 & TAPS-3 to cover the Integrated Leak
        or enforcement actions. The closure of the Grey, Orange    Rate Test (ILRT) of Reactor building containment.
        and Red findings are considered by AERB after review
        and acceptance of the corrective actions. The Licensee   (iv)  Special RIs of GHAVP and KGS-1&2 to access the
        has its own internal mechanism for resolution of White     nature of safety measures after fatal accident.
        findings,  which  is checked  by AERB  inspectors  on  (v)  Special  RI of RAPP-7 to observe pre-stressing
        sample basis during subsequent inspections.                activities.

        3.2.1 Regulatory Inspections of Nuclear & Industrial   (vi)  Special RI of one of the BSM facility.
              Facilities (N&IF)                               (vii) As a  vendor  inspection  programme,  carried  out
                                                                   special RI of NFC, Hyderabad and NPC Regional
            During the year,                                       QA office at Hyderabad.
        total 128 regulatory    128 inspection comprises of
        inspections     of   27 NPPs under Construction,      (viii) Special RI of UCIL mines viz. Jaduguda and Bhatin
        N&IFs     covering   64 Operating NPPs and 37              to cover radiological safety aspects.
        safety    (nuclear,  Fuel Cycle  & other Industrial   (ix)  In  view of  media reports  on cyber  attack  on
        radiological    &    Facilities                            computer  systems at KKNPP-1&2, AERB  carried
        industrial)    and                                         out a special inspection of this site.
        security aspects under the purview of AERB including   (x)   Special Inspection of NPCIL Headquarter
        following inspections:
                                                                      Apart from above, a special RI of NPCIL HQ
        (i)  Unannounced inspections of NPPs viz. TAPS-1&2,        at Mumbai was conducted by AERB to verify the
             NAPS-1&2 and KGS-1&2 to cover operation and           compliance to the requirements prescribed for the
             surveillance activities.                              responsible organisation in the AERB safety codes

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