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elevate the level of safety in the practice. In view of this,  and in Back Office Module (BOM) for AERB users:
           the Safety Code on Industrial Radiography [AERB/RF-
           IR/SC-1 (Rev.1) 2015],  was  amended.  As per newly   (a)  New functionalities  are augmented   in e-LORA
           approved  requirement, a candidate  with minimum         by which user can easily change User ID, update
           one year course from Industrial Training Institute (ITI)   Institute details as well as contact details.
           and with one year working experience is also eligible   (b)  New feature has been  constructed  to display
           to undergo Training Course on ‘Radiological Safety for   application  processing statistics  at e-LORA Home
           Industrial Radiographer’ at par with candidate possessing   page.
           10+2 or equivalent examination with science subjects.
           The term ‘trainee’ in radiography is changed to ‘intern’.    (c)  News Item Screen  to broadcast important news
                                                                    items or safety promotional materials.
              One  of the stringent  requirements of six months
           ‘prior’ experience is replaced  with field experience  (d) Simplified  the method of  submission of excessive
           of six months in an approved  industrial  radiography    exposure reports by user and its processing flow at
           institution as an ‘intern’ after completion  of the      AERB.
           training. This modification  is  aimed at improving  the
           availability  of qualified  industrial  radiographers  and   (e)  ‘Quick Help’ page has been created to make easy
           also accommodating  the fresher’s  entering  in this     availability of certain FAQ and answers related to
           field  without  compromising  on  radiation  safety. The   e-LORA.
           amendment in this regard has been issued on August    (f)  Revised version of Inspection  Module  has been
           02, 2019, details of which is available on AERB website.
                                                                    implemented  in order to automate  inspection
           (iii)   Upgrades in e-LORA System                        intimation process.

               The  regulatory consenting  process for all       (g)  Safety Status Report submission  system has been
           stakeholders of radiation facilities is executed through   made more effective.
           e-Licensing of Radiation Applications (e-LORA) system.   Similarly,  at the BOM side for AERB users,  new
           To ensure availability and performance of system and   functionalities  such as inserting comment against
           to  make it  more user friendly,  certain changes are   institutions, modified MIS reports, global search options
           implement, as required, in the architecture of e-LORA.   and legacy record management  are constructed for
           During the period, following upgrades were carried out   better usability and faster review of applications.
           in the Internet Interface Module (IIM) for external users

                        Steps to be followed for obtaining Licence for operation of Dental X-ray Equipment

                                   Apply for Institute Registration

                            Yes            Equipment          No
                                         Manufactured in

                         STEP-2                                                                  STEP-3
               Fill Application for Registration                STEP-2                  Fill Application for Registration
                 of Indigenous Dental X-ray              Fill Application of Dental       of Imported Dental X-ray
               Equipment for obtaining licence              X-ray Procurement          Equipment for obtaining licence

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