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submitted application  for approval  of Classification  which are frequently transported for field job. Further
        Designation  of radioactive  sources. AERB  officers  all the IR facilities were directed that, during transport
        witnessed the testing of classification of  Ru-eye plaque  of Industrial gamma radiography exposure devices
        source. Based on review of application along with the  (IGRED), the facility shall ensure that the IGREDs are
        test results, AERB issued approval  of Classification  anchored to the vehicle (e.g. with metal chain and pad
        Designation to  Ru-eye plaque.                        lock). Similarly, during storage the IGREDs shall be
                                                              suitably anchored.
        (ii) Strengthening  Control over Movement of
            Devices Containing Radioactive Sources                The above action was initiated to minimize the
                                                              chances of mishandling of radioactive sources, in case
            Based on lessons learnt from recent incidences of   of loss of equipment or container in the public domain.
        loss/theft of radiation sources during movement, AERB   The warning sign will serve as a supplementary to the
        directed all well-logging and industrial radiography   radioactive symbol (trefoil) for warning to the public to
        (IR) facilities to affix legible and durable radiation   keep away, if such device (containing radiation source)
        warning  sign  (trefoil  symbol  with  radiation  hazard   is found in the public domain.
        caution ENGRAVED in ENGLISH, HINDI and Local
        Language) and institute details (engraved on a steel tag)   The sketches of the Warning Sign and Metallic tag
        on the container / devices having radioactive sources  are as shown below.

        RADIATION WARNING SIGN                                                        METALLIC TAG

                                                                    (Following to be engraved)

                                                         Name of the institution & City:
                                                         Contact no.:

                                                         Warning: This container contains        RADIOACTIVE
                                                         material. If found DO NOT OPEN. Please inform to
                                                         the above address or inform nearby police station.


         सावधान: ववविरण, दूर रविये ।

         LOCAL Language:

                                                                                 Radiography device
                                                                                 with Legible and
                                                                                 Durable Radiation
                                                                                 Warning Sign

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