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(iii)  Assessment of Excessive Exposure               2.3     UNUSUAL        OCCURRENCES            AND
                 Cases for Radiation Facilities
                                                                         ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS
               Radiation  dose to worker in  excess of regulatory   (i) Loss of Oil Well Logging Source
           constraint of 10 mSv in a monitoring period is reported by
           personnel monitoring service provider to AERB, which     An oil-well logging container housing  137 Cs source
           is communicated further to respective user institution for  of activity 80 GBq (~2 Ci) belonging to a well logging
           investigation.  Such investigation reports  are reviewed  institute in Rajahmundry got lost on January 14, 2019
           by AERB for not only assigning the dose to the worker  during  transport.  Later on, this source container  was
           but also to initiate  regulatory actions to prevent such  recovered from a scrap dealer on January 23, 2019 with
           recurrences. For resolution of such reported cases, the  the efforts of Law Enforcement authorities,  National
           investigation  report has to undergo  through  multi-tire  Disaster Response  Force (NDRF)  and  personnel  from
           review process in AERB. At present, depending upon  well logging institute. No damage to the source container
           the radiation dose, the report is reviewed by three safety  and  source assembly was observed. Subsequently,
           committees.                                           AERB officers visited the incident  site and verified
                                                                 the status of the source & sources container. It was
               In the recent  past, a large  number  of excessive   established  that incident  occurred due  to inadequate
           exposure cases got accumulated for final resolution due   security arrangements for the source.
           to several reasons. One of the major reasons for which is
           non-receipt of investigation reports with necessary inputs  Enforcement Action:
           from the user institution in-spite of multiple reminders.
           It is worth noting that delay in resolution of excessive   AERB  issued a show-cause  notice  to the  licensee
           exposure cases defeats the purpose  of personnel      organisation. The incident was discussed in AERB Safety
           monitoring in protecting the workers from unsafe work   Review committee where representatives  of licensee
           practice, if any. To resolve these pending cases an In-  organisation  were also called for personal hearing.
           House Review Group (IHRG) was constituted in AERB.    Subsequently a warning letter was issued to licensee of
                                                                 the organisation. Incident has been reported in IAEA-
               Analysis  of the previously investigated  cases  INES and Incident and Trafficking Database (ITDB).
           shows that around 90% of the reported cases are from   (ii) Use and Storage of Radiography  Device
           Diagnostic  Radiology  (DR)  practice  and  out  of the   at Unauthorised Site
           reported cases from DR practice, about 95% cases are
           found to be non-genuine, where the persons were not      AERB  conducted  surprise regulatory inspections
           actually exposed to the reported radiation dose. Such   during January 17-21, 2019 at various sites in Agra and
           cases are mainly due to storage of TLD badge inside  Rajkot and sealed four industrial  radiography  devices
           the X-ray room, using the bare TLD card, wearing the  (belonging  to  two  different radiography  facilities) for
           TLD badge over lead apron (which normally reduced  storage/use at unapproved/unauthorised sites.
           the exposure level by around 90%). Keeping this in view
           and based on the experience in resolution of excessive   Enforcement Action:
           exposure cases in the past, IHRG framed criteria for     AERB issued show-cause notices to  both the
           resolution of excessive exposure cases.
                                                                 radiography  facilities.  After review  of responses from
               Several steps were also initiated by AERB, including   the facilities, AERB initiated  enforcement actions by
           spreading awareness to the workers about proper use of   suspending  operation  of two devices  for a period  of
           TLD and safe work practice, which resulted in reduction   three months.
           of excessive exposure cases in DR practice. Secondly,   (iii)  Theft of Industrial Radiography Device
           the procedure of assessment of excessive exposure
           cases have been revised for their expeditious resolution.   A car carrying industrial radiography device model
           With this multipronged approach not only the number  Delta-880  containing   192 Ir  source  of  about 1.53  TBq
           of reported cases were reduced but also the reported  (41.4 Ci)  belong  to Navi  Mumbai  based radiography
           cases were expeditiously  resolved  to avoid  further  company met with an accident on June 26, 2019 near
           accumulation in future.                               Pune. Post-accident, RSO of radiography agency reached

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