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3.2.2 Regulatory Inspections of Radiation Facilities

           (i) Routine and Special Inspections

              The routine and special regulatory inspections of radiation facilities carried during the year 2019 are tabulated
           Table 3.4: Regulatory Inspections of Radiation Facilities

                                                                                                  No. of Facilities /
                          Radiation Facility                        Type of Inspection
                                                                                                Institutes Inspected
            Radiotherapy                                   Routine                                      131
                                                           Special -Excessive Exposure Investigation      1
            Radiotherapy Equipment Supplier                Routine                                        4
            Nuclear Medicine                               Routine                                       75
                                                           Special -Excessive Exposure Investigation      2

            Nuclear Medicine Manufacturer & Supplier       Routine                                       10
            Diagnostic Radiology*                          Special                                      168
            Diagnostic Radiology                           Special -Excessive Exposure Investigation     39
            Diagnostic Radiology Equipment  Manufacturer &   Routine                                     76
            Industrial Radiography                         Routine                                      157
                                                           Special -Excessive Exposure Investigation      5
            Industrial Radiography Equipment Supplier      Routine                                       15
            Nucleonic Gauging Device                       Special                                      146
            Nucleonic Gauge Manufacturer & Supplier        Routine                                       25
            Well Logging                                   Routine                                        8
            Gamma Irradiation Chamber                      Routine                                       45
            Gamma Radiation Processing Facility            Routine                                        4
            Industrial Accelerator Radiation Processing Facility   Routine                                1
            Particle Accelerator Research Facility         Routine                                        3
            Medical Cyclotron                              Routine                                        4
            BRIT                                           Routine                                        2

            RRCAT                                          Routine                                        1
            VECC                                           Routine                                        1
            Container Scanner                              Routine                                        4
            Consumer Products Manufacturer                 Routine                                       10
            Diagnostic Radiology Equipment, Consumer       Type Approval Testing                         73
            Radiation Processing Facilities, Medical Cyclotron   Consenting                              14

            Radiotherapy, Nuclear Medicine, Diagnostic
            Radiology and Medical Cyclotron Facilities     Special                                       14
                                                      Total                                             1038
           *RI carried out by AERB and DRS/ RSA

            56 AERB Annual Report 2019
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89