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Table 1.12: INES Rating of Significant Events in NPPs    For the purpose of analysis, the events reported
           Reported during Calendar Year (2019)                  during year 2019  were also categorized as  per the
                                                                 IAEA-IRS coding system. The classification of systems
                                    INES Rating of Events
                   NPPs                                          failed / affected during the significant events is given in
                                    INES-0         INES-1        Figure-1.8. The classifications of direct causes and root
            TAPS-1 & 2                 2              0          causes of the significant events are given in Figure-1.9
            TAPS-3 & 4                 3              0          & 1.10 respectively.
            RAPS-1 & 2                 7              1          •  Significant Event Rated at Level-1 on INES is
            RAPS-3 & 4                 3              0             briefed below:
            RAPS-5 & 6                 6              0             On January  13,  2019,  RAPS-2  was  shut down
            MAPS-1& 2                  3              0          due to water leakage from secondary side of multiple
            NAPS-1 & 2                 1              0          boiler hairpins. The investigation was carried out after
            KAPS-1 & 2                 2              0          the shutdown revealed that leakage was due to generic
                                                                 phenomenon (i.e. under deposit corrosion) which had
            KGS-1 & 2                  8              0
            KGS- 3 & 4                 1              0          led to wall thinning and pinholes in the boiler hairpins,
                                                                 near the weld joint between tube-sheet and boiler
            KKNPP-1&2                  4              0          hairpin shell. After the event, the vulnerable area was
            Total                     40              1          inspected  in all other  boiler hairpins  of RAPS-2 and
                                                                 other similar units and requisite remedial measures were
           * INES rating of one event at TAPS-3&4 is under review in
           AERB.                                                 implemented.

                  I & C Systems
                                                                                                 Primary Systems

                     Feedwater,                      15%
                     and Power

                                        17%                                     44%


               Electrical Systems

                                                                                                 Essential Auxiliary

                                Fig. 1.8: Classification of Failed/Affected Systems of SERs

            32 AERB Annual Report 2019
   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65