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1.6.1 Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre                (b) Commissioning  and Operation of HTS  and

                  (VECC)                                            Permission for Testing  of Superconducting
                                                                    RF Cavities
               The Room Temperature Cyclotron  (K-130) was          RRCAT applications for commissioning and operation
           under operation delivering alpha and proton beams     of Horizontal Test Stand (HTS) and permission for testing
           of various energies  and  intensities.  Commissioning  of   of Superconducting RF Cavities (SCRF) in HTS facility
           Super-conducting cyclotron and Radioactive Ion Beam   were reviewed by AERB and consent was granted on
           facility is in progress.  The Stage-1 commissioning   June 20, 2019, which is valid till June 20, 2022.
           consent was issued to medical cyclotron facility, which
           will be used, for commercial production  of isotopes   1.6.3 Electronics Corporation of India Limited
           for Positron Emission Tomography  (PET) and Single
           Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) as             (ECIL)
           well as high end technological research. During the year,   ECIL facilities at Hyderabad and Tirupati operated
           following proposal was reviewed by AERB.              safely during the year.

           Stage-1 Commissioning of Medical Cyclotron, VECC,     1.6.4 Board of Radiation & Isotope Technology
           Kolkata                                                    (BRIT)

               Application for Stage-1 Commissioning of Medical     BRIT facilities  at Navi Mumbai and its  Regional
           Cyclotron and its associated beamlines was reviewed by   centres at various location in the country are involved
           AERB and the consent was granted on July 30, 2019     in production of radio-isotopes  used in radiation
           with one year validity, i.e. till July 30, 2020.      facilities  as well as radio-pharmaceutical  used mainly

           1.6.2  Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced               in nuclear medicine  application.  BRIT,  Navi Mumbai
                                                                 and other facilities submitted applications  for renewal
                  Technology (RRCAT)                             of operational  licence during the year. Based on the
                                                                 outcome of the Periodic Safety Reports, the respective
               INDUS-1 Synchrotron  Radiation  Source  (SRS)     licence were extended as detailed blow;
           was  under operation  with beam energy of 450  MeV
           and  beam  current  of 100 mA  delivering  synchrotron  •  Renewal of licence of BRIT, Navi Mumbai under the
           radiation  through seven beamlines. INDUS-2,  which      Atomic Energy Act, 1962 (and rules framed there
           is a synchrotron cum electron storage ring, was under    under) & the Factories Act, 1948 and authorization
           operation  at 2.5 GeV  (max)  beam  energy  and  beam    for radioactive waste disposal/transfer under GSR-
           current of 200 mA (max). Twelve beamlines of INDUS-2     125 up to January 31, 2024.
           have already been authorised by AERB for carrying out
           experiments.  In addition  to these, major accelerators,   •  Renewal of licence for operation of BRIT-RAPPCOF,
           other accelerators and Laser Facilities/Projects  at     Kota under the Atomic Energy Act, 1962 (and rules
           RRCAT are being periodically reviewed. The following     framed thereunder) & the Factories Act, 1948 and
           proposals/issues related to RRCAT were reviewed.         authorization for radioactive waste disposal/transfer
                                                                    under GSR-125 up to January 31, 2024.
           (a) Trial Run Permission for TWINDUS LINAC-2
               at ARPF                                           •  Renewal of licence for operation of Regional Centre-
                                                                    BRIT,  Hyderabad under the Atomic Energy Act,
               RRCAT  had licence for  operation  of  Agricultural   1962 (and rules framed thereunder) & the Factories
           Radiation  Processing Facility (ARPF) with TWINDUS       Act, 1948 up to January 31, 2024.
           LINAC-1, which is  a technological  demonstration
           facility for food irradiation.    RRCAT applications  for   1.7 INDUSTRIAL SAFETY OF NUCLEAR
           trial run operation of TWINDUS LINAC-2 was reviewed         FACILITIES
           and  granted  permissions on  January 25, 2019,  valid
           till January 25, 2021. Another proposal for installation,   Industrial Safety Awards and Fire Safety Awards are
           testing and commissioning of TWINDUS LINAC-3 was      given by AERB to promote Industrial Safety and Fire
           also reviewed by  AERB and granted permission on      Safety in DAE Units. The awards for the year 2018 were
           June 4, 2019, valid till June 4, 2021.                presented to the winners during the 36 DAE Safety &

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