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media and NPCIL press release regarding cyber attack  X-ray equipment were ‘Sealed’ and issued ‘Warning for
        on computers at KKNPP-1&2.                            Seal’ to 91 X-ray equipment due to non-compliances /
                                                              violation of major safety & regulatory requirements.
            AERB team visited NPCIL HQ at Mumbai to verify
        compliance  to the requirements prescribed for the        Based on information about unauthorised handling
        Responsible  Organisation  in the  AERB  safety codes   of Ionizing  Radiation  Exposure Devices (IRED) by
        for design,  construction  and  operation  of NPPs. The   industrial  radiography  institution,  AERB  carried  out
        implementation  of QA programme  was  also verified.   surprise  inspection  at the  site and  four  IREDs were
        Under vendor QA programme,  special RIs of NFC,       sealed.
        Hyderabad and NPC Regional QA office at Hyderabad         The details of regulatory inspection of nuclear and
        were also carried out.                                radiation facilities, and enforcement actions in radiation

            In addition  to the routine  RI programme,  AERB   facilities during this period are given in Chapter-3.
        continued  to post on-site observers at four  NPP sites
        [Rawatbhata, Kalpakkam, Kakrapar and Kudankulam].     Emergency Preparedness

                                                                  Annual  site emergency  exercises were conducted
        Enforcement Actions in Radiation Facilities           at seven NPP sites and off-site emergency  exercises
            As  part  of  the nation-wide campaign to  ensure   (OSEE) at one NPP site. In order to further strengthen
        increased compliance  and regulatory coverage  of     preparedness, new system for conducting  off-site
        medical  diagnostic X-ray equipment,  AERB has been   emergency exercises are being evolved through Table
        carrying out the unannounced and routine inspections-  Top exercise, Integrated  Command  Control  and
        cum-safety awareness programmes.                      Response (ICCR) exercise and field exercise. Trial table-
                                                              top exercise  was  conducted at  three sites.  The first
                                                              ICCR exercise was conducted at Rawatbhata Rajasthan
              Information on Enforcement inspections was
          shared with local print media and television media   (RR) and  second  at Kalpakkam  site. All  the  response
          to spread awareness among the users on radiation    agencies including  DAE-CMG, DAE-RERD, NPCIL
                                                              HQ,  the District  Administration  &  State  Authority,
                                                              AERB and NDMA actively participated in the exercise
                                                              at Kalpakkam.
            Special  inspection-cum-enforcement were carried
        out for medical diagnostic X-ray facilities located in    AERB is in the process of consolidating & revising its
        the North-Eastern States of the country viz.  Manipur,  requirements and guidance for Emergency Preparedness
        Assam, Meghalaya  and  Nagaland.  In this drive,  total  and Response (EPR). The existing requirements are
        207 X-ray equipment were inspected out of which 11  being consolidated/updated through safety code and
                                                              safety guides in line with the role entrusted to AERB by
                                                              NDMA through its national disaster management plan
                                                              (NDMP, 2019).

             AERB’s Enforcement actions against X-ray Facilities   Demonstration of decision making by Plant Advisory
                        appeared in Newspaper                      Group at Plant Emergency Control Centre (PECC)

                                                                                      AERB Annual Report 2019 xxi
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