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11.  Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS)

                 (a)   Coordinated and lead the preparatory activities for Indian participation to the 8th Review Meeting
                    of CNS. This included preparation of the National report (which was uploaded on the CNS website
                    on August 15, 2019).

                 (b) Reviewed the National reports of other contracting parties of CNS and preparation of responses to
                    the questions posed on the Indian National report.

             12.  International Regulatory Review Service (IRRS)

                 (a)  Preparatory activities initiated for IAEA-IRRS follow up mission scheduled in 2020.
                 (b) One officer participated as expert member in IAEA IRRS mission of the United Kingdom.
             13.  Public Accountability

                 (a)  128 RTIs questions replied during the period.

                 (b) Responded 33 parliamentary questions.
                 (c)  Redress all  grievances  pertaining  to AERB  through  Centralized  Public Grievance  Redress and
                    Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) portal in time.

             14.  Human Resource Development

                 (a)  Augmentation of manpower by recruiting 12 personnel in various categories.
                 (b) Organised four Management Development Programmes (MDP) for middle level Officers towards
                    developing soft skills.

                 (c)  Ten officers underwent Orientation Course on Nuclear Law.
                 (d) Towards continual knowledge upgradation of its staff, AERB organized:
                    (i)  One technical talk and 18 colloquia on safety related topics
                    (ii)  A lecture series on ‘Mechanical Vibrations’ comprising of 25 lectures

                    (iii) Training course on ‘Cyber Security’
                    (iv) Advanced training course on ‘Human Factors’.
             15.  Infrastructure Development

                 (a)  Completed construction of Regional Regulatory Centre at Kolkata.
                 (b) Construction activities started for Niyamak Bhavan - C building at HQ.

             16.  Promotion of Official Language

                 (a)  Organised Scientific Seminar in Hindi with a theme on ‘Atomic Energy and Environment’.
                 (b) AERB officer awarded with ‘HINDI SEVI SAMMAN’ for promotional / outstanding contribution in
                    the field of official language.
                 (c)  28 officers successfully completed training of ‘Parangat’ under Hindi Teaching Scheme of Rajabhasha
                 (d) Press releases issued in Hindi and published in daily newspapers.
                 (e)  15,607 Bilingual letters were sent.
                 (f)  Organised four Hindi workshops.

            xvi  AERB Annual Report 2019
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