1 | Innovative hydrogen recombiner concept for severe accident management in nuclear power plants | Nilesh Agrawal, Seik Mansoor Ali, V. Balasubramaniyan |
2017 |
Nuclear Engineering and Design |
2 | Experimental investigations on the evolution of stratified layer of helium in the unventilated vertical cylindrical enclosure of AIHMS facility under wall temperature induced natural convection | Aneesh Prabhakar, Nilesh Agrawal , Vasudevan Raghavan , Sarit K. Das |
2017 |
Nuclear Engineering and Design |
3 | A multiple-source Gaussian plume model for atmospheric dispersion | Arun Aravind, C. V. Srinivas, H. Seshadri |
2016 |
Proc. of Nuclear and Radiochemistry Symposium (NUCAR-2017 |
4 | Evaluation of Implicit Reliability Level Associated with Fatigue Design Criteria of Nuclear Class-1 Piping | J. Mishra and V. Balasubramaniyan |
2016 |
International Conference on Creep, Fatigue Durability and Fracture Mechanics |
5 | Gamma ray Attenuation Properties of a New Shielding Material | M.R.Priya, L.Thilagam, D.K.Mohapatra |
2016 |
Technology day Meet-2016 |
6 | Electrochemical and Thermodynamic Properties of Zr and Zr-Cd Intermetallics using Transient Techniques | Krishan Kumar, Suddhasattwa Ghosh, B. Prabhakara Reddy |
2016 |
Proc. of DAE-BRNS symposium on Thermal Analysis (THERMANS-2016) |
7 | Effect of Plutonium Cross-section Data on the Core Parameters of PFBR | MohdIlyas Lone, R. Karthik, Dr. D.K. Mohapatra |
2016 |
Theme Meeting on Plutonium75 |
8 | Exchange current density of uranium at liquid cadmium in LiCl-KCl eutectic | Krishan Kumar, SuddhasattwaGhosh, B. Prabhakara Reddy |
2016 |
Symposium on Electrochemical Science and Technology |
9 | Experimental investigation on helium distribution and stratification in unventilated vertical cylindrical enclosure Effect of jet release rates and total release volume | Aneesh Prabhakar, Nilesh Agrawal , Vasudevan Raghavan , Sarit K. Das |
2016 |
International journal of hydrogen energy |
10 | Comparison of two environmentally benign technologies for the degradation of oxalic acid in aqueous streams | Mansi Garg, Krishan Kumar, H.Seshadri and V.Balasubramaniyan |
2016 |
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research |
11 | Exchange current density and diffusion layer thickness in molten LiCl-KCl eutectic: A modeling perspective for pyroprocessing of metal fuels Nuclear Technology | Suddhasattwa Ghosh, Krishan Kumar, Aligati Venkatesh, P. Venkatesh and Bandi Prabhakara Reddy |
2016 |
12 | Reliability Estimation of m-out-of-n: G Standby systems using fourth order Runge-Kutta Algorithm | M. Boopathi, R. Sujatha, C. Senthil Kumar, S. Narasimman |
2016 |
International Journal of Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering |
13 | Algorithm for Risk Estimation in Multi-Unit NPP sites | Varun Hassija, C. Senthil Kumar, K. Velusamy |
2016 |
National Conference on Reliability and Safety |
14 | Chemical characterization of Fe-Zr alloys by different analytical technique | Rama Krishna P, Balakrishnan. S and K. Ananthasivan |
2016 |
Proc. of NUCAR symposium |
15 | Evaluation of Neutron Transmission through Concrete by Bubble Dosimetry | K. Hajee Reyaz Ali Sahib, M.R.Priya, L.Thilagam, D.K.Mohapatra |
2016 |
Technology day Meet-2016 |
16 | Effect of Calcination Temperature on Grain Growth Kinetics of Nanocrystalline Yttria | Rama Krishna P, Balakrishnan. S and K. Ananthasivan |
2016 |
Proc. of DAE-BRNS symposium on Thermal Analysis (THERMANS-2016) |
17 | Experimental determination of liquidus of Fe-Zr by spot technique | P.Ramakrishna, Balakrishnan and Ananthasivan |
2016 |
DAE-BRNS Interdisciplinary Symposium on Material Chemistry (ISMC-2016) |
18 | Coupled Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Corium-Loaded Lower Head of Pressure Vessel | J. Mishra, V. Balasubramaniyan |
2016 |
Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction |
19 | Assessment of fire hazard potential within a hot cell | Seik Mansoor Ali, Tejaswi Abburi and V. Balasubramaniyan |
2016 |
33rd DAE Safety & Occupational Health Professionals Meet |
20 | Influence of irradiation on the structure and thermo-kinetic behavior of tri-n-butyl phosphate | Samuel Varakumar Jala, Smitha Velayuthan Sreekantan, Surianarayanan Mahadevan, Hariharan Seshadri and Asit Baran Mandal |
2016 |
Journal of Thermal Analysis and calorimetry (Jan 2016) |
21 | Overview of the Major Elements of PSA activities in India and participation in NEA-WGRIS | P.V.Varde, RajeeGuptan, M. Prasad, John Arul, C. Senthil Kumar, Gopika Vinod, R. Nama |
2016 |
17th Annual NEA-WGRISK meeting |
22 | Auto-ignition temperature and burning rate of potassium pool fire in a confined enclosure | Sampath Bharadwaj Kota, Subramani A, Jayanti S |
2016 |
Journal of Combustion and Flame 2016 |
23 | BAYES-HEP: Bayesian Belief Networks for Estimation of Human Error Probability | M. Karthick, C. Senthil Kumar, T. Paul Robert |
2016 |
National Conference on Reliability and Safety |
24 | Overcoming Modelling Issues for LOCA Initiated Severe Accident Analysis of Large PHWR | Prashant Sharma, Santosh K. Pradhan, Avinash J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
Int. workshops on NPPs safety and sustainability (CANSAS 2015 & NRTHS 2015) |
25 | Assessment of ultimate load capacity of concrete containment structures against structural collapse | M. K. Chakraborty, Sourav Acharya, A S. Pisharady, A D. Roshan and L R. Bishnoi |
2015 |
Proceedings of CANSAS 2015 |
26 | Solution of the Reactor Point Kinetics Equations by MATLAB Computing | S. S. Singh and D. K. Mohapatra |
2015 |
Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection |
27 | Simulation of Stratification in Coolant Channel of RD-14M Test Facility | U. K. Paul, P. Harika, Santosh K. Pradhan, P. K. Baburajan, Avinash J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
Int. workshops on NPPs safety and sustainability- (CANSAS & NRTHS2015) |
28 | Performance Assessment of Containment Filtered Venting System with Venturi-Scrubber | K.N.V.Adinarayana, Seik Mansoor Ali and, V. Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety |
29 | Hydrogen distribution in nuclear reactor containment during accidents and associated heat and mass transfer issues - A review | N. Agrawal, A. Prabhakar, S.K.Das |
2015 |
Heat Transfer Engineering |
30 | Use of FPGA and CPLD in Nuclear Reactor Safety Systems and its Regulatory Review Requirements for Reactor Safety | Suvadip Roy, Animesh Biswas, S.K Pradhan |
2015 |
Proceedings of CANSAS and NRTHS-2015 |
31 | Role of In-House Safety Analysis & Research Activities In Regulatory Decision Making | Santosh K. Pradhan, Dhanesh B. Nagrale, and Avinash J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety |
32 | Scaling and Heater Design for Experimental Investigations on Calandria-Vessel Retention Studies | Balbir K. Singh, Ramesh Kumar, Ritu Singh, P. K. Baburajan and Avinash J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
Int. workshops on NPPs safety and sustainability(CANSAS & NRTHS-2015) |
33 | Application of YSZ in PHWRs for Enhancement of Inherent Safety during Severe Accidents | Anuj Kumar Deo, S. Bera, D. B. Nagrale, S.P. Lakshmanan, P.K. Baburajan, U.K. Paul and A. J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety |
34 | Experimental Investigation On Helium Jet Release And Distribution In A Vented Cylindrical Enclosure effect of wall temperature conditions | Aneesh Prabhakar, Nilesh Agrawal and S.K. Das |
2015 |
Proceedings of 6th International conference on hydrogen safety |
35 | Structural reliability estimation of pressure tube using Canadian Standard (CAN/CSA N285.8) | Ramesh Kumar, Balbir K. Singh, Ritu Singh, Mahendra Prasad and Avinash J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
Int. workshops on NPPs safety and sustainability(CANSAS & NRTHS-2015) |
36 | Simulation of Station Blackout Transients for a Typical Indian Nuclear Reactor with Passive Decay Heat Removal System | Krishna Chandran R., Seik Mansoor Ali and V. Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
International Conference Computational Heat and Mass Transfer(ICCHMT 2015) |
37 | A study on the effect of heat transfer boundary condition within the catalytic recombiner and its implication on nuclear safety | Nilesh Agrawal, Seik Mansoor Ali and V. Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference and 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference |
38 | Code validation experiments on helium jet flows and mixing in a vented cylindrical enclosure | Aneesh Prabhakar, V. Raghavan, S. K. Das, Nilesh Agrawal |
2015 |
CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety |
39 | Seismic Margin Assessment For Beyond Design Basis Earthquake - Simplified Practical Approach | Jha Somnath, Roshan A. D and Bishnoi L. R |
2015 |
Proceedings of CANSAS 2015 |
40 | Uncertainty Analysis for Determination of Critical Break for a Large PHWR | Prashant Sharma, Santosh K. Pradhan, Avinash J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
42nd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power FMFP-2015 |
41 | Enhancement in the reaction chemistry model for numerical study of passive auto-catalytic recombiners | Venkata Rajeev Gade, Nilesh Agrawal, Seik Mansoor Ali and V. Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
23th National and 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference |
42 | Dispersion of Radionuclides Released from a 220 MWe PHWR Located in a Complex Terrain under Postulated Severe Accident Condition | Arun Aravind, C.V.Srinivas, H.Seshadri and V.Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety |
43 | Evaluation of Effectiveness of Mitigatory Actions for SBO Initiated Severe Accident in PHWR | Prashant Sharma, Santosh K. Pradhan, Avinash J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference and 1stInternational ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference IHMTC2015 |
44 | Numerical studies on efficacy of containment spray system in a PHWR | Kota Sampath Bharadwaj, Seik Mansoor Ali and V. Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference & 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference |
45 | Mathematical Modelling of Heat Absorption Capacity of Containment Spray System in a 700 MWe PHWR | Kota Sampath Bharadwaj, Seik Mansoor Ali, V. Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety |
46 | Evaluation of extreme earthquake levels an intensity based approach | Roshan A D., D. Mukherjee, Somnath Jha, I D. Gupta, C V R. Murthy, L R. Bishnoi |
2015 |
Proceedings of CANSAS 2015 |
47 | Reactive thermal hazard evaluation of Tri-n-butyl phosphate under different experimental conditions | H.Seshadri, V.Lakshman and M.Surianarayanan |
2015 |
Proceedings of 32ndDAE Safety & Occupational Meet |
48 | Role of NDE in Regulatory Oversight of NPPs | R.P.Gupta |
2015 |
25th National Seminar and International Exhibition on Non-Destructive Evaluation |
49 | Thermographic monitoring of power plant outfalls | Usha Natesan, R. Vishnunath, V.P. Venugopalan and C. Senthil Kumar |
2015 |
INS Newsletter |
50 | Comparison of Decay Heat Calculations using ORIGEN2 and ANS-5.1-2005 Standard | L.Thilagam and D.K.Mohapatra |
2015 |
20th National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-20) |
51 | Modelling of Human Errors in Risk Assessment for NPPs | Jayalakshmi.C |
2015 |
Technology Day Meet |
52 | Prediction of KAMINI Neutron Beam Attenuation Measurements in B4C and Ferro Boron Shield Materials by Monte Carlo Modelling | Mohd Ilyas Lone, L.Thilagam, D.K.Mohapatra |
2015 |
20thNational Symposium on Radiation Physics |
53 | Comparision of 99Tc removal from low level liquid waste using inorganic sorbents and anionic ion exchanger | H.Seshadri, A.G. Shanmugmani, Biplob Paul and V.Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
12th National Symposium on Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NUCAR-2015 |
54 | Influence of irradiation on the structure and thermo-kinetic behavior of Tri-n-butyl phosphate | J.Samuel Varakumar, V.S. Smitha, M.Suriyanarayanan, H.Seshadri and A.B.Mandal |
2015 |
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry |
55 | Human error probability estimation by coupling simulator data and deterministic analysis | Mahendra Prasad,A.J.Gaikwad |
2015 |
Progress in Nuclear Energy 81 |
56 | Hydrogen distribution in nuclear reactor containment during accidents and associated heat and mass transfer issues-A review | N. Agrawal, A. Prabhakar, S.K.Das |
2015 |
Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol.36 |
57 | Numerical modelling of flames from methanol wicks confined within vertically oriented parallel walls in a mixed convective environment | G. Avinash, Seik Mansoor Ali, V. Raghavan and Amit Kumar |
2015 |
58 | Feeder Pipeline Wall Thickness Measurement Using Pulsed Eddy Current Technique | Suvadip Roy, T.V. Shyam, B.S.V.G Sharma, S.K Pradhan |
2015 |
International Journal of Engineering & Innovative Technology (IJEIT), Volume-5, Issue-1 |
59 | Development and Implementation of Computational Tool for Safety Review of Fast Reactors | S. S. Singh, D.K.Mohapatra and V. Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
Indo-UK Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Safety and Materials for Nuclear Applications (MSMNA-2015) |
60 | Estimation of Compton Scattered Contribution of Higher Gamma Energies to Lower Energies in HPGe Detector using Monte Carlo Simulations | L.Thilagam, M.R.Priya and D.K.Mohapatra |
2015 |
32nd International Conference on Radiological Safety in Workplace, Nuclear Facilities and Environment (IARPIC-2016) |
61 | Seismic Margin Assessment of Shear Walls with Different Aspect Ratio | Jha Somnath, Bharghava K, Bishnoi L. R., Roshan A. D and Basu S |
2015 |
23rdInternational Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor technology (SMiRT-23) |
62 | A comparative risk assessment for sites with single and double units | Varun Hassija, C. Senthil Kumar, K. Velusamy and V. Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
International Conference on Reliability, Safety and Hazard �Advances in Reliability, Maintenance and Safety (ICRESH-ARMS) |
63 | Validation of VISWAM Square Lattice Module with MOX Pin Cell Benchmark | A. Mathur, S. A. Khan, V. Jagannathan, L. Thilagam, D. K. Mohapatra |
2015 |
UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series-A |
64 | Mitigation of LOCA Initiated Severe Accident in PHWR | Prashant Sharma, Santosh K. Pradhan, Avinash J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
Int. workshops on NPPs safety and sustainability- (CANSAS & NRTHS 2015) |
65 | Analytical Studies on Natural Circulation Phenomenon in PDHRS of 700 MWe PHWRs | Nakul Sasidharan, Seik Mansoor Ali and V. Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety |
66 | CFD Based Buoyant Stratification factor For Augmenting Lumped Parameter Hydrogen Concentration Predictions | Pavan K Sharma (BARC), AnanyaMohanty (AERB), Sunil Ganju (BARC), R. K. Singh (BARC) |
2015 |
CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety |
67 | Effect of Residual Heat Removal System Valve-in Time following Station Blackout in Indian PHWRs | Krishna Chandran, Seik Mansoor Ali, V. Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS �2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety |
68 | 3D Simulation Of International Collaborative Standard Problem (ICSP) Exercise To Demonstrate Heat Sink Capabilities Of PHWR Moderator Using Abaqus | Balbir K. Singh, Ritu Singh, Ramesh Kumar and Avinash J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
Int. workshops on NPPs safety and sustainability (CANSAS & NRTHS-2015) |
69 | Development of expert system for tsunami warning A unit source approach | Meet Shah, Roshan A D., A S. Pisharady, L R. Bishnoi |
2015 |
Proceedings of CANSAS 2015 |
70 | Post Fukushima Requirement of Containment Filtered Venting System in NPPs | Anuj Kumar Deo, S. Bera, D. B. Nagrale, S.P. Lakshmanan, P.K. Baburajan, U.K. Paul and A. J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety |
71 | Coupled Heat Transfer and Structural Analysis of Calandria Vessel with Debris for a large PHWR using FEM | Balbir K. Singh, Ramesh Kumar, Ritu Singh, P. K. Baburajan , R. S Rao and Avinash J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
Int. workshops on NPPs safety and sustainability(CANSAS & NRTHS-2015) |
72 | Validation of Multipoint Kinetics Model against 3D TRIKIN Code | Rakesh Kumar, Santosh K. Pradhan, Obaidurrahman K. and Avinash. J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
International Thorium Energy Conference ThEC15 |
73 | Reactor pressure vessel lower head structural behaviour during severe accident | Ramesh Kumar, Balbir K. Singh, Ritu Singh, P. K. Baburajan and Avinash J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety |
74 | Interaction of Radionuclides in Severe Accident Conditions | Dhanesh B. Nagrale, SubrataBera, Anuj Kumar Deo, U. K. Paul, M. Prasad and A. J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
CANSAS2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety |
75 | The behaviour of cold rolled joint between CT and CSTS during severe accident condition | Ramesh Kumar, Balbir K. Singh, Ritu Singh and Avinash J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
Int. workshops on NPPs safety and sustainability (CANSAS & NRTHS-2015) |
76 | Radiological impact assessment of a proposed radioactive waste disposal facility | K.N.V.Adinarayana, Seik Mansoor Ali and V. Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference and 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference |
77 | Innovative Hydrogen Recombiner Concepts for Severe Accident Management in Nuclear Power Plants | Nilesh Agrawal, Seik Mansoor Ali, V. Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety |
78 | External flood probabilistic safety analysis of a coastal NPP | A S. Pisharady, M K. Chakraborty, Sourav Acharya, A D. Roshan and L R. Bishnoi |
2015 |
Proceedings of CANSAS 2015 |
79 | Analytical Studies on Natural Circulation Phenomenon in Passive Decay Heat Removal Systems of Typical Indian Nuclear Reactor | Nakul Sashidharan, Seik Mansoor Ali and V. Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
International Conference Computational Heat and Mass Transfer(ICCHMT 2015) |
80 | Transients in heat transport circuits of Nuclear Power Plants during flow control valve operations | Pratik Gogad, Nilesh Agrawal and Anil Kumar Sharma |
2015 |
23th National and 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference |
81 | Assessment of Structural Integrity of Calandria Vessel during Core Melt Event | Jagannath Mishra, Seik Mansoor Ali and V. Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety |
82 | The Study of Atmospheric Dispersion of Radionuclide Near Nuclear Power Plant Using CFD Approach | Dhanesh B. Nagrale, Subrata Bera, Anuj Kumar Deo, and A. J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference and 1stInternational ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference IHMTC2015 |
83 | Cold Start-Up transient simulation of Advanced natural circulation based BWR in RELAP5/MOD 3.2 | Amitanshu Mishra, Santosh K. Pradhan, A.J. Gaikwad, S.B. Chafle |
2015 |
42nd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power FMFP-2015 |
84 | Experimental studies on helium release and stratification in the AIHMS facility | Aneesh Prabhakar, Nilesh Agrawal, V. Raghavan and S.K. Das |
2015 |
23th National and 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference |
85 | Perspectives on remedial measures over radionuclide contamination of terrestrial environment in a post-accident scenario - Fukushima lessons | C. Gurumoorthy |
2015 |
CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety |
86 | Analytical Studies on Natural Circulation Phenomenon in Passive Decay Heat Removal Systems of Typical Indian Nuclear Reactor | Nakul Sasidharan, Seik Mansoor Ali, V. Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
Proceedings of the International Conference Computational Heat and Mass Transfer(ICCHMT 2015) |
87 | Hydrodynamics of AHWR Gravity Driven Water Pool under Simulated LOCA Conditions | I. Thangamani, Seik Mansoor Ali and Vishnu Verma |
2015 |
Proceedings of the Thorium Energy Conference |
88 | Calibration of Gamma Spectrometers for Complex Geometrical Sources | M.R.Priya, L.Thilagam |
2015 |
Technology Day Meet |
89 | FLUKA Calculations for Shielding Evaluation of LINAC Hall | L.Thilagam, Usha Pujala, D.K.Mohapatra, T.S. Selvakumaran, R.Baskaran |
2015 |
20th National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-20) |
90 | Iodine Chemistry and Associated Interactions Under Severe Accident Conditions | Dhanesh B. Nagrale, SubrataBera, Anuj Kumar Deo, U. K. Paul, M. Prasad and A. J. Gaikwad |
2015 |
In Symposium on Water Chemistry and Corrosion in Nuclear Power Plants in Asia |
91 | KRITZ Benchmark Analysis: Pin Power Distribution and Reaction Rate Calculations | R. Karthik, L. Thilagam and D. K. Mohapatra |
2015 |
20th National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-20) |
92 | Integrated risk assessment for multi-unit NPP sites - A comparison | C. Senthil Kumar, Varun Hassija, K. Velusamy, V. Balasubramaniyan |
2015 |
Nuclear Engineering and Design |
93 | Digital Filter Design Using FPGA | Suvadip Roy, L. Srivani, D. Thirugnanamurthy |
2015 |
International Journal of Engineering & Innovative Technology (IJEIT), Volume-5, Issue-4 |
94 | Exchange current density of Na-bonded U-Zr and U-Gd-Zr alloy in molten LiCl-KCl eutectic | Krishan Kumar, P.Suddhasattwa Ghosh, P. Venkatesh, B. Prabhakara Reddyand K. Nagarajan |
2015 |
12th National Symposium on Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NUCAR-2015) |
95 | Validation of analytical functions to fit detection efficiencies of NaI(Tl) scintillation detector in the energy range of 122-1332 keV | L. Thilagam, M. R. Priya, D. K. Mohapatra |
2015 |
Radiation Protection Environment |
96 | Numerical studies on hydrogen distribution in enclosures in the presence of condensing steam | Agrawal N., and Das SK |
2015 |
ASME Journal of Heat Transfer,Vol 137 |
97 | Solution of the Reactor Point Kinetics Equations by MATLAB Computing | S. S. Singh and D. K. Mohapatra |
2015 |
Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection, 30 (1) |
98 | Prediction of Neutron Dose Rate Measurements on Shield Design Optimization of Mild Steel-Polyethylene System for Am-Be Neutron Source using Monte Carlo Simulations | L.Thilagam, Usha Pujala, T.S. Selvakumaran, D.K.Mohapatra, M.R.Priya, R.Baskaran, B.Venkatraman |
2015 |
32nd International Conference on Radiological Safety in Workplace, Nuclear Facilities and Environment (IARPIC-2016) |
99 | Performance comparison of 4He scintillation detector with 3He, BF3 detector for the application of Pu assay | T.S. Selvakumaran, L.Thilagam, Usha Pujala, M.R.Priya, D.K.Mohapatra, R.Baskaran, B.Venkatraman |
2015 |
32nd International Conference on Radiological Safety in Workplace, Nuclear Facilities and Environment (IARPIC-2016) |
100 | Computational Methods for Safety Assessment of Nuclear Reactors | D.K.Mohapatra |
2015 |
Indo-UK Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Safety and Materials for Nuclear Applications (MSMNA-2015) |
101 | Ultimate Load Capacity of containment structure of VVER at Kudankulam | M K. Chakraborty, Sourav Acharya, Ajai Pisharady, Roshan A D., A. Harshan and L. R. Bishnoi |
2015 |
23rd International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor technology (SMiRT-23) |
102 | Floor Response Spectra for Beyond Design Basis Seismic Demand | Jha Somnath, Roshan A. D and Bishnoi L. R |
2015 |
23rdInternational Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor technology (SMiRT-23) |
103 | Markov Analysis for Time Dependent Success Criteria of Passive Decay Heat Removal System | Varun Hassija, C. Senthil Kumar and K. Velusamy |
2014 |
Annals of Nuclear Energy |
104 | Probabilistic safety assessment of multi-unit nuclear power plant sites - An integrated approach | Varun Hassija, C. Senthil Kumar, K. Velusamy |
2014 |
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries |
105 | Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of nanocrystallaline anatase titania for the degradation of dibutyl phosphate | H.Seshadri, Krishan Kumar, Mansi Garg, P.Velavendan, S.Ganesh and P.K.Sinha |
2014 |
Journal of Radio analytical and Nuclear Chemistry |
106 | Thermal Hazard behavior of TBP and DBP | V.S.Smitha, M. Surianarayanan, H. Seshadri, N.V.Lakshman and A.B. Mandal |
2014 |
107 | Implementation and Validation of the Condensation Model for Containment Hydrogen Distribution Studies | R. Srinivasa Rao, Kannan N. Iyer, S.K. Gupta, Avinash J Gaikwad |
2014 |
Nuclear Engineering and Design |
108 | Effect of the nature of organo phosphorous acid moiety on co-extraction of U(VI) and mineral acid from aqueous solutions using D2EHPA, PC88A and Cyanex 272 | Diptendu Das , V.A. Juvekar , V.H. Rupawate , K. Ramprasad and R. Bhattacharya |
2014 |
Hydrometallurgy Volume 152 |
109 | Influence of stiffness on CHF for horizontal tubes under LPLF conditions | P K Baburajan, Govind Singh Bisht, Avinash J. Gaikwad, S.V. Prabhu |
2014 |
Nuclear Engineering and Design |
110 | Uncertainty Aspects of Fire Modeling Using CFD Approach For Fire In Typical Room of Nuclear Power Plants | Dhanesh B. Nagrale, SubrataBera, Anuj Kumar Deo, M. Prasad and Avinash J. Gaikwad |
2014 |
5th international and 41st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP-2014) |
111 | Comparison of Lumped Parameter and CFD Code Predictions: Condensation Phenomena | R. Srinivasa Rao, Kannan N Iyer, Avinash J. Gaikwad, S. K. Gupta |
2014 |
Comparison of Lumped Parameter and CFD Code Predictions: Condensation Phenomena |
112 | Internally Coupled Multi-Point Kinetics with Thermal-Hydraulics Analysis for Asymmetric Power Transient of Natural Circulation BWR using RELAP5 | Prashant Sharma, Amitanshu Mishra, S. K. Pradhan, Obaidurrahman K., Avinash J. Gaikwad, S. B. Chafle |
2014 |
National conference on Power from Thorium: Present Status and Future Directions |
113 | Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of nanocrystalline anatase titania for the degradation of nitrilotriacetic acid | H.Seshadri and V.Balasubramaniyan |
2014 |
Proceedings of Chemical Engineering in Nuclear Technology |
114 | Uncertainty analysis of venturi scrubber using BEPU methodology | Subrata Bera, Surajit Mondal, Anuj Kumar Deo, Dhanesh B. Nagrale, D. Datta and A. J. Gaikwad |
2014 |
5th International and 41st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power |
115 | Thermal Hazard behavior of TBP and DBP | V.Smitha, M. Surianarayanan, H.Seshadri, N.V.Laskhman and A.B.Mandal |
2014 |
Proceedings of the International Mechanical Engineering Congress |
116 | Assessment of Safety Parameters for Radiological Explosion Based on Gaussian Dispersion Model | Alok Pandey, HyungJoon Yu, Hong Suk Kim |
2014 |
Korean Nuclear Society Conference |
117 | Methodology of coupled thermo-mechanical analysis for lower head of pressure vessel | J. Mishra, M.K.M Abdul Rahim and V. Balasubramaniyan |
2014 |
Seminar on Pressure Vessel, Indian Institute of Science |
118 | Temperature distribution of thoria pellet in thermal reactor flux profile in comparison with other fuels | Anuj Kumar Deo, Subrata Bera and A. J. Gaikwad |
2014 |
National Conference on Power from Thorium: Present Status and Future Directions |
119 | Revised Protocol for Evaluation of Performance Test Criteria of Telecobalt Unit | S. Mahalakshmi, G. Sahani , Pradip Kumar , P. K. Dash Sharma, S.D. Sharma, R.L. Sha, Smriti Sharma, Rajesh Kumar, S. Vandana |
2014 |
Proceedings of the 35th National Conference of Association of Medical Physicists of India (AMPICON 2014) |
120 | Station Black Out Analysis for CANDU 6 Plant | P.K. Baburajan, U. K. Paul, R. S. Rao, Avinash J Gaikwad |
2014 |
5th International and 41st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power |
121 | Effects of diluents on the reaction hazards of Tributyl Phosphate with nitric acid | V.S.Smitha, M. Surianarayanan, H. Seshadri, J. Samuel Varakumar and A.B. Mandal |
2014 |
Organic Process Research and Development, ACS Journal |
122 | Towards assessment of Software Reliability and its Characteristics in Safety Systems of Nuclear Reactors | P. Arun Babu, C. Senthil Kumar, N. Murali and T. Jayakumar |
2014 |
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes |
123 | Steady laminar flame characteristics over methanol surface with air co-flow | Seik Mansoor Ali and V. Raghavan |
2014 |
International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics |
124 | Genetic Algorithm approach based on Markov Model and Basic Path Testing for MIMO Systems in Software testing | R. Sujatha, M. Boopathi, C. Senthil Kumar |
2014 |
International Journal of Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering |
125 | Seismic Fragility Analysis of structure, systems and components of Fast Breeder Test Reactor | C. Senthil Kumar, Ajai S. Pisharady, S. Usha and Prabir C. Basu |
2014 |
International Journal of Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering |
126 | CFD Code Benchmark against the Air/Helium Tests Performed in The MISTRA Facility | R. Srinivasa Rao, Kannan N.Iyer, S.K. Gupta, Avinash J Gaikwad |
2014 |
Journal of Annals of Nuclear Energy |
127 | Comparative studies on Co-extraction of Uranium (VI) and different mineral acid from aqueous feed solutions using TBP, TOPO and TOA | Diptendu Das , V.A. Juvekar , S.B. Roy and R. Bhattacharya |
2014 |
, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry |
128 | Uncertainty analysis on neutron diffusion using fuzzy alpha-cut approach | Subrata Bera, A.J. Gaikwad, A. Vaidya, U. Sati, D. Datta |
2014 |
International Journal of Computer science and Applications |
129 | Human error probability estimation by coupling simulator data and deterministic analysis | Mahendra Prasad and A.J. Gaikwad |
2014 |
130 | Comparison of Lumped Parameter and CFD Code Predictions: Sump Evaporation Phenomena | R. Srinivasa Rao, Kannan N.Iyer, Aniket Gupta, Gurav Kumar, Avinash J. Gaikwad, S. K. Gupta |
2014 |
Proceedings of the 41st National and 5th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power |
131 | Effect of Condensation on Distribution of Hydrogen and Steam in a Reactor Containment | Rupak Raman, R. Srinivasa Rao, Avinash J. Gaikwad |
2014 |
Proceedings of the 41st National and 5th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power |
132 | Analytical Mass Transfer Correlation Using Mixing Length Theory: Applicable to Flow Accelerated Corrosion | Mahendra Prasad, Arun kumar Shridharan, Avinash J. Gaikwad |
2014 |
5th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power |
133 | Utilisation of Thorium in Fast Breeder Reactor | S. S. Singh, D. K. Mohapatra and V. Balasubramaniyan |
2014 |
National Conference on Power from Thorium: Present Status and Future Directions |
134 | Global Action Plan for Management of Radioactive Contamination in Metal; Challenges and Suggestions | Alok Pandey & Kun-Woo Cho |
2014 |
KAIST Colloquium |
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2014 |
without pdf |
136 | Risk Assessment of Multi-Unit Nuclear Power Plant Sites | C. Senthil Kumar, Varun Hassija, V. Balasubramaniyan, A. John Arul, M. Prasad, V. Gopika, R.Nama, Rajee Guptan and P.V.Varde |
2014 |
International Workshop on Multi Unit PSA |
137 | Carbon Steel Pipeline Wall Thickness Measurement Using Pulsed Eddy Current Technique | Suvadip |
2014 |
the COMSOL conference |
138 | Adequacy of Passive Decay Heat removal systems for a nuclear power plant | Pranav Paliwal, S.K.Dubey& A.J. Gaikwad |
2014 |
5th International and 41st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power |
139 | Projected Growth of Radiation Facilities and Qualified Radiation Safety Personnel in India | S. Mahalakshmi, G. Sahani , P. K. Dash Sharma, A.U. Sonawane |
2014 |
Proceedings of the 35th National Conference of Association of Medical Physicists of India (AMPICON 2014) |
140 | Core Dynamic Response of Advanced Fuels in Fission Reactors | Obaidurrahman K. and Avinash J. Gaikwad |
2014 |
National Conference on Power from Thorium: Present Status and Future Directions |