The mission of the AERB is to ensure the use of ionising radiation and nuclear energy in India does not cause undue risk to the health of people and the environment.

Sr No. Title of the paper Author Year Publications Name of the Journal/ Conference
Sr No. Title of the paper Author Year Publications Name of the Journal/ Conference
1Innovative hydrogen recombiner concept for severe accident management in nuclear power plantsNilesh Agrawal, Seik Mansoor Ali, V. Balasubramaniyan 2017 Nuclear Engineering and Design
2Experimental investigations on the evolution of stratified layer of helium in the unventilated vertical cylindrical enclosure of AIHMS facility under wall temperature induced natural convectionAneesh Prabhakar, Nilesh Agrawal , Vasudevan Raghavan , Sarit K. Das 2017 Nuclear Engineering and Design
3A multiple-source Gaussian plume model for atmospheric dispersionArun Aravind, C. V. Srinivas, H. Seshadri 2016 Proc. of Nuclear and Radiochemistry Symposium (NUCAR-2017
4Evaluation of Implicit Reliability Level Associated with Fatigue Design Criteria of Nuclear Class-1 PipingJ. Mishra and V. Balasubramaniyan 2016 International Conference on Creep, Fatigue Durability and Fracture Mechanics
5Gamma ray Attenuation Properties of a New Shielding MaterialM.R.Priya, L.Thilagam, D.K.Mohapatra 2016 Technology day Meet-2016
6Electrochemical and Thermodynamic Properties of Zr and Zr-Cd Intermetallics using Transient TechniquesKrishan Kumar, Suddhasattwa Ghosh, B. Prabhakara Reddy 2016 Proc. of DAE-BRNS symposium on Thermal Analysis (THERMANS-2016)
7Effect of Plutonium Cross-section Data on the Core Parameters of PFBRMohdIlyas Lone, R. Karthik, Dr. D.K. Mohapatra 2016 Theme Meeting on Plutonium75
8Exchange current density of uranium at liquid cadmium in LiCl-KCl eutecticKrishan Kumar, SuddhasattwaGhosh, B. Prabhakara Reddy 2016 Symposium on Electrochemical Science and Technology
9Experimental investigation on helium distribution and stratification in unventilated vertical cylindrical enclosure Effect of jet release rates and total release volumeAneesh Prabhakar, Nilesh Agrawal , Vasudevan Raghavan , Sarit K. Das 2016 International journal of hydrogen energy
10Comparison of two environmentally benign technologies for the degradation of oxalic acid in aqueous streamsMansi Garg, Krishan Kumar, H.Seshadri and V.Balasubramaniyan 2016 Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research
11Exchange current density and diffusion layer thickness in molten LiCl-KCl eutectic: A modeling perspective for pyroprocessing of metal fuels Nuclear TechnologySuddhasattwa Ghosh, Krishan Kumar, Aligati Venkatesh, P. Venkatesh and Bandi Prabhakara Reddy 2016
12Reliability Estimation of m-out-of-n: G Standby systems using fourth order Runge-Kutta AlgorithmM. Boopathi, R. Sujatha, C. Senthil Kumar, S. Narasimman 2016 International Journal of Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering
13Algorithm for Risk Estimation in Multi-Unit NPP sitesVarun Hassija, C. Senthil Kumar, K. Velusamy 2016 National Conference on Reliability and Safety
14Chemical characterization of Fe-Zr alloys by different analytical techniqueRama Krishna P, Balakrishnan. S and K. Ananthasivan 2016 Proc. of NUCAR symposium
15Evaluation of Neutron Transmission through Concrete by Bubble DosimetryK. Hajee Reyaz Ali Sahib, M.R.Priya, L.Thilagam, D.K.Mohapatra 2016 Technology day Meet-2016
16Effect of Calcination Temperature on Grain Growth Kinetics of Nanocrystalline YttriaRama Krishna P, Balakrishnan. S and K. Ananthasivan 2016 Proc. of DAE-BRNS symposium on Thermal Analysis (THERMANS-2016)
17Experimental determination of liquidus of Fe-Zr by spot techniqueP.Ramakrishna, Balakrishnan and Ananthasivan 2016 DAE-BRNS Interdisciplinary Symposium on Material Chemistry (ISMC-2016)
18Coupled Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Corium-Loaded Lower Head of Pressure VesselJ. Mishra, V. Balasubramaniyan 2016 Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction
19Assessment of fire hazard potential within a hot cellSeik Mansoor Ali, Tejaswi Abburi and V. Balasubramaniyan 2016 33rd DAE Safety & Occupational Health Professionals Meet
20Influence of irradiation on the structure and thermo-kinetic behavior of tri-n-butyl phosphateSamuel Varakumar Jala, Smitha Velayuthan Sreekantan, Surianarayanan Mahadevan, Hariharan Seshadri and Asit Baran Mandal 2016 Journal of Thermal Analysis and calorimetry (Jan 2016)
21Overview of the Major Elements of PSA activities in India and participation in NEA-WGRISP.V.Varde, RajeeGuptan, M. Prasad, John Arul, C. Senthil Kumar, Gopika Vinod, R. Nama 2016 17th Annual NEA-WGRISK meeting
22Auto-ignition temperature and burning rate of potassium pool fire in a confined enclosureSampath Bharadwaj Kota, Subramani A, Jayanti S 2016 Journal of Combustion and Flame 2016
23BAYES-HEP: Bayesian Belief Networks for Estimation of Human Error ProbabilityM. Karthick, C. Senthil Kumar, T. Paul Robert 2016 National Conference on Reliability and Safety
24Overcoming Modelling Issues for LOCA Initiated Severe Accident Analysis of Large PHWRPrashant Sharma, Santosh K. Pradhan, Avinash J. Gaikwad 2015 Int. workshops on NPPs safety and sustainability (CANSAS 2015 & NRTHS 2015)
25Assessment of ultimate load capacity of concrete containment structures against structural collapseM. K. Chakraborty, Sourav Acharya, A S. Pisharady, A D. Roshan and L R. Bishnoi 2015 Proceedings of CANSAS 2015
26Solution of the Reactor Point Kinetics Equations by MATLAB ComputingS. S. Singh and D. K. Mohapatra 2015 Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection
27Simulation of Stratification in Coolant Channel of RD-14M Test FacilityU. K. Paul, P. Harika, Santosh K. Pradhan, P. K. Baburajan, Avinash J. Gaikwad 2015 Int. workshops on NPPs safety and sustainability- (CANSAS & NRTHS2015)
28Performance Assessment of Containment Filtered Venting System with Venturi-ScrubberK.N.V.Adinarayana, Seik Mansoor Ali and, V. Balasubramaniyan 2015 CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety
29Hydrogen distribution in nuclear reactor containment during accidents and associated heat and mass transfer issues - A reviewN. Agrawal, A. Prabhakar, S.K.Das 2015 Heat Transfer Engineering
30Use of FPGA and CPLD in Nuclear Reactor Safety Systems and its Regulatory Review Requirements for Reactor SafetySuvadip Roy, Animesh Biswas, S.K Pradhan 2015 Proceedings of CANSAS and NRTHS-2015
31Role of In-House Safety Analysis & Research Activities In Regulatory Decision MakingSantosh K. Pradhan, Dhanesh B. Nagrale, and Avinash J. Gaikwad 2015 CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety
32Scaling and Heater Design for Experimental Investigations on Calandria-Vessel Retention StudiesBalbir K. Singh, Ramesh Kumar, Ritu Singh, P. K. Baburajan and Avinash J. Gaikwad 2015 Int. workshops on NPPs safety and sustainability(CANSAS & NRTHS-2015)
33Application of YSZ in PHWRs for Enhancement of Inherent Safety during Severe AccidentsAnuj Kumar Deo, S. Bera, D. B. Nagrale, S.P. Lakshmanan, P.K. Baburajan, U.K. Paul and A. J. Gaikwad 2015 CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety
34Experimental Investigation On Helium Jet Release And Distribution In A Vented Cylindrical Enclosure effect of wall temperature conditionsAneesh Prabhakar, Nilesh Agrawal and S.K. Das 2015 Proceedings of 6th International conference on hydrogen safety
35Structural reliability estimation of pressure tube using Canadian Standard (CAN/CSA N285.8)Ramesh Kumar, Balbir K. Singh, Ritu Singh, Mahendra Prasad and Avinash J. Gaikwad 2015 Int. workshops on NPPs safety and sustainability(CANSAS & NRTHS-2015)
36Simulation of Station Blackout Transients for a Typical Indian Nuclear Reactor with Passive Decay Heat Removal SystemKrishna Chandran R., Seik Mansoor Ali and V. Balasubramaniyan 2015 International Conference Computational Heat and Mass Transfer(ICCHMT 2015)
37A study on the effect of heat transfer boundary condition within the catalytic recombiner and its implication on nuclear safetyNilesh Agrawal, Seik Mansoor Ali and V. Balasubramaniyan 2015 23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference and 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference
38Code validation experiments on helium jet flows and mixing in a vented cylindrical enclosureAneesh Prabhakar, V. Raghavan, S. K. Das, Nilesh Agrawal 2015 CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety
39Seismic Margin Assessment For Beyond Design Basis Earthquake - Simplified Practical ApproachJha Somnath, Roshan A. D and Bishnoi L. R 2015 Proceedings of CANSAS 2015
40Uncertainty Analysis for Determination of Critical Break for a Large PHWRPrashant Sharma, Santosh K. Pradhan, Avinash J. Gaikwad 2015 42nd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power FMFP-2015
41Enhancement in the reaction chemistry model for numerical study of passive auto-catalytic recombinersVenkata Rajeev Gade, Nilesh Agrawal, Seik Mansoor Ali and V. Balasubramaniyan 2015 23th National and 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference
42Dispersion of Radionuclides Released from a 220 MWe PHWR Located in a Complex Terrain under Postulated Severe Accident ConditionArun Aravind, C.V.Srinivas, H.Seshadri and V.Balasubramaniyan 2015 CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety
43Evaluation of Effectiveness of Mitigatory Actions for SBO Initiated Severe Accident in PHWRPrashant Sharma, Santosh K. Pradhan, Avinash J. Gaikwad 2015 23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference and 1stInternational ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference IHMTC2015
44Numerical studies on efficacy of containment spray system in a PHWRKota Sampath Bharadwaj, Seik Mansoor Ali and V. Balasubramaniyan 2015 23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference & 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference
45Mathematical Modelling of Heat Absorption Capacity of Containment Spray System in a 700 MWe PHWRKota Sampath Bharadwaj, Seik Mansoor Ali, V. Balasubramaniyan 2015 CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety
46Evaluation of extreme earthquake levels an intensity based approachRoshan A D., D. Mukherjee, Somnath Jha, I D. Gupta, C V R. Murthy, L R. Bishnoi 2015 Proceedings of CANSAS 2015
47Reactive thermal hazard evaluation of Tri-n-butyl phosphate under different experimental conditionsH.Seshadri, V.Lakshman and M.Surianarayanan 2015 Proceedings of 32ndDAE Safety & Occupational Meet
48Role of NDE in Regulatory Oversight of NPPsR.P.Gupta 2015 25th National Seminar and International Exhibition on Non-Destructive Evaluation
49Thermographic monitoring of power plant outfallsUsha Natesan, R. Vishnunath, V.P. Venugopalan and C. Senthil Kumar 2015 INS Newsletter
50Comparison of Decay Heat Calculations using ORIGEN2 and ANS-5.1-2005 StandardL.Thilagam and D.K.Mohapatra 2015 20th National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-20)
51Modelling of Human Errors in Risk Assessment for NPPsJayalakshmi.C 2015 Technology Day Meet
52Prediction of KAMINI Neutron Beam Attenuation Measurements in B4C and Ferro Boron Shield Materials by Monte Carlo ModellingMohd Ilyas Lone, L.Thilagam, D.K.Mohapatra 2015 20thNational Symposium on Radiation Physics
53Comparision of 99Tc removal from low level liquid waste using inorganic sorbents and anionic ion exchangerH.Seshadri, A.G. Shanmugmani, Biplob Paul and V.Balasubramaniyan 2015 12th National Symposium on Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NUCAR-2015
54Influence of irradiation on the structure and thermo-kinetic behavior of Tri-n-butyl phosphateJ.Samuel Varakumar, V.S. Smitha, M.Suriyanarayanan, H.Seshadri and A.B.Mandal 2015 Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
55Human error probability estimation by coupling simulator data and deterministic analysisMahendra Prasad,A.J.Gaikwad 2015 Progress in Nuclear Energy 81
56Hydrogen distribution in nuclear reactor containment during accidents and associated heat and mass transfer issues-A reviewN. Agrawal, A. Prabhakar, S.K.Das 2015 Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol.36
57Numerical modelling of flames from methanol wicks confined within vertically oriented parallel walls in a mixed convective environmentG. Avinash, Seik Mansoor Ali, V. Raghavan and Amit Kumar 2015
58Feeder Pipeline Wall Thickness Measurement Using Pulsed Eddy Current TechniqueSuvadip Roy, T.V. Shyam, B.S.V.G Sharma, S.K Pradhan 2015 International Journal of Engineering & Innovative Technology (IJEIT), Volume-5, Issue-1
59Development and Implementation of Computational Tool for Safety Review of Fast ReactorsS. S. Singh, D.K.Mohapatra and V. Balasubramaniyan 2015 Indo-UK Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Safety and Materials for Nuclear Applications (MSMNA-2015)
60Estimation of Compton Scattered Contribution of Higher Gamma Energies to Lower Energies in HPGe Detector using Monte Carlo SimulationsL.Thilagam, M.R.Priya and D.K.Mohapatra 2015 32nd International Conference on Radiological Safety in Workplace, Nuclear Facilities and Environment (IARPIC-2016)
61Seismic Margin Assessment of Shear Walls with Different Aspect RatioJha Somnath, Bharghava K, Bishnoi L. R., Roshan A. D and Basu S 2015 23rdInternational Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor technology (SMiRT-23)
62A comparative risk assessment for sites with single and double unitsVarun Hassija, C. Senthil Kumar, K. Velusamy and V. Balasubramaniyan 2015 International Conference on Reliability, Safety and Hazard �Advances in Reliability, Maintenance and Safety (ICRESH-ARMS)
63Validation of VISWAM Square Lattice Module with MOX Pin Cell BenchmarkA. Mathur, S. A. Khan, V. Jagannathan, L. Thilagam, D. K. Mohapatra 2015 UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series-A
64Mitigation of LOCA Initiated Severe Accident in PHWRPrashant Sharma, Santosh K. Pradhan, Avinash J. Gaikwad 2015 Int. workshops on NPPs safety and sustainability- (CANSAS & NRTHS 2015)
65Analytical Studies on Natural Circulation Phenomenon in PDHRS of 700 MWe PHWRsNakul Sasidharan, Seik Mansoor Ali and V. Balasubramaniyan 2015 CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety
66CFD Based Buoyant Stratification factor For Augmenting Lumped Parameter Hydrogen Concentration PredictionsPavan K Sharma (BARC), AnanyaMohanty (AERB), Sunil Ganju (BARC), R. K. Singh (BARC) 2015 CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety
67Effect of Residual Heat Removal System Valve-in Time following Station Blackout in Indian PHWRsKrishna Chandran, Seik Mansoor Ali, V. Balasubramaniyan 2015 CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS �2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety
683D Simulation Of International Collaborative Standard Problem (ICSP) Exercise To Demonstrate Heat Sink Capabilities Of PHWR Moderator Using AbaqusBalbir K. Singh, Ritu Singh, Ramesh Kumar and Avinash J. Gaikwad 2015 Int. workshops on NPPs safety and sustainability (CANSAS & NRTHS-2015)
69Development of expert system for tsunami warning A unit source approachMeet Shah, Roshan A D., A S. Pisharady, L R. Bishnoi 2015 Proceedings of CANSAS 2015
70Post Fukushima Requirement of Containment Filtered Venting System in NPPsAnuj Kumar Deo, S. Bera, D. B. Nagrale, S.P. Lakshmanan, P.K. Baburajan, U.K. Paul and A. J. Gaikwad 2015 CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety
71Coupled Heat Transfer and Structural Analysis of Calandria Vessel with Debris for a large PHWR using FEMBalbir K. Singh, Ramesh Kumar, Ritu Singh, P. K. Baburajan , R. S Rao and Avinash J. Gaikwad 2015 Int. workshops on NPPs safety and sustainability(CANSAS & NRTHS-2015)
72Validation of Multipoint Kinetics Model against 3D TRIKIN CodeRakesh Kumar, Santosh K. Pradhan, Obaidurrahman K. and Avinash. J. Gaikwad 2015 International Thorium Energy Conference ThEC15
73Reactor pressure vessel lower head structural behaviour during severe accidentRamesh Kumar, Balbir K. Singh, Ritu Singh, P. K. Baburajan and Avinash J. Gaikwad 2015 CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety
74Interaction of Radionuclides in Severe Accident ConditionsDhanesh B. Nagrale, SubrataBera, Anuj Kumar Deo, U. K. Paul, M. Prasad and A. J. Gaikwad 2015 CANSAS2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety
75The behaviour of cold rolled joint between CT and CSTS during severe accident conditionRamesh Kumar, Balbir K. Singh, Ritu Singh and Avinash J. Gaikwad 2015 Int. workshops on NPPs safety and sustainability (CANSAS & NRTHS-2015)
76Radiological impact assessment of a proposed radioactive waste disposal facilityK.N.V.Adinarayana, Seik Mansoor Ali and V. Balasubramaniyan 2015 23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference and 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference
77Innovative Hydrogen Recombiner Concepts for Severe Accident Management in Nuclear Power PlantsNilesh Agrawal, Seik Mansoor Ali, V. Balasubramaniyan 2015 CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety
78External flood probabilistic safety analysis of a coastal NPPA S. Pisharady, M K. Chakraborty, Sourav Acharya, A D. Roshan and L R. Bishnoi 2015 Proceedings of CANSAS 2015
79Analytical Studies on Natural Circulation Phenomenon in Passive Decay Heat Removal Systems of Typical Indian Nuclear ReactorNakul Sashidharan, Seik Mansoor Ali and V. Balasubramaniyan 2015 International Conference Computational Heat and Mass Transfer(ICCHMT 2015)
80Transients in heat transport circuits of Nuclear Power Plants during flow control valve operationsPratik Gogad, Nilesh Agrawal and Anil Kumar Sharma 2015 23th National and 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference
81Assessment of Structural Integrity of Calandria Vessel during Core Melt EventJagannath Mishra, Seik Mansoor Ali and V. Balasubramaniyan 2015 CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety
82The Study of Atmospheric Dispersion of Radionuclide Near Nuclear Power Plant Using CFD ApproachDhanesh B. Nagrale, Subrata Bera, Anuj Kumar Deo, and A. J. Gaikwad 2015 23rd National Heat and Mass Transfer Conference and 1stInternational ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference IHMTC2015
83Cold Start-Up transient simulation of Advanced natural circulation based BWR in RELAP5/MOD 3.2Amitanshu Mishra, Santosh K. Pradhan, A.J. Gaikwad, S.B. Chafle 2015 42nd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power FMFP-2015
84Experimental studies on helium release and stratification in the AIHMS facilityAneesh Prabhakar, Nilesh Agrawal, V. Raghavan and S.K. Das 2015 23th National and 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference
85Perspectives on remedial measures over radionuclide contamination of terrestrial environment in a post-accident scenario - Fukushima lessonsC. Gurumoorthy 2015 CANSAS 2015 (CANDU Safety Association for Sustainability) & NRTHS 2015,New Horizons in Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety
86Analytical Studies on Natural Circulation Phenomenon in Passive Decay Heat Removal Systems of Typical Indian Nuclear ReactorNakul Sasidharan, Seik Mansoor Ali, V. Balasubramaniyan 2015 Proceedings of the International Conference Computational Heat and Mass Transfer(ICCHMT 2015)
87Hydrodynamics of AHWR Gravity Driven Water Pool under Simulated LOCA ConditionsI. Thangamani, Seik Mansoor Ali and Vishnu Verma 2015 Proceedings of the Thorium Energy Conference
88Calibration of Gamma Spectrometers for Complex Geometrical SourcesM.R.Priya, L.Thilagam 2015 Technology Day Meet
89FLUKA Calculations for Shielding Evaluation of LINAC HallL.Thilagam, Usha Pujala, D.K.Mohapatra, T.S. Selvakumaran, R.Baskaran 2015 20th National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-20)
90Iodine Chemistry and Associated Interactions Under Severe Accident ConditionsDhanesh B. Nagrale, SubrataBera, Anuj Kumar Deo, U. K. Paul, M. Prasad and A. J. Gaikwad 2015 In Symposium on Water Chemistry and Corrosion in Nuclear Power Plants in Asia
91KRITZ Benchmark Analysis: Pin Power Distribution and Reaction Rate CalculationsR. Karthik, L. Thilagam and D. K. Mohapatra 2015 20th National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-20)
92Integrated risk assessment for multi-unit NPP sites - A comparisonC. Senthil Kumar, Varun Hassija, K. Velusamy, V. Balasubramaniyan 2015 Nuclear Engineering and Design
93Digital Filter Design Using FPGASuvadip Roy, L. Srivani, D. Thirugnanamurthy 2015 International Journal of Engineering & Innovative Technology (IJEIT), Volume-5, Issue-4
94Exchange current density of Na-bonded U-Zr and U-Gd-Zr alloy in molten LiCl-KCl eutecticKrishan Kumar, P.Suddhasattwa Ghosh, P. Venkatesh, B. Prabhakara Reddyand K. Nagarajan 2015 12th National Symposium on Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NUCAR-2015)
95Validation of analytical functions to fit detection efficiencies of NaI(Tl) scintillation detector in the energy range of 122-1332 keVL. Thilagam, M. R. Priya, D. K. Mohapatra 2015 Radiation Protection Environment
96Numerical studies on hydrogen distribution in enclosures in the presence of condensing steamAgrawal N., and Das SK 2015 ASME Journal of Heat Transfer,Vol 137
97Solution of the Reactor Point Kinetics Equations by MATLAB ComputingS. S. Singh and D. K. Mohapatra 2015 Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection, 30 (1)
98Prediction of Neutron Dose Rate Measurements on Shield Design Optimization of Mild Steel-Polyethylene System for Am-Be Neutron Source using Monte Carlo SimulationsL.Thilagam, Usha Pujala, T.S. Selvakumaran, D.K.Mohapatra, M.R.Priya, R.Baskaran, B.Venkatraman 2015 32nd International Conference on Radiological Safety in Workplace, Nuclear Facilities and Environment (IARPIC-2016)
99Performance comparison of 4He scintillation detector with 3He, BF3 detector for the application of Pu assayT.S. Selvakumaran, L.Thilagam, Usha Pujala, M.R.Priya, D.K.Mohapatra, R.Baskaran, B.Venkatraman 2015 32nd International Conference on Radiological Safety in Workplace, Nuclear Facilities and Environment (IARPIC-2016)
100Computational Methods for Safety Assessment of Nuclear ReactorsD.K.Mohapatra 2015 Indo-UK Workshop on Modelling and Simulation of Safety and Materials for Nuclear Applications (MSMNA-2015)
101Ultimate Load Capacity of containment structure of VVER at KudankulamM K. Chakraborty, Sourav Acharya, Ajai Pisharady, Roshan A D., A. Harshan and L. R. Bishnoi 2015 23rd International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor technology (SMiRT-23)
102Floor Response Spectra for Beyond Design Basis Seismic DemandJha Somnath, Roshan A. D and Bishnoi L. R 2015 23rdInternational Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor technology (SMiRT-23)
103Markov Analysis for Time Dependent Success Criteria of Passive Decay Heat Removal SystemVarun Hassija, C. Senthil Kumar and K. Velusamy 2014 Annals of Nuclear Energy
104Probabilistic safety assessment of multi-unit nuclear power plant sites - An integrated approachVarun Hassija, C. Senthil Kumar, K. Velusamy 2014 Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
105Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of nanocrystallaline anatase titania for the degradation of dibutyl phosphateH.Seshadri, Krishan Kumar, Mansi Garg, P.Velavendan, S.Ganesh and P.K.Sinha 2014 Journal of Radio analytical and Nuclear Chemistry
106Thermal Hazard behavior of TBP and DBPV.S.Smitha, M. Surianarayanan, H. Seshadri, N.V.Lakshman and A.B. Mandal 2014
107Implementation and Validation of the Condensation Model for Containment Hydrogen Distribution StudiesR. Srinivasa Rao, Kannan N. Iyer, S.K. Gupta, Avinash J Gaikwad 2014 Nuclear Engineering and Design
108Effect of the nature of organo phosphorous acid moiety on co-extraction of U(VI) and mineral acid from aqueous solutions using D2EHPA, PC88A and Cyanex 272Diptendu Das , V.A. Juvekar , V.H. Rupawate , K. Ramprasad and R. Bhattacharya 2014 Hydrometallurgy Volume 152
109Influence of stiffness on CHF for horizontal tubes under LPLF conditionsP K Baburajan, Govind Singh Bisht, Avinash J. Gaikwad, S.V. Prabhu 2014 Nuclear Engineering and Design
110Uncertainty Aspects of Fire Modeling Using CFD Approach For Fire In Typical Room of Nuclear Power PlantsDhanesh B. Nagrale, SubrataBera, Anuj Kumar Deo, M. Prasad and Avinash J. Gaikwad 2014 5th international and 41st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP-2014)
111Comparison of Lumped Parameter and CFD Code Predictions: Condensation PhenomenaR. Srinivasa Rao, Kannan N Iyer, Avinash J. Gaikwad, S. K. Gupta 2014 Comparison of Lumped Parameter and CFD Code Predictions: Condensation Phenomena
112Internally Coupled Multi-Point Kinetics with Thermal-Hydraulics Analysis for Asymmetric Power Transient of Natural Circulation BWR using RELAP5Prashant Sharma, Amitanshu Mishra, S. K. Pradhan, Obaidurrahman K., Avinash J. Gaikwad, S. B. Chafle 2014 National conference on Power from Thorium: Present Status and Future Directions
113Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of nanocrystalline anatase titania for the degradation of nitrilotriacetic acidH.Seshadri and V.Balasubramaniyan 2014 Proceedings of Chemical Engineering in Nuclear Technology
114Uncertainty analysis of venturi scrubber using BEPU methodologySubrata Bera, Surajit Mondal, Anuj Kumar Deo, Dhanesh B. Nagrale, D. Datta and A. J. Gaikwad 2014 5th International and 41st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power
115Thermal Hazard behavior of TBP and DBPV.Smitha, M. Surianarayanan, H.Seshadri, N.V.Laskhman and A.B.Mandal 2014 Proceedings of the International Mechanical Engineering Congress
116Assessment of Safety Parameters for Radiological Explosion Based on Gaussian Dispersion ModelAlok Pandey, HyungJoon Yu, Hong Suk Kim 2014 Korean Nuclear Society Conference
117Methodology of coupled thermo-mechanical analysis for lower head of pressure vesselJ. Mishra, M.K.M Abdul Rahim and V. Balasubramaniyan 2014 Seminar on Pressure Vessel, Indian Institute of Science
118Temperature distribution of thoria pellet in thermal reactor flux profile in comparison with other fuelsAnuj Kumar Deo, Subrata Bera and A. J. Gaikwad 2014 National Conference on Power from Thorium: Present Status and Future Directions
119Revised Protocol for Evaluation of Performance Test Criteria of Telecobalt UnitS. Mahalakshmi, G. Sahani , Pradip Kumar , P. K. Dash Sharma, S.D. Sharma, R.L. Sha, Smriti Sharma, Rajesh Kumar, S. Vandana 2014 Proceedings of the 35th National Conference of Association of Medical Physicists of India (AMPICON 2014)
120Station Black Out Analysis for CANDU 6 PlantP.K. Baburajan, U. K. Paul, R. S. Rao, Avinash J Gaikwad 2014 5th International and 41st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power
121Effects of diluents on the reaction hazards of Tributyl Phosphate with nitric acidV.S.Smitha, M. Surianarayanan, H. Seshadri, J. Samuel Varakumar and A.B. Mandal 2014 Organic Process Research and Development, ACS Journal
122Towards assessment of Software Reliability and its Characteristics in Safety Systems of Nuclear ReactorsP. Arun Babu, C. Senthil Kumar, N. Murali and T. Jayakumar 2014 ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
123Steady laminar flame characteristics over methanol surface with air co-flowSeik Mansoor Ali and V. Raghavan 2014 International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
124Genetic Algorithm approach based on Markov Model and Basic Path Testing for MIMO Systems in Software testingR. Sujatha, M. Boopathi, C. Senthil Kumar 2014 International Journal of Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering
125Seismic Fragility Analysis of structure, systems and components of Fast Breeder Test ReactorC. Senthil Kumar, Ajai S. Pisharady, S. Usha and Prabir C. Basu 2014 International Journal of Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering
126CFD Code Benchmark against the Air/Helium Tests Performed in The MISTRA FacilityR. Srinivasa Rao, Kannan N.Iyer, S.K. Gupta, Avinash J Gaikwad 2014 Journal of Annals of Nuclear Energy
127Comparative studies on Co-extraction of Uranium (VI) and different mineral acid from aqueous feed solutions using TBP, TOPO and TOADiptendu Das , V.A. Juvekar , S.B. Roy and R. Bhattacharya 2014 , Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
128Uncertainty analysis on neutron diffusion using fuzzy alpha-cut approachSubrata Bera, A.J. Gaikwad, A. Vaidya, U. Sati, D. Datta 2014 International Journal of Computer science and Applications
129Human error probability estimation by coupling simulator data and deterministic analysisMahendra Prasad and A.J. Gaikwad 2014
130Comparison of Lumped Parameter and CFD Code Predictions: Sump Evaporation PhenomenaR. Srinivasa Rao, Kannan N.Iyer, Aniket Gupta, Gurav Kumar, Avinash J. Gaikwad, S. K. Gupta 2014 Proceedings of the 41st National and 5th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power
131Effect of Condensation on Distribution of Hydrogen and Steam in a Reactor ContainmentRupak Raman, R. Srinivasa Rao, Avinash J. Gaikwad 2014 Proceedings of the 41st National and 5th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power
132Analytical Mass Transfer Correlation Using Mixing Length Theory: Applicable to Flow Accelerated CorrosionMahendra Prasad, Arun kumar Shridharan, Avinash J. Gaikwad 2014 5th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power
133Utilisation of Thorium in Fast Breeder ReactorS. S. Singh, D. K. Mohapatra and V. Balasubramaniyan 2014 National Conference on Power from Thorium: Present Status and Future Directions
134Global Action Plan for Management of Radioactive Contamination in Metal; Challenges and SuggestionsAlok Pandey & Kun-Woo Cho 2014 KAIST Colloquium
135without pdfwithout pdf 2014 without pdf
136Risk Assessment of Multi-Unit Nuclear Power Plant SitesC. Senthil Kumar, Varun Hassija, V. Balasubramaniyan, A. John Arul, M. Prasad, V. Gopika, R.Nama, Rajee Guptan and P.V.Varde 2014 International Workshop on Multi Unit PSA
137Carbon Steel Pipeline Wall Thickness Measurement Using Pulsed Eddy Current TechniqueSuvadip 2014 the COMSOL conference
138Adequacy of Passive Decay Heat removal systems for a nuclear power plantPranav Paliwal, S.K.Dubey& A.J. Gaikwad 2014 5th International and 41st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power
139Projected Growth of Radiation Facilities and Qualified Radiation Safety Personnel in IndiaS. Mahalakshmi, G. Sahani , P. K. Dash Sharma, A.U. Sonawane 2014 Proceedings of the 35th National Conference of Association of Medical Physicists of India (AMPICON 2014)
140Core Dynamic Response of Advanced Fuels in Fission ReactorsObaidurrahman K. and Avinash J. Gaikwad 2014 National Conference on Power from Thorium: Present Status and Future Directions

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