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            AERB recognises the importance of Safety Analysis  seen that the maximum steady state temperature is well
        & Research in support of its regulatory function. In-house  within specified limits.
        safety related R&D helps in obtaining deeper insights
        into the issues concerning nuclear and radiation safety to  7.1.2  Thermal  Transient  Analysis  of  CORAL  High-
        arrive at scientifically sound and risk informed regulatory   level Waste Raffinate
        decisions. Safety analysis and research activities are
        carried out by AERB as a part of its regulatory activities.   To support the regulatory review related to replacement
        Several important developmental studies were taken up   of cooling towers of CORAL high-level waste raffinate,
        by AERB and completed during this year. A brief overview   an independent verification calculation for estimating the
        of these activities is presented in the following sections.   maximum temperature of raffinate waste solution, during
                                                              unavailability of primary cooling water, was carried out.
        7.1 THERMAL HYDRAULICS SAFETY STUDY                   A transient heat transfer model was developed in-house
                                                              and used to estimate the raffinate level and temperature
        7.1.1  Heat  Transfer  Studies  on  FBTR  Fast  Flux   transients for two separate scenarios of raffinate loading
              Experimental Facility                           for 5 year period;

            As part of regulatory review of the proposed Fast   Case-1: The entire raffinate generated by reprocessing
        Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR) fast flux experimental    of  72 fuel assemblies (after a two-year cooling period,
        facility for irradiation of radioactive samples at 400 kW,   subsequent to attaining a maximum burn-up) is assumed
        an independent verification study was carried out. During   to be filled in the storage tank in one single campaign.
        the irradiation procedure, it is essential to ensure that the   Case-2:  A  more  realistic  scenario,  wherein,  raffinate
        temperatures do not exceed the approved safe limit during   generated by reprocessing the specified quantity of fuel
        its operation of six hours. A detailed 3-D transient heat   assemblies each year is progressively filled and stored in
        transfer analysis was carried out using COMSOL (Multi-  the tank.
        physics software). The temperature transient at the centre
        of the Pu coated gold foil during irradiation is shown in   The temperature transients for Case-1 and Case-2 are
        Fig. 7.1(a). The temperature contour of the entire domain  depicted in Fig. 7.2 (a) and (b) respectively. The results
        after six hours of operation is given in Fig. 7.1(b). It is  are in agreement with results in the submission.

                     (a)                                               (b)

                                    Fig. 7.1: (a) Foil Temperature Transient and (b) Contour Plot

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