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(g)  Radiation facilities producing or handling large  (d)  Safety Guide on ‘Management of Nuclear & Radiation
              quantities of radionuclides for medical industrial,   Emergencies at Nuclear Facilities’ (AERB/SG/NRE-1,
              research purpose.                                     New).
           6.3 SAFETY DOCUMENTS  UNDER REVISION/                 6.3.2 Draft REGDOCs which are under Review in TF/

               DEVELOPMENT                                            ACNRS

              REGDOCs on different topics are being developed or   (a)  Safety Code on ‘Design of Pressurized Heavy Water
           being revised in accordance with the established process.   Based Nuclear Power Plant’ (AERB/NPP-PHWR/SC/D
           The summary is as follows:                               (Rev.2))

           6.3.1 The initial drafts of the following REGDOCs,    (b)  Safety  Code  on  ‘Design  of  Sodium  Cooled  Fast
                either New or Revision are in progress              Reactor Based Nuclear Power Plant’ (AERB/NPP-
                                                                    SFR/SC/D, New)
           (a)  Safety Code on ‘Management for Safety in Nuclear   (c)  Safety Standard on ‘Civil Engineering Structures
              Facilities’ (AERB/SC/MS, New) - Revision of earlier   Important to Safety of NFs’ (AERB/SS/CSE (Rev.1)
              Safety Code on ‘Quality Assurance (QA) for Nuclear
              Power Plants (AERB/SC/QA (Rev.1))                  (d)  Safety  Code  on  ‘Management  of  Nuclear  &
                                                                    Radiological Emergencies’ (AERB/SC/NRE, New)
           (b)  Safety Guide on ‘Safety Classification and Seismic
              Categorisation for SSCs of NPPs’ (AERB/SG/D-1      (e)  Safety Guide on ‘Design of Fuel Handling and Storage
              (Rev. 1))                                             Systems for NPPs’ (AERB/SG/D-24 (Rev.1))
           (c)  Safety Guide on ‘Deterministic Safety Analysis for   (f)  Safety Guide on ‘Seismic Studies and Design Basis
              Water Cooled Reactors’ (AERB/SG/WCR/D-19, New)        Ground Motion for NF Sites’ (AERB/SG/S-11 (Rev.1))

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