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response plans, operational control and responsibility for  hardware infrastructure.
           protection of personnel providing external services when
           they are at the facility, among others.                  The capabilities of NREMC include, emergency
                                                                 analysis, assessment of emergency response actions
              Based on the directive from AERB, NPPs  are  & protective actions and communication with all
           revising the off-site ERP plans including development of   stakeholders. The software systems with on-line DSS,
           plant specific EALs and protection strategy based on the   source term and radioactivity release assessment,
           approved template.                                    environmental monitoring data inputs, video conferencing
           5.4 CREATION OF ON-SITE EMERGENCY                     with other emergency response agencies and trained &
                 SUPPORT CENTRE AT NPP                           experienced personnel for NREMC has been established.
                                                                 NREMC is also activated during the site and off-site
               In light of the accident at Fukushima NPPs, AERB  emergency exercises conducted at various plants to test
           mandated the requirement for establishing the On-Site  its mechanism for obtaining information for assessing the
           Emergency Support Centre (OESC) at all NPP sites in  situation.
           the country. This facility will have capability to withstand
           earthquake and flood of magnitudes larger than their   5.6 DEVELOPMENT OF DOCUMENTS RELATED
           respective design basis for the NPP. The building will be   TO EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT
           designed  with  requisite  shielding  for  protected  stay  of   AERB is in the process of consolidating & revising
           response personnel for extended duration. AERB, after a
           detailed review, accepted the generic guidelines prepared   its requirements and guidance for EPR, which presently
           by the Advisory Committee for establishing OESC and   are addressed in a number of documents and were
           had asked NPCIL to submit design basis report for the   developed in different timeline over many years. As a
           site specific OESC for all NPP sites in accordance with   step towards holistic revision, the existing requirements                          y), NFC
           these guidelines. The design of OESCs has been finalized   are being consolidated/updated through safety code and
           by the utility and the implementation is in progress.  safety guides for management of nuclear and radiological
                                                                 emergency. Safety Code specifies the requirements that
               Decision  Support  System  (DSS)  for  nuclear  are to be fulfilled by the licensees and various other
           emergencies is intended to provide comprehensive      authorities / agencies responsible for management of
           and timely information to emergency managers in an    nuclear and radiological emergencies, in line with the
           emergency situation arising from a nuclear accident.   role entrusted to AERB by NDMA through its National                                            Safety Codes/
           Based on the radiological monitoring readings of installed   Disaster Management Plan (NDMP, 2019).
           radiation monitors and meteorological conditions, the                                                                                               Safety Standards
           DSS estimates the projected public dose. These estimates   Safety code and guides for EPR are being developed
           are used to decide appropriate protective action in the  taking  into  account  existing  EPR  requirements,
           public domain. A decision has been taken to implement  developments including change in approach to public                                         Safety Guidelines/
           DSS progressively at all the NPP sites.               protection during emergency conditions as elaborated in                                         Safety Guides
           5.5 NUCLEAR AND RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCY                ICRP publications, IAEA General Safety Requirements
               MONITORING CENTRE                                 (IAEA GSR Part-7), lessons learnt from the Fukushima
                                                                 Daiichi accident & subsequent safety reviews of
               During nuclear emergency, AERB monitors and keeps  Indian NPPs and guidance available nationally and                                             Safety Manuals
           itself informed about the emergency situation. It reviews  internationally.
           & assesses the emergency situation, and if required,
                                                                    These new regulatory documents (Code and Guides)
           provides appropriate regulatory support and advice to the   are being prepared following a bottom to top-approach.
           relevant response agencies. AERB also informs the public                                                                                          Other Publications
           and government on the safety significance of events and   Necessary supporting documents on areas including
           actions being taken. To facilitate this, AERB has instituted   development  of  Emergency  Actions  Levels  (EAL),                             (TECDOCs/Monographs)
           an Emergency Response Monitoring Organisation (AERB-  development of protection strategy, conduct of emergency
           ERMO) which gets activated during an emergency. The   exercise and the template for EPR plans of NPPs have
           activities of AERB-ERMO are carried out and coordinated   been developed. These documents are being developed
           by the Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Monitoring   in AERB by expert groups consisting of members from
           Centre (NREMC) established at AERB. The centre is     AERB, NPCIL, BARC and CMG-DAE. The understanding
           equipped with various cells (Communication, Assessment,   established in these basis/supporting documents are used
           Analysis & Legal) along with necessary software and   in a graded manner in the Code and the Safety Guides.                         Hierarchy of REGDOCs

            70 AERB Annual Report 2019

                                                                                                             Modified Write up of section 6.1.1
                                                                                                                     The  Safety Document Development Proposal (SDDP) for revision/development of  Regulatory
                                                                                                             Safety Documents (REGDOC) is prepared by In-House Working Groups (IHWG) of AERB. The SDDPs are
                                                                                                             further reviewed by AERB Standing committee for REGDOCs and vetted by AERB Executive Committee
                                                                                                             (AERB-EC) prior to review by an Advisory Committee on Nuclear and Radiation Safety (ACNRS) which is an
                                                                                                             Apex Committee of AERB for providing advice on the REGDOCs. Based on the recommendation of ACNRS,
                                                                                                             SDDP is approved by Chairman, AERB. The initial draft of REGDOC is prepared based on the SDDP by
                                                                                                             officers of AERB or by Consultant, as required. The flow chart depicting this process is as given in Figure
                                                                                                                      The initial draft is reviewed by AERB Task Force (AERB-TF) duly constituted for the purpose and
                                                                                                             then by ACNRS. Revised draft is circulated among the domain experts, both within and outside DAE for
                                                                                                             obtaining their review comments. The resulting draft is put up for approval by Chairman, AERB. In case of
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