Page 101 - AERB
P. 101

Publication and
                                      Chairman, AERB/Board
             Approval & Issue  {  Review and Incorporation of Public                     Public Comments

                                                                                           (Safety Codes)

                                  and Radiation Safety (ACNRS)
             Review Stage  {  Review by Advisory Committee on Nuclear                    Review by Experts

                                 Review by Task Force (AERB-TF)

                            Initial draft of REGDOC by AERB In-House
                                     Group   (AERB-IHWG)
             Preparation Stage  {  SDDP prepared by AERB-IHWG; Review by

                            SCRD and vetting by AERB-EC; Review by
                              ACNRS; Approval by Chairman, AERB

                           Fig. 6.1 : AERB Regulatory Safety Document Development Process

        (ii) Safety Guide on “Monitoring and Assessment  (a)  Mining and milling of uranium and thorium ores
            of Occupational Exposure due to Intake of
            Radionuclides” [AERB/NRF/SG/RP-1, 2019]           (b)  Fuel enrichment/fabrication facilities

            This safety guide provides guidance for the dose   (c)  Nuclear power plants
        assessment of radiation workers due to internal uptake   (d)  Research/experimental reactors
        of radionuclides. This guide is applicable for the internal
        dosimetry of personnel working in nuclear fuel cycle  (e)  Fuel reprocessing plants
        facilities and radiation facilities having potential for internal
        exposure such as:                                     (f)  Radioactive waste management plants, and

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