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6.3.3  Draft REGDOCs which are under advance  senior experts from IAEA member states holding national
              stages of preparation                           responsibilities for establishing standards in their respective
                                                              countries. Chairman of AERB is the member from India in
        (a)  Safety Guide on ‘Consenting Process for Nuclear  the CSS.
            Power Plants’ (AERB/SG/G-1 (Rev.1))
                                                              6.4.2  Review of Draft IAEA Standards
        (b)  Safety Guide on ‘Design Basis Events (DBE) for NPPs’
            (AERB/SG/D-5 (Rev.1))                                 From India, AERB coordinates and leads the review of
                                                              the draft standards. In review of the draft standards, experts
        (c)  Safety Guide on ‘Accident Management Programme   from the licensees and Technical Support Organisations
            for Water Cooled NPPs’ (AERB/SG/D-26, New)        are also given opportunity to provide their views on the
                                                              draft IAEA standards.
        (d)  Safety Guide on ‘Periodic Safety Review (PSR) of
            Nuclear Power Plants’(AERB/SG/O-12 (Rev.1))        6.4.3 Participation in Development of IAEA

        (e)  Safety Guide on ‘Design of Electrical Power Systems    Standard
            of Nuclear Power Plants’ (AERB/SG/D-11 (Rev.1))
                                                                  AERB experts also participate in development of many
        (f)  Safety Guide on ‘Criticality Safety Fissile Material   of the draft IAEA Standards depending on their specific
            Handling Facilities’ (AERB/BE-FCF/SG-3, New)      area of expertise in safety regulation.

                                                                  The following draft IAEA documents were reviewed
        6.4  REVIEW  OF  IAEA  DRAFT  SAFETY                  during the reporting period:
                                                              6.4.4  IAEA Draft DPPs & Documents (Non-CSS)
            India has been significantly contributing towards
        fulfilling mission of IAEA, since its first international  (a)  Operational Limits and Conditions and Operating
        conference in Geneva in 1955, Chaired by Dr. Homi         Procedures for Nuclear Power Plants (DS 497A)
        Jahangir Bhabha. One such area is development of Safety
        Standards and Nuclear Security series. AERB contributes   (b)  Modifications to Nuclear Power Plants (DS 497B)
        towards development of all Safety Standards and Nuclear   (c)  The Operating Organisation for Nuclear Power Plants
        Security series of IAEA through following means:          (DS 497C)
        6.4.1  Participation in Standards Committee           (d)  Core Management and Fuel Handling for Nuclear
                                                                  Power Plants (DS 497D)
            IAEA has five safety standards committee namely,
                                                              (e)  Maintenance, Surveillance and In-Service Inspection
        (i)  Emergency Preparedness and Response Standards        of NPPs (DS 497E)
            Committee (EPReSC),
                                                              (f)  Recruitment, Qualification and Training of Personnel
        (ii)  Nuclear Safety Standards Committee (NUSSC),
                                                                  for Nuclear Power Plants (DS 497F)
        (iii) Radiation Safety Standards Committee (RASSC),
                                                              (g)  Conduct of Operations at Nuclear Power Plants (DS
        (iv) Transport Safety Standards Committee (TRANSSC),      497G)
                                                              (h)  Safety Assessment for Research Reactors and
        (v)  Waste Safety Standards Committee (WASSC).            Preparation of the Safety Analysis Report [SSG-20
                                                                  (DS 510A)]
             These Safety Standards committees of IAEA focus on
        respective areas important to Safety and Security. AERB   (i)  Safety in the Utilization and Modification of Research
        experts have been contributing in all the above mentioned   Reactors [SSG-24 (DS 510B)]
        IAEA Standards Committees.
                                                              (j)  Equipment Qualification for Nuclear Installations (DS
            These standards are further reviewed by the           514).
        Commission on  Safety  Standards  (CSS)  consisting of

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