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7.1.9 Containment Thermal Hydraulics response of  emergency exercise conducted at MAPS site. Thermal
                KAPS-1 Small Leak Event                          hydraulic inputs required for assessment of source term
                                                                 were derived from the existing analyses.
               Containment thermal hydraulics analysis of KAPS-
           1 following small leak has been carried out by Lumped  7.2.3 Analysis of Postulated Main Steam Line Break
           Parameter  (LP) code. The  predictions  are compared      (MSLB) of 700 MWe PHWR
           with the recorded plant data and NPCIL predictions and
           are in reasonable agreement for the event.               As  part  of  independent  verification, analysis
                                                                 of MSLB with crash cool down was carried out. A
           7.2 SEVERE ACCIDENT STUDIES                           postulated Double-Ended Guillotine Break (DEGB) has
                                                                 been  simulated  in  one  of the  main  steam line  inside
           7.2.1 Calculation of Radiation view Factor of 37 Pin  primary containment. The transient analysis was carried
                Fuel Bundle                                      out for a time of 490s. The results have been compared
                                                                 with utility submissions and found to be in agreement.
               In severe accident analysis of PHWRs, as the fuel
           temperature rises, radiation heat transfer from fuel to  7.3 SAFETY ANALYSIS CODE DEVELOPMENT
           Pressure Tube (PT) turns out to be significant. State of the
           art lumped parameter codes depend on user-defined- 7.3.1 Development of Models for PRABHAVINI Code
           input view  factors.  Due to  unavailability  of  standard
           correlation/analytical  formulae  to estimate view factor   PRABHAVINI is  an integral safety  analysis code
           for PHWR fuel bundle geometry [Fig.  7.5(a)], an attempt   being developed to address  Design Basis Accidents
           has been made to predict it using Monte-Carlo Method.   (DBA) and Design Extension Conditions (DEC) in the
           The Monte-Carlo code is validated before using it for   Indian nuclear reactors. The development work is being
           PHWR bundle.  View factors between pins of bundle     carried out under DAE-SCSR with contributions from
           and pin to PT obtained from the code is shown in Fig.   BARC, NPCIL, AERB and IGCAR. Following modules
           7.5(b). The predicted view factor has been used in LP   were developed and contributed by AERB.
           codes to estimate fuel temperature during transients.   Accumulator  Model:  Accumulator is used in NPPs
                                                                 as ECCS to remove heat from the core in an event
           7.2.2 AERB Source Term Estimation Tool                of  LOCA. Inter-code comparison was  carried out to
               During  this period,  methodology  for estimating   validate the accumulator model.
           the source term for KKNPP and  MAPS reactors was      Fission Product – Decay Heat Model: A Fission Product
           developed and integrated with the tool. This tool has   Decay  Heat (FP-DH) computer  code  based on first
           been used for estimating  source term to support the   principles has been developed at AERB and is capable

             (a)                                                   (b)

             Fig.7.5(a): Schematic of 700 MWe IPHWR Fuel Bundle    Fig.7.5(b): View Factor of Pin-to-Pin and Pin-to-PT for the
                                                                            Fuel Bundle

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