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Fig. 7.6: (a) Flow Chart of Coupled Analysis of PCRD Module with Containment Module, (b) Transient of Hydrogen Mass in
                 V1 volume due to presence of various numbers of PCRDs

        to predict decay heat based on fission product inventory.   7.4  RADIOLOGICAL      ASSESSMENT           &
        It computes  decay  of each  isotope  and  uses energy      ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY STUDIES
        released from decay to compute total decay heat. FP-
        DH library contains half-life,  parent isotope, mode of   7.4.1 Numerical Simulation of Atmospheric Flow
        decay (α, β and γ) and energy associated with decay for     Field over a Complex Terrain NPP Site
        699 isotopes.
                                                                  NPP site in the valley  region  can generate
            Passive Autocatalytic Recombiner Device (PCRD)
        Model:  AERB has contributed to the development  of   compound circulation patterns. Atmospheric flow field
        a point model for PCRD. The PCRD model has been       over such a terrain was  investigated using Numerical
        coupled with the containment model (PARIRODHAN)       Weather  Prediction  (NWP) model  and  Weather
        and  features related  to release,  transport and     Research and Forecasting (WRF) for three prominent
                                                              seasons;  summer,  winter and monsoon for predicting
        leakage  of hydrogen  have  also been incorporated  in
        PARIRODHAN.  Coupled  simulations  of hydrogen        the atmospheric dispersion pattern of a hypothetical
        transients in the containment using PCRD model and    release of SF tracer gas from a 100 m tall stack near to
        PARIRODHAN were carried out as per the flow chart     the NPP. Simulated plume showed spatial and diurnal
        given  in  Fig. 7.6(a). Performance  assessment of the   variation in the concentration and extent of transport.
        coupled model has been completed. Typical results are     It was found  that for summer, the most affected
        shown in Fig. 7.6(b).                                 areas would be East, Northeast and West sectors. For the
                                                              winter study case, plume is found to distribute equally
            Containment    Spray   Model:    A   standalone
        containment spray system model has been developed.    on either side of the release point in the North-East,
        An empirical correlation for heat removal rate by spray   West-Southwest and Southwest sectors, whereas for the
                                                              monsoon period, under strong synoptic forcing, plume
        system was developed  through  multiple  regression   is mainly found distributed in the East and Northeast
        analysis and it has been integrated with PRABHAVINI.
                                                              sectors (Fig. 7.7).

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