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Fig.7.7: Simulated 24 hours Integrated Ground Level Concentration of SF  (µg /m ) for (a) Winter and (b) Monsoon.
               Topography  is shown as contour and the release
           point is represented by a violet dot. Simulations have
           indicated  relatively  high ground level concentration
           around the release point mainly along the valley
           indicating the flow channelling effect.

           7.4.2 Synthesis,  Characterization  and Evaluation
                of Novel Extractants for the separation of
                Lanthanides and Actinides

               To minimize long-term radiotoxicity of High Level
           Liquid Waste (HLLW), the separation of minor actinides
           and their subsequent transmutation into shorter-
           lived nuclides is essential. The bis (triazinyl) pyridines
           (BTP) have been identified as superior extractants for
           the separation  of  highly radiotoxic trivalent actinides.   Fig.7.8:  Effect  of  SO -Ph-BTP on the  Separation  Factor
           The BTP compounds having phenyl  rings fitted with             (SF) of Eu(III) over Am(III)
           sulphonic acid groups are found to be aqueous soluble   triazinyl  pyridine  extractant has been  completed  for
           and they have sufficient hydrolytic and radiolytic    evaluation  of their  extraction  studies using  mixer-
           stability. In this study, extraction of Americium (Am (III))   settler. Five different aqueous soluble extractants were
           and  Europium  (Eu  (III)) together  from 3M nitric  acid   synthesized and characterized as a part of AERB-CSRP
           solution is carried out as a first step using glycosamides.   project.

               For the separation  of Eu (III) from Am (III), the   7.4.3 Studies aimed at Man-Rem Reduction due to
           synthesized  BTP extractants were successfully tested
           for the  separation  of Europium  from  Americium.  A      Liquid Waste Containing Oxalate
           separation factor of more than 200 has been obtained     Oxalate precipitation  route is  generally  adopted
           for the BTP extractant under  0.5M acidity (Fig. 7.8).   for the reconversion of Plutonium Nitrate solutions to
           Further to the evaluation,  scaling up of 30g  of  bis-  Plutonium  Oxide  for the  tail-end  purification  process.

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