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The  minimum requirements specified  in  Safety  Documents (REGDOC) is  prepared by  In-House
           Codes and Safety Standards are mandatory in nature.  Working  Groups (IHWG) of AERB. The SDDPs are
           Safety Guide is a document containing  detailed  further reviewed by AERB  Standing  committee  for
           guidance  and methodologies that are acceptable to  REGDOCs and vetted by AERB Executive Committee
           AERB to implement the specific parts of a Safety Code/  (AERB-EC) prior to review by an Advisory Committee
           Safety Standard.                                      on Nuclear and Radiation Safety (ACNRS) which is an
                                                                 Apex Committee of AERB for providing advice on the
               AERB  has published  more than  165 Regulatory    REGDOCs. Based on the recommendation of ACNRS,
           Safety documents. These REGDOCs provide adequate      SDDP is approved by Chairman, AERB. The initial draft
           coverage  commensurate  with the radiation  risks     of REGDOC is prepared based on the SDDP by officers
           associated with the facilities and  activities following  a   of AERB or by Consultant, as required. The flow chart
           graded approach.                                      depicting this process is as given in Figure 6.1.

           6.1    REGULATORY         SAFETY      DOCUMENT            The initial draft is reviewed by AERB Task Force
                  DEVELOPMENT PROCESS                            (AERB-TF) duly constituted for the purpose and then by
                                                                 ACNRS. Revised draft is circulated among the domain
               AERB has a well established framework for  experts, both within and outside DAE for obtaining
           development  of its  Regulatory Documents. It  consists  their review comments. The resulting draft is  put up
           of multi-tier review involving experts and takes account  for approval  by Chairman, AERB. In case of Safety
           of the views of various stakeholders at different stages  Codes, the final draft is put up on AERB website for one
           of development. This ensures development or revision  month to obtain public comments. The finalized version
           of regulatory documents based on, inter alia, state of  of draft Safety Code incorporating public comments is
           the art scientific knowledge, national and international  submitted to Board for approval/publication.
           experience gained and includes consideration of views
           of experts, stakeholders.                             6.2  REGULATORY SAFETY DOCUMENTS

               Similar to IAEA’s Commission on Safety Standards,       DEVELOPED/AMENDED
           AERB  has an  Advisory Committee  on  Nuclear  and       Following  two Safety Guides were issued and
           Radiation  Safety (ACNRS), which  supports in  the    uploaded on AERB website.
           review of draft regulatory documents and safety issues
           and provide advice to AERB. ACNRS consists of senior  (i)  Safety  Guide  on  “Remediation  of  Areas
           experts in  the  areas relevant  to nuclear  & radiation   Affected  by  Radioactive  Contamination”
           safety and its regulation.                               [AERB/NRF/SG/RW-9, 2019]

               Of late, AERB has taken many initiatives to make     This safety guide provides  guidance  for planning
           the process  of development  of regulatory documents  and  implementing  remediation  of areas affected  by
           more efficient. Recently, AERB has added  one more  radioactive  contamination.  It also provides  guidance
           process of regular Progress  Review Meetings (PRM)  for protective and remedial  actions that are intended
           to monitor progress  of various regulatory documents  to reduce the existing exposure and to avert potential
           under development and to enable speedy resolution of  for the  likelihood  of such exposure from  the  related
           the issues faced.                                     contamination. It addresses aspects related to radiation
                                                                 protection  criteria,  responsibilities  of organisations  /
           6.1.1  Brief Process of Development of REGDOCs        agencies  involved,  characterization  and  evaluation  of

               The Safety Document  Development  Proposal        affected areas, waste management aspects and criteria
           (SDDP) for revision/development of Regulatory Safety   for release of remediated area from regulatory control.

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