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having  a role in responding  to a nuclear  emergency.   5.3 HARMONIZATION OF EMERGENCY
        Exercise spanned  a wide spectrum  of the response           PREPAREDNESS PLANS OF NPP
        functions that would normally take place during such
        an emergency. The exercise evolved  from the initial      Successful demonstration of EPR plans is a mandatory
        indications  of a  problem  at the  plant  to subsequent  requirement for issuing licence for operation of NPP.
        notification  of response organisations.  The accident  AERB ensures that necessary EPR plans are in place
        scenario was not pre-informed to the responders and  and they are successfully demonstrated before issuing
        it was unfolded in the form of injects as the accident  regulatory consent for First Approach to Criticality (FAC)
        progressed.                                           of NPP. AERB evaluates all the elements of the EPR
                                                              plans such as identification of emergency, classification,
            Emergency  Operation  Centres (EOCs) were  decision making, notification, communication and
        then  activated as the scenario  demanded.  Response  projected dose assessment, and ensures the periodic
        organisations  were asked to analyse the impact with  revision of these plans.
        actual environment  and meteorological  conditions.
        Decision Support System (DSS) worked in real time         During review and revision of plant EPR of few of
        situation and determined the affected area according   NPPs, AERB felt the need for harmonization of plant,
        to prevailing  meteorological  conditions  and  actions   site and offsite EPR plans of NPPs. Keeping this in view,
                                                              standard  templates  on plant and site EPR plans were
        to protect the public were recommended  to district   prepared by NPCIL and all NPPs were asked to revise
        authorities. The local administration and environmental   their plant and site EPR plans accordingly.
        survey team of DAE responded with physical movement
        of various response teams to the most affected areas.     The off-site EPR plans are being revised in line with
        Response time of administration  and medical  team  the identified roles and responsibilities of the respective
        to reach the most affected area were assessed. The  response organisations (utility & local authorities).
        exercise progressed from Early to Intermediate phase  Subsequent  to  the  Disaster  Management  Act,  2005
        with proper handover of responsibility after analysing   and as per National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP,
        need for public protection from plant management to   2019), the response plan in public domain for a nuclear
        Radiation  Emergency  Response  Director (RERD)  at   emergency shall be part of the integrated District Disaster
        BARC under the supervision of DAE-CMG. Field survey   Management Plan (DDMP) for emergency response
        and sample analysis data was also given in the form of   under an all hazard approach. In compliance with the
        injects and process for taking decision in the early phase,   same, the off-site EPR plan covering response actions
                                                              in the public domain is prepared by local authorities in
        intermediate phase and for termination was verified.
                                                              coordination with the NPP. Hence the plan of the utility
            Strengths and gap  areas were identified,  which   shall be focused towards addressing the responsibility
        would be  used to  finalize revised AERB policy on    and arrangement necessary for effective technical
        conduct of off-site emergency exercises.              support and recommendation of protective action to
                                                              public authorities.
                                                                  In line with above, templates for preparation of
                                                              respective off-site EPR plan were prepared and issued to
                                                              the district authorities and NPPs by respective agencies
                                                              (NDMA to District authorities and NPCIL-HQ to NPPs).
                                                              The template for offsite plan of NPPs was reviewed and
                                                              approved by AERB. The template includes a revised
                                                              overall response framework for off-site emergency to
                                                              ensure  an effective  and co-ordinated  response. This
                                                              has been evolved through consultation among utility,
                                                              CMG-DAE, NDMA and AERB. The template also covers
                                                              various aspects of EPR plans including, classification,
                                                              declaration and notification of emergency,  protection
                                                              strategy  with  focus  on  doing  more  good  than  harm,
                                                              public communication, infrastructure for decision
              Demonstration of Decision Making Process by District   making during emergency exercises, comprehensive
           Authorities at the District Emergency Operation Centre (EOC)  list of procedures for implementation of the emergency

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