Page 40 - AERB Bulletin English
P. 40

Emergency Preparedness

          For Nuclear Power Plants it is mandatory to develop   The establishment  and  submission of EPR  plan  is
          Emergency Preparedness  and Response  (EPR)         one of the pre-requisites for licensing of radiation
          plans  as a  measure of abundant  caution.  These   facilities (RF) also.
          plans are prepared in accordance with the national   Guidelines for EPR Plan
          laws and regulations  and  deal  with  the effective
          management of any eventuality with a potential to   AERB  lays down  the  requirements  and  provides
          pose an undue radiological risk to plant personnel   guidance for preparation of  EPR plans.  AERB
          and public.                                         reviews and approves the EPR  plans  of the
          Similarly, EPR plans are ensured for nuclear facilities   licensee. In  accordance with  the severity of the
          (under the purview of AERB) and handling hazardous   potential  consequences,  emergency situations are
          chemicals namely ammonia and hydrogen sulphide      graded as Plant  Emergency, Site emergency  and
          based Heavy Water Plants (HWP) and some of the      Off-site  emergency  as  defined  below  along  with
          heavy water plants  catering to the production of   frequency to conduct these exercises at NPP.

              Declared      emergency       Accidental  condition/ emergency       Accident      condition/
              conditions   in    which      situation  in the plant  involving     emergency      situation
              the    radiological/other     radioactivity  transgressing  the      involving      excessive
              consequences,  confined       plant  boundary  but  confined  to     release of radioactive
              to the plant  or  a section   the site, or involving release of      materials/hazardous
              of  the plant, requiring      hazardous chemicals or explosion,      chemicals from the plant
              immediate       operator      whose  effects  are  confined  to  the   to the public domain
              action.                       site, with off-site consequences       calling for intervention.
                                            being negligible.

                Plant Emergency                    Site Emergency                  Off-Site Emergency

                         Plant                             Site                           Off-Site
                       Emergecy                        Emergency                        Emergency
                        Exercise                         Exercise                        Exercise

                  Once in a Quarter                 Once in a Year                 Once in Two Years

            During 2019, seven Site Emergency Exercises (SEE) and one Off-Site Emergency Exercise (OSEE)  were
                                              conducted at various NPP sites.

                                           Plant Advisory Group at Plant Emergency
                                                   Control Centre (PECC)

                  AERB BULLETIN 2019
                  AERB BULLETIN 2019
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