Page 43 - AERB Bulletin English
P. 43

Safety Statistics

                                               Occupational Exposures

                                               No worker received dose greater than the annual investigation
                                               level of 20 mSv in NPPs & Fuel Cycle Facilities (FCFs).
                                               In case of  Radiation Facilities  (RFs),  one  radiation worker  in
                                               diagnostic radiology facility received radiation dose above 30
                                               mSv due to non-standard operating practice. AERB has issued
                                               notices to concerned institution to prevent recurrence of such

               NPP       FCF       RF

             No. of Monitored Persons

                                                                                           "AERB            has
                                                                                           prescribed  a dose
                                                                                           limit  of  30  mSv in a
                                                                                           year for occupational
                                                                                           radiation exposure,
                                                                                           with the condition
                                                                                           that  it should not
                                                                                           exceed  100  mSv in
                                                                                           a span of  5 years.
                                                                   This limit  is more stringent  than  the  ICRP
                                                                   recommended limit followed around the world.
          *Older plants consist of RAPS-1&2 and MAPS-1&2
          ** Pre-Standardized NPPs consist of NAPS-1&2 and KAPS-1&2
          *** Standardised NPPs consist of KGS-1&4, RAPS-3 to 6, TAPS-3&4

                                                                                     AERB BULLETIN 2019
                                                                                     AERB BULLETIN 2019
   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48